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When dinner is finally over I’m incredibly relieved. I help carry everything back into the kitchen and am just thinking of escaping to my room on the pretext of a raging headache when Cassius clears his throat. I wonder if he’s still able to talk after all that Bordeaux. “Let’s go to the Blue Room and have a game.” His voice is clear and cold.

“I’m not really in the mood,” Ruth remarks, her brows knitted in worry. Cassius waves her objection away.

“Never mind, it’s going to be very interesting tonight.” Judging from his tone of voice this is clearly not an invitation but a command. I don’t even dare bring up the headache now, but a game of Scrabble or whatever can’t be too bad, can it? Ruth is pouting but follows him into the Blue Room too.

“He’s in a rather explosive frame of mind tonight,” Natalie whispers to me. I roll my eyes, tell me something new!

What a beautiful room! Everything is in shades of blue, the curtains, the leather chairs and sofas and the carpets which are clearly very old and valuable. One wall is covered with bookshelves and I can’t help staring and wishing I could browse the whole evening instead of playing poker or whatever. The fire is already lit in the fireplace, the curtains are drawn, and thick candles cast their soft light across the spacious room.

Cassius sits down on the carpet in front of the fireplace and motions for us to do the same. “It’s Truth or Dare this evening!” he declares imperiously as he fills the glasses that are already scattered around the floor. Again it’s Ruth who objects.

“Oh come on, we're not children anymore!” she sighs, rolling her eyes. For once I agree with her. I’ve always hated this game which I always seem to lose, whatever option I choose. Cassius smirks at her.

“Humour me, I’m in the mood for childish games tonight.” His mouth lifts in a small smile but his voice is mocking and his eyes are cold and guarded. Rupert casts a sly glance at Will who shrugs.

“Well, if you will excuse me, I prefer to read,” Augustus backs out, making himself comfortable in one of the big armchairs. I wish I could do the same! On top of all this I’m once again next to Cassius, because Rupert rushes to Ruth’s side who’s sitting opposite Cassius. Taking the empty Bordeaux bottle he sets the rules.

“Tonight everyone has to answer the same question,” he smiles cruelly. “Everyone has to admit who he or she is in love with.” We gape at him in stunned silence.

“That’s pure bullshit, Cassius,” Natalie shrieks, her face aflame.

“Natalie’s right,” Will protests too, shifting uncomfortably on the carpet. “And it’s not even funny, we know each other far too well.” Cassius’ green eyes are glittering dangerously as he looks from one to the other.

“You really think so? Well, I don’t. This weekend I get the feeling that everyone here in the room has a secret and as you’ve all seen, secrets are ruining the overall mood. So let’s get rid of them.” His gaze is freezing, his mouth set in a hard line. I guess he’s very drunk. When none of us reacts he sighs, raising his brows. “If you don’t want to admit the truth there’s still the second option: you must face your worst fear.” He surely can’t mean this, can he? I watch the others carefully and realise that he does. Ruth’s face is ashen, Natalie’s crimson red, and the two guys don’t know where to look. The atmosphere is charged, the air in the room blisteringly hot.

“That’s crazy,” Rupert finally whispers but a glance from Cassius shuts him up. Now Cassius takes the empty bottle and spins it. Holy crap, what will I say when it’s my turn? Definitely not the truth. The truth… what is the truth anyway? I glance from under my lashes at Rupert in his old Abercrombie shirt and his frayed jeans. Am I really in love with this guy? Somehow I don’t think so anymore. Then there’s this cruel, dangerous guy on my other side who has kissed me like no man ever did before. But I’m not crazy enough to have a fling with him, am I? I’ll just name a fellow student, that’s a good idea! Or better stilclass="underline" Ralph, my ex. I’ll say I’m still in love with him. Surely nobody will tell the truth anyway. I relax a bit and watch the bottle which is still spinning. The fire is crackling in the grate and the silence in the room is eerie. Now the bottle slows, goes past me, thank god!, past Cassius and stops, pointing at Will who immediately blanches.

“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you,” he whispers. “It would do too much harm.” I see Natalie chewing her thumbnail and remember what she told me some weeks ago. Rupert laughs.

“Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad!” He really doesn’t have any idea? I assume Natalie has guessed due to her own crush on Will which would have made her all the more sensitive to him and his feelings. She stares at Will, her breath coming fast, but the blonde guy shakes his fringe out of his eyes and winks.

“It is, believe me. And to have to admit it is at the same time my worst fear: What do I do now?” He breaks into a fit of giggles and Natalie joins in. I have to admire his composure.

“Then you’re off the hook and can face your second worst fear,” she shrieks, sounding slightly hysterical. She glances at Cassius uneasily, not sure how he will take her intervention but he just nods. Will cocks his head and pulls a face.

“Pickled herring,” he murmurs to everyone’s amusement. “I simply hate it!” Augustus looks up from his book, smiling. He obviously is as relieved as we are that Will has ridiculed the game.

“There are some in the kitchen, you have to eat one now!” Natalie shrieks with laughter, and I can tell that she’s unbelievably relieved. She rushes into the kitchen and returns with a piece of herring on a small plate.

“Crap, I’m going to throw up,” Will mutters, eyeing it warily. Rupert hands him a full wine glass and Will swallows the fish, actually turning a shade of green. Quickly he gulps the wine and lets out a deep breath. “Your carpet’s safe for now, Cassius, but it was close, I can tell you!” Natalie applauds and everyone laughs except for Cassius who taps his fingers on the bottle impatiently. But Will has definitely succeeded in taking the sting out of this game.

But Cassius doesn’t relent, he spins the bottle again. Now it’s Natalie’s turn and I feel with her. I’m sure, however, that she’ll pull it off like Will did. She stares at the floor, her face hidden by her locks, not uttering a word. My heart starts beating faster, she won’t really tell, will she? Finally she lifts her head and her brown eyes are bright with unshed tears. “Maybe Cassius is right,” she whispers. “There should be no secrets among friends. I’ll tell you the truth.”

Unexpectedly Ruth grabs her hand, “Stop, Natalie, you don’t have to. He can't pressure you into it.” A grateful smile crosses Natalie’s face but she shakes her head.

“I know he can’t but I want to tell you. It’s been such a burden for such a long time, and maybe if I say it out loud, the spell will finally be broken.” Crap, we all had too much wine tonight, she’ll regret it in the morning!

“A burden? Doesn’t he reciprocate your love?” Will asks curiously. I hold my breath. Natalie, don’t! “He must be an arse, everybody loves you. Who is he?” Natalie smiles at the blonde guy sadly.