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Hannah Morello gestured for Townsend to turn the recorder off. ‘From things he said, my guess is that Danny had talked to Robinson about what was happening in the unit. Perhaps it was off the record. I’m still guessing, but I think he didn’t trust Robinson. You’d lose the ability to trust, working in that place. Somehow, he was on the scene when this happened. Maybe he was following Robinson, or even Perkins. I don’t know.’

Townsend and I examined the photos. They were blowups and a bit grainy but clear enough. The sequence was: a man-bulky in a heavy coat and unidentifiable with a cap pulled down low-leaning in to talk to a driver with another car behind; Kristos leaving the second car; a man, presumably Robinson, being threatened with a pistol by the one who’d been talking to him; Robinson getting out of his car; Kristos putting Robinson in a headlock; Kristos and the other arranging a limp Robinson behind the steering wheel of his car; the man leaning in across the body, presumably turning on the engine; Kristos behind the wheel of the second car with his front bumper only inches from the back bumper of Robinson’s car; a blurry image of a moving car; a shot of a broken railing from a point overlooking a steep drop to a body of water.

‘Well?’ Hannah Morello said.

Townsend carefully, almost reverently, arranged the photos into a neat pile. ‘Extraordinary,’ he said. ‘Can I record again with you saying how you came to find these and why you haven’t done anything about them until now?’

‘Why not?’

I put up a warning hand. ‘Just hold on a minute. Do you realise the danger you’re putting yourself in, Mrs Morello? When Kristos knows about this material he’ll probably try to kill you.’

It was clear she hadn’t considered it. ‘Why?’ she said. ‘There’s the evidence against them, cut and dried.’

‘No, he’s right,’ Townsend said. ‘Photographs can be faked or doctored with modern technology. This set needs your statement to make them solidly credible. Have you got children?’

That hit home. ‘Two,’ she said, ‘Josh and Milly, six and eight years old.’

‘You’d need protection,’ I said. ‘Someone to stay here to keep watch on the children, and on you when you’re out and about.’

She lost some of the upbeat manner. ‘I hadn’t thought it through. How long would we be talking about?’

I said, ‘Difficult to know. There’d be an enquiry and a trial. You’d be in danger all that time.’

‘Are you trying to discourage me, Mr Hardy?’

‘No. I just want you to know what you’re up against.’

‘There could be another way,’ Townsend said. ‘Is this the only set of photographs?’

‘No, Danny was a keen amateur photographer. He had a darkroom and all the gear. He developed two sets. What do you mean, another way?’

My question exactly.

Townsend tapped the photographs. ‘These incriminate Kristos, but we know he’s in close association with at least a few other police in the unit, some of them with higher rank. If pressure could be brought to bear on those people, they’d give Kristos up in a flash. If his mates desert him and he’s charged, denied bail, he’s virtually impotent. You’d be that much safer.’

‘So some of the bastards would get off the hook?’

‘Not entirely-dismissal, lesser charges, that sort of thing. It’d still break up the organisation effectively.’

She gave us both a long, steady look and made her decision. ‘Would you arrange the protection you’re talking about while this dealing was going on?’

Townsend said, ‘We will. Cliff can carry some of the load and I’m sure he has contacts. What do you say, Cliff?’

Townsend was hard to read. One minute he was hot for the story and fuck-you-jack, the next he was all compassion and conciliation. I thought I knew what he was up to, but this wasn’t the time to debate it. For as long as knowledge of the photos stayed strictly with the three people in the room, Hannah Morello was safe. The second the word got out, her life’s possibilities sharply diminished.

I decided to stall. ‘Your husband never said anything about having the photos?’

She shook her head. ‘Never. He might have meant to, but his cancer was incredibly aggressive. He went from being able to talk and to see the kids to needing heavy sedation in a matter of days. After that he

… he really wasn’t there.’

‘How have you managed financially?’

‘Danny was in the force for nearly twenty years. His superannuation was good. I inherited some money about twelve years ago and we bought this house when the prices were much lower. It was a bit of a wreck but Danny fixed it up. Not much mortgage and I work part-time as an architect. He was a good man, Danny. He only joined the Northern Crimes Unit because it had promotion possibilities. I wish he hadn’t.’

‘What’s your point, Cliff?’ Townsend said with just a touch of impatience in his voice.

‘I’m not sure. I think Mrs Morello should have someone to advise her.’

Townsend was good. He showed no reaction, merely looked at the woman. She reached over and picked up the photographs, flicked through them, put them down.

‘Danny wasn’t the bravest man in the world,’ she said. ‘He should have taken these straight to the Internal Affairs people or the police ombudsman, yelled blue murder and let the world know what was happening. I would have backed him because I could see what working there was doing to him. I could’ve taken the kids off somewhere. But he didn’t. I hate to think he was somehow compromised. I don’t believe that. I think he just didn’t have the nerve.’

This was a strong woman, a fact-facer, potentially an excellent witness. I found her now looking straight at me.

‘Pam and I talked for a while last night, Mr Hardy. She told me what you’d done for her, what you said about your partner being killed and about Col. To put it bluntly-she was impressed by the way you behaved. I agreed to talk to you and the last thing she said to me was, “I’m sure you can trust him”, meaning you. Pam’s smart and I reckon she was right. You say I need someone to advise me. Okay, I’ll be advised by you.’

Townsend and I didn’t speak as we walked back to our cars. I had the folder of photographs in my hand. Townsend had his film. I’d told Hannah Morello to sit tight for a day while we arranged for her safety and the use of her evidence. We reached the cars and stood awkwardly, at odds, looking at each other. He was immaculate, I wasn’t. He was driving a forty thousand dollar car, I wasn’t.

‘You were playing a strange game in there,’ he said.

‘So were you.’

He looked at his watch. ‘Tell you what, let’s go and have lunch and talk about it.’

‘I don’t eat lunch.’

He laughed. ‘You can push a salad around, have some juice. We really need to get our lines straight here.’

His composure irked me, but I knew my response had been petulant. I agreed to meet him in a Balmain restaurant I vaguely knew. I tapped the folder and pointed to his briefcase.

‘Nobody hears about this until we have our talk, right?’

‘Yes.’ He reached into his pocket, took out his mobile phone and handed it to me. ‘You can follow me and see that I don’t stop to use a phone. What more can I do?’

I followed him into Balmain, busy on a Saturday, and after trying a few side streets with no luck we finally found places to park. I returned the phone and we walked back to Darling Street and along to a small cafe-cum-restaurant in an arcade. Townsend ordered fish for himself, a Greek salad for me and a small carafe of white wine with two bottles of mineral water. When the wine came he poured half-glasses and topped them up with the water. We drank, no toasting.

‘What’s your main concern?’ he asked. ‘I know it involves the Morello woman’s safety.’

I still couldn’t decide how far to trust him, where his loyalties lay, what he was prepared to risk. On the drive another thought had forced its way forward in my mind. Getting Kristos convicted and dismantling the corrupt component of the Northern Crimes Unit were all very well, but I needed leverage to find out who’d killed Lily or ordered it, and I wasn’t sure how to get that.