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“Thank you, that means a lot to me.” In the next moment, however, he puts his finger to his lips and disappears.

“Livia!” Cassius shouts behind me and pulls me into his arms.

* * *

Ruth moans in despair, everything has gone so wrong. She was there all along when Livia broke down, hiding behind a tree, watching the bitch losing it. But then Randolph suddenly appeared and helped her. What the hell was he doing here? Why did he interfere? How come he already knows Livia? And why doesn’t anybody know about their acquaintance? Too many unanswered questions, but the plain result is that he has thwarted Ruth’s plans. And then Cassius ubilocated into the forest, furious and full of worry, and Ruth disappeared back into the house. She’s sure that Livia will tell on her, and it will be just a waste of time to go into hiding, Cassius will find her anywhere. Better to go back to the house to seek protection. Ruth is sure that Rupert will protect her.

Will and Rupert are very agitated when she enters the kitchen. For a moment she contemplates denying everything, but Randolph and Cassius already know the truth. “Ruth! There you are at last!” Rupert grins in relief. So Cassius wasn’t right after all when he accused her.

“I’ve been to the orchid forest with Livia,” she says calmly. Rupert only gapes at her but Will flips.

“So it’s true! You’ve been trying to scare her away!” he shouts at her, his blue eyes blazing. Startled by the strong reaction of her gentle brother she raises her hands in self-defence.

“What are you talking about? On the contrary, I wanted to help her overcome her fear. You know it was Cassius’ plan, but he seems to have forgotten about it.” She watches the guys through her lashes, wondering if they believe her.

“Why did you do it secretly, without us?” Will looks at her suspiciously. Ruth shrugs.

“The opportunity just presented itself today. We met at the Jeep and decided spontaneously to go there.” Will pulls a face at his sister.

“And she really went with you of her own free will? It seems rather odd that she decided to go to the forest with you of all people.” Ruth’s animosity is no secret among the family.

“I don’t know, you’ll have to ask her yourself, maybe she wanted to surprise Cassius.” Ruth is racking her brain for a plausible reason, realising that the guys don’t trust her. Even Rupert looks suspicious now. Obviously the bitch has won over all of them!

Oh well, they are men after all. Ruth’s face crumples, tears welling up in her eyes, rolling slowly down her cheeks. “It could have been perfect!” she sobs quietly. “I led her into the forest, very slowly, always prepared to turn around, and she did very well, she wasn’t afraid at all.” Furtively she glances at the guys. They don’t look completely convinced, but at least Will isn’t shouting at her anymore. “Then suddenly Livia freaked out!” Ruth covers her face with her hands. “She pushed me away, screaming, and fell down as if she was having a seizure!” Will blanches in horror. “I’d no idea what I should do. I wanted to call you for help but then… Cassius appeared, and they didn’t need me anymore.” She decides not to tell them about Randolph until she’s discovered why he obviously knows Livia. With two long strides Rupert is beside Ruth, taking her into his arms.

“Poor you,” he murmurs into her hair.

“Now everybody will assume it’s my fault,” she wails, smirking into his shirt.

“No, don’t worry,” Rupert whispers comfortingly. “You only had the best of intentions.” Will rolls his eyes.

“Let’s wait for Livia’s version of the story,” he huffs, knowing full well how devious his sister can be.

In the next instant Natalie bursts into the room. “You two-faced bitch!” she screeches, attacking Ruth with her fists.

“Whoa, calm down!” Will tries to stop her, holding her close to him. “Tell us what happened!” Natalie glares at Ruth, breathing hard.

“She just abandoned her in the middle of the orchid forest,” she hisses, her locks dancing. Suddenly her angry face splits into a huge grin. “And you know what? Livia touched the flowers in the end. She’s obviously cured of her phobia and proved it by walking back through the forest.” She cast Ruth a critical look. “Did you see that before you disappeared?” Ruth nods slightly.

“Then I don’t understand why you didn’t stay?” Will frowns. Something in Ruth’s story doesn’t add up.

“Because I was afraid of Cassius. He obviously thought that Livia was in danger,” Ruth whispers in a choked voice. Rupert strokes her hair, he can understand her very well, Cassius can be extremely scary sometimes.

“He’ll surely understand,” he murmurs. “Your plan was successful, wasn’t it?” Ruth smiles up at him, still tearful. She knows that she can always count on him.

“I still don’t understand why Livia could suddenly touch the flowers when she had a panic attack earlier?” Will doesn’t let it go.

“I’ve no idea,” Natalie shrugs. “But I don’t really care. Main thing is that she got rid of her fear. Anybody want champagne? I think we should celebrate.”

Ruth feels cold hatred bubbling up inside her. Everything always takes a turn for the better for Livia. Now even Randolph is helping her, for whatever reason.

“She’s getting stronger and more self-assured every day,” Will muses, opening a bottle. Ruth refrains from rolling her eyes. They should have seen her earlier.

“You see, and today she overcame this stupid fear, and it’s all due to my initiative,” she chirps instead, plastering a happy smile on her face. If Livia doesn’t tell them why she agreed to go with her in the first place and doesn’t mention the blindfold then she might be saved.

Chapter 43

“She’s the right one, there can be no doubt about that,” Augustus confides to Randolph that evening. He has arrived before the others, wanting to talk to Randolph alone. “She’s very much like Rebecca, but much stronger-willed. She has an inner power that you wouldn’t suspect at first glance.” Randolph hides his proud smile, of course she does, she is after all his daughter. Contentedly he takes a sip of the excellent Bordeaux he opened hours ago.

“I’m looking forward to meeting her at last,” he booms, keeping up the pretence. Obviously Livia hasn’t confided in anybody, as he asked her. “The others are happy about the development too, aren’t they?” Augustus wrinkles his brow.

“Everyone but Ruth. I suspect it has to do with Livia being Rebecca’s daughter. They were close friends, as you know, and Ruth doesn’t seem to be able to cope well with this constant reminder.”

“And you? How are you feeling?” Randolph inquires softly. Augustus shrugs, his face closed.

“She deserves to be one of us, and it’s certainly fate that the mother died and the daughter is joining us now.” Randolph nods, having suggested the same to Livia. But he wants to keep the conversation on the light side.

“Fate? Yes, of course, even if Natalie had a hand in it,” he replies chuckling. But Augustus doesn’t smile back.

“She turned Livia’s fate the way I turned Rebecca’s.” His voice is full of bitterness, and Randolph pours him a large glass of wine.

“Here, drink this even if you don’t want to. It’ll do you good.” Augustus takes the glass but doesn’t drink. “You have to stop blaming yourself for Rebecca’s death.” It’s not the first time that Randolph has considered telling him the truth about Rebecca and himself, but he just doesn’t have the heart to do it. Randolph has impinged against Arash rules too many times, he can’t risk confessing to another infringement.