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“It’s you, Will,” she whispers softly. First it’s surprise that registers on his face, then dismay and pity. That’s the worst one. Suddenly Natalie jumps up and rushes out of the room. I jump up too, I have to follow and comfort her, but Will beats me to it. He’s already running after her, calling her name.

“Why did you have to do this to her?” I hiss at Cassius. I’m so mad at him that I feel like exploding.

“Yes, poor Natalie!” Ruth joins me unexpectedly.

“Well, she didn’t have to spill the beans, did she?” Cassius replies in a cold voice, and I’m shocked at the indifference in his face.

“He’s right there, Livia,” Rupert supports him and I glare at him too.

“What’s wrong with you all?” I mutter, noticing with satisfaction the alarmed look on Rupert’s face. We all look up when Natalie and Will enter the room. They’re walking hand in hand and Natalie’s face is smiling and rosy. She laughs out loud when she notices my startled face.

“No, it’s not what you think. That would be too huge a miracle! But we are still best friends and now it’s out in the open I think I can handle my crush much better.” She kisses Will on the cheek and smacks his bottom. “But you still have the cutest butt I’ve ever seen.” I’m totally in awe of her courage. I would never ever have told the truth.

“Let’s leave it for this evening,” Rupert suggests now to my utter relief, but Cassius spins the bottle again. Obviously he has a certain goal and won’t let up. My heart starts beating faster, I’ve really had enough of this game. Gradually the bottle slows down and I let out the breath I was holding. Saved again, the bottle is pointing at Ruth. She’s as white as a sheet, her hands knotted in her lap. I can’t help but gloat. Cassius raises his brows.

“Truth or dare, Ruth?” A shiver runs down my spine, there’s so much venom in his voice. Ruth starts to tremble, reminding me of a cornered deer. Then she shakes her head.

“I won’t play along, Cassius,” she replies huskily and starts getting up, but he quickly leans forward, gripping her by the wrist.

“You’ve always been a coward, haven’t you? Just fit to deal blows but not to take them,” he hisses menacingly. Despite the heat there are goosebumps on my arm. He’s such a brute! Cassius lets go of her hand but Ruth remains sitting on the floor, rubbing her aching wrist.

“Why are you always picking on Ruth?” Rupert shouts at him indignantly.

“Stay out of this!” Cassius snaps. “She knows the reason very well.” His green eyes narrow as he prompts her. “Answer the question, Ruth!” Her face is blotched now and she looks so scared that I nearly feel sorry for her.

“You know the answer but I won’t be humiliated in front of you and her.” She shoots me a filthy look and my compassion evaporates. I gasp when I see the blue flames in her dark eyes. Now she gets up and stands in front of the fireplace. “I’d rather reach into the flames than say it out loud,” she screeches hysterically.

“Stop it!” Natalie yells, appalled. “We all know how much you’re afraid of fire!” But Ruth is already falling to her knees.

“Tell her to stop, don’t be so cruel!” Rupert shouts at Cassius who glares back.

“She’s the cruel one here,” he replies. “Just ask her!” Ruth turns around, her face distorted by fear and hatred.

“So she told you, did she?” I shrink back as I realise that this is about me again. Cassius shakes his head.

“No, she didn’t, I guessed. You do know the saying ‘an eye for an eye’?” Ruth stares at him, hypnotised, then turns back to the fire. She’s shaking and tears are streaming down her face as she extends both hands towards the flames. I’m so confused and frightened, most of all because I can’t fathom what’s going on. Why does Ruth comply? Why are they playing these absurd games? Why doesn’t somebody stop Ruth? Who the hell are these people? I don’t recognise them anymore.

“Cassius, please,” I whisper urgently, putting my hand on his arm. He spins around, his eyes blazing with a blue light. A strange heat is radiating from his body. Suddenly Augustus is at Ruth’s side and yanks her away from the fire.

“Enough!” he shouts. “You’ve gone too far, Cassius!” Ruth leans against him, sobbing quietly. “She’s suffered enough for her act of malice.” Will and Rupert glance at each other questioningly but obviously don’t want to ask what Augustus is talking about. Natalie lowers her eyes and follows Ruth slowly as Augustus leads her from the room. Will and Rupert are leaving too. I get up, but somehow I can’t go yet. Cassius is standing in front of the window now, gazing into the night. He has punished Ruth for what she did to me today. This was his goal all along, Natalie and Will were just casualties of the game. But why? I just don’t understand. Hesitantly I walk over to him.

“Cassius, I have to know…” I begin in a low voice but he immediately whirls around, stepping back from me.

“Back off, Livia! I want to be alone,” he whispers angrily. I shrink back, seeing the rejection in his face, and flee from the room.

I’m relieved that Natalie isn’t in our room, maybe she’s comforting Ruth. This time her accusations of me disturbing the group will be absolutely justified as I’m the reason for Cassius’ aggressive behaviour.

Next morning when I go down to breakfast they act like the evening before had never happened. Neither Cassius nor Ruth joins us. The weather reflects my mood, it’s pouring it down, a cold wind chasing grey clouds across the sky. What can we do on a day like this? Definitely not play games again! Natalie seems to feel the same way and suggests that we return home. I quickly pack my bag, musing about this weekend. Natalie had promised that it would be fun and relaxing and it had been neither. I’m rattled by a hundred things: Ruth, the flower incident, Natalie’s accusations and, well, Cassius. The days have been packed with strange emotions and occurrences that I cannot begin to analyse. The things I overheard Augustus saying about me! Yet the first evening I thought he liked me. Only Rupert and Will were their usual uncomplicated selves. I feel tired and long for my own flat. I cast a glance around the room, it’s surely the last time that I’ll see it. This weekend has shown clearly that I don’t belong with these people, they’re better off without me.

But there’s one thing I want to do before I leave: I want to see Nuala and her puppies once again. I have no idea where Cassius is and I definitely don’t want to talk to him after last night, but the door to his room is slightly ajar, so he’s surely not there. I push it open and glance into the dark room. The curtains are drawn and I tiptoe across the room to the dog basket. “Take good care of them,” I whisper to Nuala, scratching her ears.

“She’ll miss you when you’re gone.” I jump out of my skin, unable to utter a word. I didn’t hear Cassius entering or was he here all along? I glance up at his face, my heart beating fast, maybe because he caught me in his room, maybe for other reasons I don’t want to dwell on.

“I’ll miss her too,” I reply huskily for want of a better answer. Now he crouches beside me and I smell his delicious Cassius scent.

“You should get a dog, you know?” he says. This normal conversation is somehow surreal after last night.