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On the way home Natalie doesn’t leave my side, but she’s unusually quiet too. I’m afraid it’s because of me. “Natalie, I think it’s better if I leave,” I begin in a low voice. “I can’t help feeling like an intruder. I mean, Ruth made it clear that she doesn’t want me here and with Cassius, hmm, I don’t know, it’s just so awkward.” Natalie grunts in reply.

“Of course you’re staying. Don’t mind Ruth, she was beastly today, but it’s got nothing to do with you. It just riles her that she can’t get her hands on Cassius.” I don’t believe her though and want to tell her so, but this instant Cassius clears his throat behind us.

“I’ll show you the stables now, if you want.” Oh no, not that again! I’ve had enough excitement for one day. I open my mouth to decline politely when I see Natalie shooting him a dirty look. What is the matter with everyone today? ”Please,” he prompts me again. I hesitate. Since when are words like ‘please’ part of his vocabulary? Finding no good reason to decline I simply nod. Why do I always let myself be talked into things I don’t want to do?

* * *

When Natalie enters the kitchen later she finds Will and Ruth in the middle of a loud argument. “Why does Cassius suggest that she belongs to us?” Ruth shouts angrily. “It’s much too early, neither Augustus nor Randolph have met her yet.” Ruth’s beautiful face is flushed, her mouth distorted. Will glares at her.

“Nonsense!” His voice is full of an authority which makes Natalie’s knees go weak. How gorgeous he looks! “She’s the one, surely even you have to admit it. And not only because she’s got the ring,” he growls. Ruth scowls at Natalie.

“Backup’s coming, Wilclass="underline" Natalie, who dragged her along.”

Natalie huffs, “Dragged her along? I found her while you were in Scotland with that total flake.” She puts her hands on her hips and stalks towards Ruth. Although she is still in flat shoes and so much smaller than Ruth, Natalie’s anger is impressive. “You only reject her because Cassius likes her and your chances with him are even smaller than before!” Ruth blanches at the low blow, her dark eyes filling with tears.

“How dare you!” she whispers. “I thought we were friends.” Ruth rushes out of the kitchen and Will shoots Natalie an awed look as he opens the fridge, taking out another bottle of Bollinger.

“I think we need the fizz, don’t you? All these complications with Cassius, Ruth and Livia. Who would have guessed? To an interesting weekend!” He clinks his glass against hers, looking at her thoughtfully. “You can be really scary when you’re angry, you know?” Natalie smiles, her brown locks dancing around her face. Suddenly she takes a step towards Will.

“Do you like it when I’m scary?” she whispers and kisses him full on the mouth. The next moment a look of horror crosses her face and she dashes out of the room. She groans with anger towards herself. What has she done? Too much champagne doesn’t agree with her, especially when she forgets that in her human form she’s not able to drink as much as she likes.

Chapter 22

I’m surprised and somehow confused because of what happened when Cassius showed me around. Or rather, what didn’t happen. To be quite honest, I’m a little bit disappointed too. He showed me the huge stables, his horses, and talked about the history of the mansion and about his dogs. He sounded like a tour guide, not making any personal comments. His eyes were guarded, his voice was polite. He didn’t even look at me and was careful not to touch me. Well, good, that’s just what I wanted, wasn’t it? I shouldn’t have been afraid of being alone with him, he didn’t take advantage once. I should be relieved that our relationship has evidently returned to normal, I’m just the friend of his friend Natalie. Everything else is a thing of the past now, forgotten, as if it had never happened. But deep down I’m feeling rather bleak at the moment. Now we’re on our way back to the house. Cassius is a step in front of me, with Rufus at his heels. I force my eyes away, I have to stop admiring his behind, Cassius’ that is, but the jeans hug his hips in a very enticing way.

“Come up to my room, I have to show you something,” he suggests, entering the house. I wince, was I wrong after all? I’m torn between apprehension and – what exactly? Is it excitement? It surely can’t be hope. Cassius notices my hesitation and a sardonic grin curls his lips. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to show you my stamp collection. You’re safe with me.” I flush crimson, he clearly thinks I'm a stupid cow. We’ve been alone for the last hour and nothing happened at all, why should it now? Quickly I follow him up the stairs to his room. He flicks a switch and in the half-darkness I notice Nuala in a basket beside his bed. He bends down beside her, pointing at her.

“Come here,” he murmurs and I crouch down beside him.

“Puppies!” I breathe, looking at the four small dogs in wonder. Their eyes are still closed, they have to be just a couple of days old. Three are nearly completely white, but the fourth has a dark mask and a large black patch on its back.

“It’s her first litter and all four are well,” he explains proudly. “When you called me she was just about to have them.” Now I understand why he was so short with me. I stroke Nuala, suddenly very aware of Cassius’ closeness. Our knees are nearly touching and I catch a faint trace of his lemony scent. “You had a Jack Russell too, you said. Why don’t you take one again?” he asks now, getting up. I look up at him, shaking my head.

“That’s not possible, I’m afraid. He would be alone too much when I’m at uni and on top of that I'm not allowed to keep animals in my flat.” My voice is husky and low. Outside the dogs start barking and Cassius looks out of the window.

“Augustus has arrived, I have to go and welcome him.” The next instant he’s gone and I’m alone in his bedroom feeling somehow bereft and unable to leave. I can’t resist looking around although I know that’s bad manners. His faint lemony scent fills the room, making me slightly dizzy. I cast a glance at the big four-poster with its white sheets and hastily avert my eyes. On the bedside table there are some books. Small oil paintings, mainly of dogs and horses, are scattered around the walls. Heavens, is that a Stubbs? Then I notice the small star-shaped mirror above the bed, similar to Will’s and Natalie’s. The mirror that’s not really a mirror. I take a step closer and inhale sharply: this mirror shows an orchid in full bloom. Instantly my stomach knots and I run out of the room, trying to calm my frantically beating heart.

When I return to my room I find Natalie lying on the bed with a facecloth on her forehead. She’s swaddled in a white towel and her face is the same colour. “Are you ill?” I ask her in a low voice in case she’s sleeping. But she opens her eyes and groans.

“I think I’m going to die,” she whispers. Quickly I sit down beside her on the bed.

“What’s wrong?” I prompt her. Earlier she had been fine but she really looks like death right now. She gazes at me with her large brown eyes.

“I made the ultimate mistake,” she sighs. “I kissed a gay guy.” I burst into laughter, stunned by her answer and relieved that she isn’t ill. “Shut up, Livia!” Natalie glares at me, sitting up. “I’m glad you find it funny but I can’t ever face Will again.” I bite my lower lip to suppress my smile.

“Of course you can. Just look at me and Cassius.” She looks at me doubtfully. “It was you who told me to forget the incident and get on with life and it evidently works.” Natalie knits her brows.