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“Natalie, thanks, but I don’t think there’s enough room. I don’t have many things but I need my own space.” I really hope she isn’t offended!

“Daisy, your mum is so complicated!” she sighs to the dog which looks a bit dizzy now, putting it back on the floor. “Come on, I’ll show you something.” Grinning she runs out of the room, followed by Daisy and me. Maybe she wants to put me up downstairs among Rupert’s sculptures, but I certainly hope not. Natalie strolls down the gallery and points to a door I’ve never noticed before. When she opens it I stare into a large, light-flooded room which is completely empty. “Voilà! That’s your living room and here…” she crosses the room and opens another door, “is your bedroom which has a connecting door to my bathroom. That’s the only room we have to share apart from the kitchen. Enough space for you?” Expectantly she waits for my answer, but I’ve started to calculate my monthly income. “Don’t you like it or are you afraid of my company?” she asks suspiciously. I look at the beautiful wooden floors and the high ceiling.

“It’s gorgeous, but I’m afraid I couldn’t pay the rent for a place like this,” I confess, flushing crimson. Natalie starts to giggle, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

“Of course you won’t have to pay anything, the building belongs to us. And don’t worry, I won’t barge in all the time. You already have a key as well.” She’s really lost me now.

“A key – to your building? Why would I have one?” Natalie bites her lower lip, taking in a sharp breath. Then she recovers and nods at me, fishing in her trouser pocket and holding a key out to me that looks exactly like the one in Rebecca’s letter, engravings and all.

“You have one of those on your keyring, don’t you? Don’t look so shocked, all the keys to the old buildings are standardised,” she explains imperiously. “Look at your dog, she’s already feeling at home here,” Natalie giggles again, pointing at the rather large puddle in the middle of the floor. Distracted I forget about the key and decide not to make things difficult. It’s such a generous offer and I’d be really stupid not to take it up. Quickly I hug Natalie before she changes her mind.

“Thanks, I’d love to move in here,” I finally agree and feel a great weight shifting from my soul. “Where do I find a cloth and bucket?” Her high heels clicking, Natalie leads me into the kitchen but we both freeze at the door. At the stove, stooping over a cookbook, are Ruth and Rupert who is cupping her behind with his large hand. I stifle a laugh and Natalie clears her throat, smirking. Both jump and Rupert removes his hand quickly.

“Daisy had a small accident in Livia’s new room, so we need some cleaning stuff,” Natalie explains, opening a cupboard.

“Daisy, you’re nearly a real dog now!” Rupert exclaims and goes down on his knees to greet the small dog. Ruth stares at us, dumbfounded.

“Livia’s new room?” she repeats in a low voice.

“Yes, Liva’s moving into the two empty rooms next to mine,” Natalie explains matter-of-factly.

“If that’s all right with you,” I quickly turn to Rupert who isn’t even looking up.

“Of course, great, now we’ll have a watch dog in the house.” Ruth looks daggers at me.

“I doubt whether Cassius will be all that keen,” she comments critically, raising her brows. I roll my eyes in exasperation. Can’t she just let it go for once?

“Why not?” I counter belligerently, looking at her coldly. She pastes a fake smile onto her face.

“Maybe Rupert’s proximity will be too disconcerting,” she replies.

“There won’t be any danger for me, the way he was groping you earlier!” The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them but I’m not displeased. Stupid cow! Grabbing the bucket from Natalie I stomp out of the room, hearing Natalie’s laughter behind me.

* * *

Everything happens very quickly now. I hand in my notice to my landlord and Rupert, Cassius and Natalie help me pack my stuff into Rupert’s van at the weekend. Ruth was right, by the way, Cassius was really not too keen on the idea of me moving in with Natalie and Rupert but eventually gave in. “As long as you stay in the country with me every weekend,” he grumbled. I’m really one lucky girl.

Some weeks later, when we’re eating dinner at Will’s, the subject of my birthday present comes up again. I really haven’t thought about it that much because my relocation and above all my relationship with Cassius have blocked out everything else. I’m so happy, I don’t really want to go away at the moment. “The monsoon season is over in Madagascar now. We should really go soon,” Rupert suggests, however. This would be during my exams but when I mention it, Natalie just laughs at me.

“It’s time you gave up uni anyway,” and Cassius supports her fervently.

“I can’t leave Daisy alone for two weeks,” I try again, not wanting to think about my mum’s death and everything it implied.

“Leave her at my place, she’ll be well cared for,” Cassius suggests. So that leaves only the problem of my parents. How do I explain that I’m on holiday during exam time? At this moment my phone rings. It has to be telepathy, as it‘s my stepmother. My heart leaps into my throat because I still haven’t told them that I’ve moved house.

“Why’s my flat empty and the landline dead?” I repeat her agitated words. “I’ve just moved house because I got a dog and you know I couldn’t have one in my old flat.” I know this won’t do, but they’ve always been so weird about Natalie that I just don’t want to tell them that I moved in with her. “Of course I'll let you know the new address and I’ll visit you soon. I’ll be on holiday the next two weeks, but then I’ll come by.” I hold my breath, better to tell them all the bad news at once, but it obviously hasn’t occurred to her that the holiday will coincide with my exams. “Alone? No, I’m not going alone, I’m going with friends. To Morocco.” Right, I know that’s a lie but I can’t bear the thought of the fuss my father will kick up if I tell him I'm going to Madagascar. “Of course I’ll call you, bye!” I take a deep breath and switch off my phone, aware that all eyes are on me.

“You haven’t told them about your move?” Natalie asks quietly.

“No, not yet. They’re always complaining about one thing or other that I’m doing…” My voice fades away. I don’t want to admit that my parents don’t approve of her.

“And why did you tell her that you’re going to Morocco?” she wonders. I have to give them a morsel of truth now.

“My father definitely wouldn’t want me to go to Madagascar because that’s where my real mum died.” Now it’s out in the open.

“Well, all the better that you are going,” Natalie replies cryptically. “Maybe she would have wanted you to.” I look at her sharply, but her eyes are innocent, her mouth smiling sweetly. Cassius pulls me closer, kissing my hair, and I immediately lean into him. My whole body responds to him as always. Oh, will I ever get enough of him? I don’t think so, he’s too gorgeous.