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“He was in her flat? Did he ubilocate there?” His voice cracks with horror but Natalie reassures him quickly.

“No, not in, just in front of the door, she didn’t even realise. I can't tell you how relieved I’ll be when all this secretiveness comes to an end and she knows who we are. But the thing with Cassius complicates everything.”

“Should I talk to him?” Will suggests but Natalie just rolls her eyes.

“Better not, he's acting offended right now because he overheard Livia telling me that she doesn’t like him.” Will smirks.

“That’s a first! Serveshim right.” Natalie shrugs, getting up.

“I don’t know, he looked really hurt, as if he genuinely cared. You know he’s been constantly watching her ever since they first met at the Nobu? He knows that I know, by the way. Kio knows everything!” Natalie starts giggling.

“Maybe he’s after her because he realises he can’t have her?” Will muses. “You know, sour grapes…But somehow everything is very complicated where Livia is concerned.”

“You don’t want to drop her, do you?” Natalie asks, horrified. Will shakes his head and pushes back his fringe.

“Certainly not. It’s more of a sign that she belongs to our family, because which one of us is without complications?” Grinning, Natalie takes a bottle of champagne out of the fridge.

“Apart from me, no one.” She pops the cork and fills two glasses.

“I’ll suggest to Cassius that he should back off,” Will promises. “She mustn’t decide against us because of him.” Natalie clinks her glass to his.

“And I’ll try and persuade her to come to the houseparty.”

Chapter 21

I'm not able to sleep and when I do nod off I keep dreaming about the lake. Natalie hasn’t stopped pestering me to join them at the house party but if I agree I have to call Cassius first. There’s no way out of it because I’ve come to the conclusion that it wasn’t really him who deceived me but my own wishful thinking. I could only blame him for kissing me, but that’s how guys work, don’t they? I only have to remember Ralph. Guys don’t need any good reasons for their behaviour, at least that’s my point of view. I’m still mortified that Cassius overheard me in the Spanish bar. I’m not actually a rude person and I don’t want to antagonise him. It’s bad enough to have an enemy in Ruth. That’s why I’m going to call him now.

I can’t resist the temptation to try the unknown number which appeared so often on my missed calls list. Could it have been him? When Cassius picks up after only the first ring I’m taken completely by surprise. At least I don’t have time to change my mind anymore. “Hi, it’s Livia,” I begin hesitantly. “Cassius, I’m sorry.” That isn’t too eloquent but I’ve said it. My heart is beating quite fast now and I bite my lower lip as I wait for his reply.

“That’s OK. Look, I have to go, Nuala’s waiting. Hope to see you at the house party.” Without another word he hangs up. That’s not really what I’d expected. I stare at the phone, a sinking feeling in my stomach. Who’s the rude one now? And who for heaven’s sake is Nuala? A woman? His girlfriend? That would make the kiss even worse. I purse my lips and push away the unwanted thought. At least I can tell Natalie now that I’ve apologised.

* * *

When I’m at Natalie’s this evening I can’t bring myself to ask her about the mysterious Nuala in case she thinks that I care. Rupert isn’t home and we have the flat to ourselves. “Now you definitely have to join us,” she insists after we finish our fish risotto. I chew on my thumbnail till it breaks.

“I don’t know. He mentioned it too but he was kind of short with me.” Maybe Nuala is his secret girlfriend, one he leaves in the country. Natalie looks at me imploringly.

“If he said it, he meant it. Cassius always speaks his mind.” Noticing my doubtful expression she continues. “There are five brilliant reasons why you can’t refuse: first, my brother will be there and you can spend three long days trying to ensnare him. Second, the weather forecast is fine and it’ll already be spring in the country. Third, I don’t have a car and Rupert and Will are already leaving tomorrow. That means I’d have to go by train which I hate.” I roll my eyes at her but laugh anyway. She always knows how to bring me round.

“You could go with Ruth,” I suggest, just to rile her. But she grins and shakes her head.

“No, she left London yesterday and is driving directly to Cassius', from a totally different direction.”

“Fine, that’s three reasons. What about the other two?” Natalie huffs exasperatedly.

“You still need more? Right. I think you like me and my friends, so why would you shut yourself off deliberately?” Well, she does have a point there.

“You’re right. If I decline too often you won’t invite me anymore,” I admit in a low voice. How would I spend the weekend anyway? In front of the telly, waiting for Natalie to return. She grins, knowing she’s won.

“So you’ll pick me up?” I push back my hair and nod. But first I want to know the last reason.

“Only if you tell me the fifth one.” Natalie’s eyes dance with humour.

“If Cassius had kissed me, nothing could keep me away from this house party. But I’m sure that doesn’t apply to you.” Still smirking, she dances into her living room. I’ve no idea whether she’s joking or not.

* * *

I’m half an hour late because I repacked my case three times, having no idea what to take. I could have asked Natalie what to expect but this seems childish even to me. In the end I pack my new Seven Jeans and a dark red Marc by Marc Jacobs leather jacket, another pair of jeans, three jumpers and my brown velvet suit in case I need something more formal. It’s only a weekend in the country after all, isn’t it? I’ll miss another exam today but I don’t care. My small Panda is filled up and as I screech to a halt in front of Natalie’s house she’s already waiting. Holy crap, does she intend to take this suitcase? It’s enormous, my whole wardrobe would fit inside it. When she heaves it into my poor car the Panda sags with a disturbing sound. “How long exactly do you intend to stay?” I tease her, eying her beautiful cream Burberry leather jacket. At least she's wearing jeans too, but I suspect they are Victoria Beckham. I already feel underdressed. “Do you change every two hours at Cassius’?” I have the urge to go home there and then.

“Carrots and Polos for the horses, treats for the dogs, chocolate for Mrs Roberts, the housekeeper, and a bottle of gin for her husband who’s the gardener,” Natalie replies to my amazement. Obviously she hasn’t taken anything for Cassius.

It’s foggy and grey when we leave the city. Natalie talks incessantly, telling me about the dogs and the horses. “Did he buy the estate as it is?” I ask curiously. He’s not much older than me and you can’t build up something like this within a few years, can you? Natalie hesitates.

“The estate, well, you’re right, it’s been there for quite a long time. Cassius inherited it from… his parents who are long dead. My father is like a surrogate father to him, and there’s Randolph of course.” She babbles on and I have the distinct feeling that she’s trying to distract me. “Randolph’s taught him lots about botany, you know.” I prick up my ears. I didn’t know that but how should I? I know next to nothing about Cassius. Suddenly shivers run down my spine. Botany – another aspect which renders him frightening as far as I’m concerned. But my present for him will certainly go down well. It’s a book that my mum owned too: “Colour for Adventurous Gardeners” by Christopher Lloyd. A strange choice for me as I don’t even dare open this book. Maybe I was influenced by the wilted rose that is still in my flat. Somehow I couldn’t throw it out, and that’s remarkable in itself because it’s the only flower that has ever been allowed into my personal space. While Natalie jabbers on I get more nervous the farther we drive.