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For lunch we have seafood salad, cheese and Parma ham, but I’m quite unable to eat. I know that’s stupid as there’s no chance that Randolph will reject me, but the overall tension in the room is affecting me. Not even Natalie is chattering on like she usually does. “I notice you’re very nervous, Livia,” Randolph begins, straight after lunch. “So I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.” I nod in silence, the less I talk the more unlikely it is that I’ll reveal the secret. Cassius squeezes my hand reassuringly. “My family tells me that you’re willing to accept our rather unbelievable story and that you’ve agreed to join us.” Randolph watches me carefully and I nod again. “You do realise that you have to renounce your old world in order to live with us? We Arash mostly live in groups, in families, and we would be yours, as we’re sitting here.”

“Yes, I do realise that,” I reply in a low voice, shivering, because suddenly I’m incredibly cold. When I look up I notice Ruth watching me with narrowed eyes.

“You mustn’t be afraid that you’ll somehow change your personality,” Randolph continues. “The characteristics of an Arash remain the same as his human ones have been. That’s why there are Bright Arash among us,” he looks at Will, Natalie, Augustus and Rupert, “and Dark Arash.” He nods at Cassius and Ruth. Cassius smiles awkwardly but Ruth just raises her eyebrows. Whoa, I haven’t heard about this before! Alarmed I glance at Randolph.

“What exactly do you mean by ‘bright’ and ‘dark’?” It sounds somehow scary to me, especially as Ruth is a dark one. I feel Cassius tensing beside me.

“When a Dark Arash is born there has to be a second natural phenomenon in addition to a passing comet: an eclipse of the sun. You see, we can’t choose whether we want to be dark or bright. The difference is that the dark ones are in possession of special powers, for example, the command of one of the elements. With these dark forces they can destroy humans as well as other Arash.” Wow, now I’m speechless. It’s kind of scary but also incredibly cool. I wish I were a dark one!

“What’s your special power?” I whisper to Cassius who clears his throat awkwardly.

“Fire,” he answers in a low voice. I can’t suppress my smirk, now I know why Ruth is so afraid of him. She’s watching me now, waiting for me to ask her but she has another think coming! I’ll show her how so not important she is to me by ignoring her completely. Randolph seems a bit stunned by my lack of awe or fear or whatever.

“Ruth’s dark force is the cold, by the way,” he explains unbidden. Right, I could have guessed, Miss Ice Queen. “Livia, I don’t want to withhold the truth from you, above all as you’re with Cassius,” Randolph continues. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ruth wincing. “Dark Arash like Cassius and Ruth often walk the line between good and bad. But mind you, good and bad aren’t rigid notions.” Right, I’d fathomed anyway that you shouldn’t tangle with Ruth.

“But that would mean that Dark Arash are much more powerful than Bright Arash. Like it often is in the human world,” I grin, really intrigued now, but Randolph shakes his head.

“No, on the contrary. They have to struggle constantly against their dark forces, learning to control them. Otherwise they become outcasts from our circles.” Rather harsh, I think! Ruth is obviously of the same opinion. She averts her eyes, staring gloomily out of the window.

Suddenly Randolph takes my left hand and looks down at my ring. “So it’s ended up here once again,” he mutters, as if he didn't know before. “Hundreds of years ago it was a plain gold band with one cameo with my face on it. But it’s changed in the course of time and now bears seven faces, growing like the mind grows as a result of experience and change. That’s why a new shadow has appeared in the camera obscura, to bring about some necessary changes.” My breath hitches, he’s getting down to business. “Most humans stick to the familiar, out of prejudice, misguided pride or ignorance. We Arash know better.” He covers my hand with his. “It certainly suits you.” I bite my lower lip, looking down at my ring which isn’t mine after all.

“I’ll give it back, it’s yours,” I mutter reluctantly. Randolph smiles at me.

“No, from now on it’s yours. So it stays in the family.” I gasp, realising that this is his official verdict, his acceptance. Beside me Cassius exhales slowly. Natalie shrieks and suddenly they start applauding.

Ruth is sitting very still, her face ashen. “Randolph, are you sure? You only met her about five minutes ago!” she hisses in a low voice. I can’t help smirking at her, the argumentative bitch.

“Just because you yourself were here for weeks before Randolph decided in your favour doesn’t mean that he can’t accept Livia within an hour!” Cassius snaps angrily.

“And what if Livia isn’t ready herself? Just think of Rebecca!” The venom in Ruth’s voice makes me go cold all over. The room is completely silent now, the good mood gone.

“I’m very sorry about what happened to her, but that’s in the past,” Randolph murmurs, glancing at Augustus. Right, that was her story, this one is mine. I sit up straighter and glare at Ruth.

“Don’t worry, I’m more than ready.” My voice is loud and clear and I’ve never been so sure about anything in my whole life.

* * *

Cassius steadies me as we climb into the small boat which rocks softly on the waves. Will, Natalie, Augustus and Randolph are already seated. We’re on our way to the small island I noticed before, where Randolph’s camera obscura is located. “Where’s Ruth?” Will asks anxiously. Nobody has seen her but I certainly won’t miss her.

“Maybe she refuses to come,” Cassius growls, his mouth set in a straight line.

“But she has to be there for the changing process!” Natalie cries agitatedly.

“Let’s just go to the island, maybe she’s already there,” Randolph suggests. “If not I’ll call her.” It evidently doesn’t cross his mind that she could defy him.

“There’ll be enough time to find her, too,” Cassius says menacingly, his eyes blazing. Augustus casts him a worried look.

“She promised me not to make any trouble.” Cassius snorts.

“Of course she wouldn’t dare veto Livia, she knows that I would kill her.” I wince at his words, simultaneously feeling the fire in him. Whoa, he’s in an explosive mood!

The small island on the horizon comes closer and soon we arrive at its rocky shore. The first stars are lighting up the sky as Randolph leads us to a wood that looms in front of us. I cling to Cassius’ hand, it’s eerie here, very dark under the trees, and with a pang of fear I realise that I know this wood. I’ve often seen it in my dreams. Sick with dread, heart beating, I force myself to take step after step. “Don’t worry, the changing process doesn’t hurt,” Cassius whispers to me, misunderstanding my clear reluctance to proceed. I’m unable to answer, my heart is in my mouth.

And indeed, when we leave the forest, there it is, the dark lake, the object of my nightmares. To the right I notice the small wooden shed which has always remained closed to me, and I groan softly. A silvery moon casts its light across the lake. “Cassius, I know this lake. I’ve dreamt about it several times,” I whisper to him, leaving out the drowning part. Weakly I lean against him.