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“Thank you for the invitation,” is the best I can do. Bloody nerves! “It’s a great exhibition, lots of people!” I stumble on but Rupert just shrugs it off.

“Mostly art students who are here because of the buffet. But some journalists have deigned to come too, and I’ve spotted one or two gallery owners.” His face glows proudly and he looks very young. My heart is in my throat and I long to run my hand through his hair. Instead I put it on his arm, which is better than nothing.

“Don’t let me keep you. I’m sure there are loads of people you should talk to,” I murmur. Grinning, Rupert pulls a face.

“But I’d rather talk to you than anybody else. That’s a nice suit you’re wearing.” I look into his grey eyes and search for the right reply but the next moment he looks away distractedly to the gallery entrance. “Excuse me,” he mutters, storming off. What the hell was that? I turn around to see what’s the matter and then I spot HER. She’s standing at the top of the steps, a dream in a white mini dress and fur jacket, and now the conversation really ceases. Of course she’s blonde, the posing cow, with long straight hair, tall and slim. Now she gracefully walks down the steps towards Rupert in her sky high heels. She has a figure to die for but it’s her face that mesmerises me, with large dark eyes, I think they are black, and translucent, white skin and a sensuous mouth. Holy shit, she’s perfect and she keeps walking towards Rupert. Now Rupert – my Rupert! – embraces her carefully, as if she’s fragile, and kisses her on both cheeks. At least it was just the cheeks. But then I see the dreamy look on his face and my heart contracts in fear and disappointment. I know that look, Rupert’s in love with this girl. It’s hardly surprising that he can’t fall for me, I don’t have the ghost of a chance compared to this perfection. The butterflies in my stomach lie down and die and I bite my lip. My hand shakes when I push back my hair. I can’t take my eyes off the two of them. He’s practically drooling all over her, but she’s just smiling slightly, her eyes scanning the room.

“Did you see Ruth’s grand entrance?” a voice behind me asks.

“Natalie!” I’m so glad to see her but then her words register. “Ruth? That’s her?” I whisper aghast. My worst fears are suddenly coming true, Ruth is not only the hottest beauty but also Rupert’s girlfriend. Why didn’t anybody tell me, for heaven’s sake? I glare at Natalie who eyes me curiously.

“Are you ok? You’re terribly pale.” I feel the tears pricking my eyes when a dark voice startles me.

“I guess Livia just needs a drink.” Oh crap, Cassius! His green eyes scrutinise my face and again I have the notion that he knows how I feel. Could he have witnessed the scene? I mean myself gawping at Ruth and Rupert? I blush, at least I’m not pale anymore. Without a word I take the glass he’s offering me, careful not to touch him or to look him in the eyes.

“Livia!” I jump and nearly spill the prosecco down my suit as Rupert calls my name. With enormous effort I turn to him. Here he is again, with Ruth. I’d rather run away, I’m just not up to this at the moment but it’s too late. “Livia, I’d like you to finally meet Ruth,” he grins at me, putting his arm around the blonde girl. Close up she’s even more stunning. Her black eyes look me up and down dismissively and I’m sure the temperature drops around us. “Ruth, this is Livia,” Rupert smiles expectantly, missing the tension completely.

“Good evening,” she says after a second in a deep, melodious voice and holds out her hand to me. It is very slender and very cold. “So you’re the girl everyone is talking about.” Does she really sound hostile or is it just my imagination? Now a slow smile tugs at her mouth but doesn’t reach her impenetrable eyes. I try to hold her gaze and suddenly I feel very cold and a shiver runs down my spine. Frantically I search for an answer but her elegant and smooth appearance renders me mute.

“It’s about time that you met,” Natalie chirps, dispelling the awkward moment. I can feel Cassius watching me and try to breathe steadily.

“Good to meet you, Ruth. This is a very successful exhibition, don’t you think?” Well done, even if my voice is a bit squeaky. Ruth frowns.

“There are too many objects in the room for my liking. Just two or three sculptures would have done perfectly,” she replies critically. Rupert’s face falls and he looks like a scolded schoolboy.

“I think it’s fabulous as it is,” I contradict but neither Rupert nor Ruth is paying me any attention. The girl has linked her arm with Cassius’ and is dragging him to the bar with Rupert following them one step behind. I stare into my glass, then drain it in one go. Ugh, the wine is warm and sweet. Natalie is still beside me.

“Are you ill, you look terrible,” she asks gently. Thanks a lot, that’s all I need! I shake my head wearily.

“No, just feeling a bit off colour,” I shrug.

“Did you see the drama unfolding before your eyes?” she now whispers, giggling. What? Before my eyes? No, I had my own drama going on but thankfully she doesn’t seem to have realised that. As I’m not really interested in any other dramas I take two more glasses off a passing waiter’s tray and hand one to her, ignoring her question. I take a sip – ah, at least it’s cold this time! - and pose the question that will break my already cracked heart once and for all.

“So have Rupert and Ruth been together long?” I try to look nonchalant as if the answer means nothing to me but my heart is beating furiously. Then Natalie laughs and I stare at her.

“Together? You’ve got it all wrong, Livia, they’re definitely not together.” I exhale the air I didn’t know I was holding. I look at her, dumbfounded, vaguely taking in her lovely sea-green dress that seems just to consist of fringes and makes her look like a very sexy nymph. But her laughter has ceased and she’s watching me with arched brows. I on the other hand can’t stop grinning.

“What’s up with you today? Why do you think that Rupert and Ruth…” She stops and her mouth drops open. “Livia, you don't fancy my brother, do you?” she asks suspiciously. I’m already opening my mouth to deny it but feel a blush spreading all over my face. No need to deny it now. I cast a quick glance around but nobody’s listening to us.

“Please don’t tell anyone,” I whisper. “I know how stupid it is.” The perplexity on Natalie’s face quickly gives way to compassion.

“Poor you!” she cries and puts her arm around my shoulder. “Obviously we’re both unlucky in love, yet it would be fabulous if you and Rupert were together.” Her words make it sound totally impossible, shattering my hopes again. Natalie clearly doesn’t think that he could fall in love with me, for whatever reason. Now she takes my glass and points to the entrance. “We’ll leave now and go somewhere we can talk. I’ll explain everything and I’ll tell you about my unrequited love in compensation.” I prick up my ears.

“To Will?” Natalie nearly drops the glasses.

“How do you know?” she groans and I smile in apology.

“Just a guess.” Natalie rolls her eyes.

“Great, is it that obvious?” she sighs and I’m really afraid I’ve put my foot in it. But the next moment she’s back to her usual sparkly self. “Let’s go to my place where we can get drunk and feel sorry for ourselves.” But I shake my head, not wanting to meet Rupert there later in the evening in my undoubtedly bedraggled state.