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“With whom do I have the pleasure?” Unmistakably Will’s giggly voice. Thank god, again not Ruth! What a ghastly thought that she could have disturbed us now.

“It’s me, Livia,” I grin in relief.

“Thank heavens, at least I’m safe now. This darkness is rather dangerous tonight and gets things going that would never happen otherwise,” he mutters and I silently agree, longing for Rupert’s touch again. I don’t care if Will notices but what about Rupert? “Very odd, there should be people here tonight from whom I haven’t heard one word yet,” he continues. I smile again and blush, how right he is. “When I serve dessert you’ll see that you’ve given me just the right present,” he whispers, getting up to bring in the next course. I don’t care what it is, I just want to carry on what we started earlier. When Will puts the plates in front of us my breath is rather shallow as I wait for Rupert to embrace me again. The anticipation is killing me. Suddenly I feel something at my mouth. It’s a morsel of chocolate cake and I open my lips. Rupert slides it into my mouth and traces my lips with his fingers, reducing me to a quivering mess. My breath hitches, surely he must kiss me now. And suddenly it’s not the touch of his fingers any more but his mouth on mine. At first his lips are gentle, but quickly they become more demanding. Every nerve ending in my body is tingling as his tongue coaxes mine and I squirm with desire. There’s just the two of us now, alone in a separate universe. I’ve never been kissed like this before and I wish he would never stop. My body is on fire as I soak up his smell and his taste. I’m dazed but alive as never before. His hand is on my lower back now, pulling me closer to him. After a long time, when I think I’ll expire there and then, we come up for air. My lips and skin are tingling from the touch of his mouth and his smell fills my senses. This smell which seems so familiar, like lemons. It takes some seconds before my befuddled brain registers the thought. I gasp and pull away. I certainly know where I encountered this smell before. It can’t be true, can it? It has to be Rupert who kissed me just now. Maybe they all wear the same aftershave. My head starts to spin as I lean back in my chair. Deep down I already know the truth. Natalie’s next words are just the confirmation.

“Such a pity that Rupert had to meet a client, he’d have loved this cake.” I think I’m about to throw up.

“Livia,” his voice murmurs softly, his hand gripping mine but I pull away immediately.

“Will,” I whisper to the boy on my right. “Is it true that Rupert’s not here?” I just don’t want to believe it.

“Yes,” he mumbles through a mouthful of cake. “This morning a client called him and summoned him to his house in the country to find the perfect place for one of his sculptures.” I can’t breathe anymore and jump up so suddenly that my chair tilts backwards. I’ll scream if I don’t get out of this room fast.

“I have to go, Will,” I say in a strangled voice.

“But Livia, there’s still the cheese course and then we light the candles to see who is who,” he objects.

“I already found out,” I hiss through clenched teeth and hope that HE will hear it. “I’m sorry, Will, I feel sick, I really have to leave.” Will must have heard the tinge of hysteria in my voice as he gets up without further questions. I freeze when a hand grabs mine.

“Please, don’t go,” Cassius pleads. Now that he isn’t whispering anymore his voice is easily recognisable. Angrily I pull away and stumble in the direction of the door. Thankfully Will catches up with me and takes my arm.

“Wait, I'll see you out.” He guides me out of the darkness into the corridor and looks at me worriedly. “You’re as white as a sheet and kind of splotchy, I hope my food is not at fault. Are you allergic to anything? Do you want to lie down for a minute?” I embrace him so he can’t see my face which must be full of anguish and stubble rash.

“The food was great, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I mumble, knowing that I have to get out soon or my composure will crumble.

“I'll take you home.” Cassius! Will turns around in surprise and gapes at him.

“You look like death too. Are you sick as well? You haven’t said a word the whole evening.” Cassius shakes his head.

“I’m fine. Go back to your guests, I'll take care of Livia.” Will looks at him questioningly, realisation dawning on his face, but then he shrugs.

“Bye, Livia. Get well soon.” He kisses me on both cheeks and leaves us. I nearly hold him back but what could I say? I grab my coat from a hanger and shrug it on without looking at Cassius.

“Livia, please,” he begins and suddenly I’m furious. I turn to him and stare into his beautiful face, at his cruel mouth that did such glorious things to mine, feeling a flush creep onto my face.

“How dare you take advantage of the dark?” I hiss. “All the time you were pretending to be Rupert.” His green eyes flash angrily.

“Was I? I don’t think so,” he interrupts. He’s so intimidating that I take a step back.

“I thought you were him, otherwise I’d never have let you kiss me,” I whisper, turning away. If only the ground would swallow me up! Cassius grabs my arm and turns me around to face him.

“Are you sure you didn’t know it?” he asks in a low voice, trying to pull me closer. His green eyes bore into mine and I can’t avert my gaze. “Please stay,” he repeats and I feel the strong grip of his hand through my coat and smell his distinctive lemon scent. I’m trembling and for an instant I just want to give in and feel his lips again. But then my pride and some of my wit return and I shake his hand off. For sure he’s just toying with me.

“Leave me alone! Maybe you can have any girl but not me!” I run to the door and down all nine flights of stairs as the lift is not there. Then I hurry to my car and get in, casting one last look back to the building. Cassius hasn’t followed me.

Chapter 18

The Chartreux cat snarls angrily at Cassius. “Why did you have to do that?” Natalie hisses the next instant. Her eyes are blazing with fury and she stamps her foot. “First Will hosts this stupid party where she feels extremely uncomfortable. I told him not to do it, she’s not ready for experiments like that, but no. Then Ruth has a go at her, and now this. We’re aiming to create a good, happy life for her in our company so she wants to stay with us and what are you doing? Do you want to drive her away? I seem to be the only one who behaves like a normal human being.” Cassius looks coldly at the furious girl and shrugs.

“Lay off, I didn’t do anything to her.” Natalie snorts.

“You’re hurting her, don’t you see that? I wouldn't call that nothing. She’s in love with Rupert, that’s bad enough, and now you're hitting on her!” Cassius narrows his eyes.

“You know Rupert doesn’t want her, don’t you? He’s the one who’s hurting her, not me. You can’t protect her from everything, you know.”

“Your motives towards humans have always been selfish so far,” Natalie shoots back.

“Maybe it’s different this time,” the guy murmurs. Natalie is clearly thrown and eyes him suspiciously but then shakes her head.

“I don’t trust you, Cassius. Especially when it comes to Livia. You’re a black spot on our kind’s reputation!” Cassius takes a quick step towards her.