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“I’ve grown strong enough to take down a large number of the angels in the city,” Venom said lazily. “It’s a secret the Tower will execute you for speaking, so never share it—but I can shock the youngest ones into an intense involuntary sleep that the healers believe could lead to death, incapacitate the older with severe pain.”

Holly scowled and said, “Bull,” wincing inwardly at using language for which her mother would threaten to wash out her mouth with soap. Daphne Chang didn’t care what Holly was; she did care that her daughter comport herself like the lady she’d been raised to be. Holly tried, she really did. But only when her mother was in the vicinity to bear witness.

Never again would Holly willingly cause pain to the mom who’d never, not once, looked at her as anything but her child. Her dad was less demonstrative, but he was the one who kept aside certain pieces of clothing for her in his dress shop, pieces that were always colorful and quirky and Holly.

Love came in many different forms.

“It’s all true.” Venom’s hair lifted up in the wind coming through his open window, his profile so astonishingly perfect that her breath caught for a second. “I’m deadlier than the deadliest snake in the world, with the ability to impact strong immortals. But you’re not too far behind.”

“Try being used as a chew toy by an insane archangel,” Holly said with a grim smile. “It does wonders for your poison, I hear.”

No one knew exactly what Uram had done to her beyond making her drink his blood—that sickening memory, she’d finally recovered. But much of the time he’d spent with her after murdering her friends remained a blank. Either she’d been unconscious or he’d made sure she wouldn’t remember, and it was just great to know that a bloodborn archangel might have been digging around in her mind.

Who knew what he’d left behind.

What Holly did have was a lot more information about angelic biology than even the majority of older vampires—she’d needed that information to understand what was happening to her.

“But,” Venom continued, “as I was saying. I’m immune to your poisonous bite.”

Holly scowled. She’d bitten him once or twice, back during her psycho-PTSD phase, and he’d shrugged it off, but those bites had been mere scratches—and her toxic kiss hadn’t yet settled into its final form. “The scientists tested our venom against each other?”

Reaching over, Venom played with strands of her hair, which she’d scraped neatly back the instant after he’d taken the photograph. “You look like that pony toy with a unicorn tail.”

She slammed up an arm to knock him off. “Answer the question. And unicorn hair was the point, Mr. Designer Cut and Dry.” Every so often, Holly had to fight the urge to jump on Venom and mess him up.

“Complete neutralization.” Venom turned slightly in his seat to face her profile—and the prickling over her skin turned into a swarm of stinging bees. “My venom cancels out yours and vice versa.”

Holly stared straight ahead. “Is my venom the same as yours?” It was a question she didn’t want to ask. “Like a viper’s or a cobra’s or another snake’s?”

“No.” His answer made her heart slam into her rib cage. “Mine tracks that way—though it’s a unique mixture, but yours is unlike anything on the planet and it’s growing in virulence.”

Holly felt her muscles lock. The thing inside her, the psychic tumor she couldn’t outrace, was getting stronger. She knew it, had felt it. Where would it end? In death? In psychotic madness like the archangel who’d been her blood sire? Worse?

“We could test it,” Venom said in that languidly sensuous tone she’d heard him use on the women who panted after him. “Share our venom.”

Holly found her feet again. “Oh, gosh, let me think about it,” she said with a flutter of her eyelashes. “The answer is . . . A Big. Fat. No.” She knew he was jerking her chain. He thought she was a spitting baby. She thought he was a conceited ass. That was the extent of their relationship.

“Why does someone want you enough to put a bounty on your head?” His tone was serious this time. “It was very definitely you they were after. Holly Chang, also known as Sorrow. That was the brief and it included a photo of you.”

Holly nodded. “I saw.” The photo had been stored on the chief goon’s phone. It had been of her striding out of a café where she’d taken her mother for a cup of tea and cake. Daphne Chang had a weakness for cake that Holly fully exploited as she weaseled her way back into her mother’s good graces.

“The instigator must know how you were Made,” Venom continued, his power a sinuous wave that wrapped around her before sliding away. “Or they suspect.”

Holly fought to keep her breathing even. Venom hadn’t been messing with her just then—he played games, but not like that. Not in ways where they weren’t on equal ground. She was sensing his power so vividly either because her own sensitivity had increased as a result of the ongoing changes in her body—or because Venom had grown stronger in the two years since she’d last seen him in person.

Or both.

“Your blood is valuable currency,” he added.

“Unfortunately.” Holly didn’t carry the deadly toxin that had resulted in Uram’s murderous insanity, but she carried something that wasn’t standard issue in either the mortal or immortal world.

No one had quite figured out what yet. They just knew Holly was a “strangeness unseen in nature”—words spoken by a healer working on her case.

“There’s another possibility,” Venom said. “You’re unique and such things rarely come along in an immortal life. As Zhou Lijuan collects the most extraordinary wings in angelkind, so another collector may seek to acquire you.”

Holly shivered inwardly at the mention of the seriously creepy Archangel of China. “How can she collect angelic wings? Does she cut them off?” she asked, horrified.

Venom’s answer was chilling. “No, she prefers the whole body. Like pinning a dead butterfly to a wall.”

“Fuck, immortals are twisted.” And theirs was her world now. “Did they react to you that way? Like a curiosity or a collector’s item?”

“I wasn’t as much of a shock. Not given the identity of my Maker.”

The Archangel Neha, the Queen of Snakes, of Poisons.

“But,” he continued, his voice a little distant, as if he was looking hundreds of years back, “I’m the only vampire she has ever Made who inherited so much of what makes her who she is. There were many who tried to lure me from her court at the conclusion of my Contract.”

Holly was intrigued despite herself. “Was Raphael one of those people?”

His laughter was incongruously warm for a man with the eyes of a viper. “The sire has never had to lure anyone, kitty.”

Hissing at him before she could stop herself, she braked to a hard stop in front of the gleaming spike that was the cloud-piercing form of Manhattan’s Archangel Tower. “You can slither away now,” she said when he didn’t move.

“You’ll be coming with me.” His tone was unbending. “Dmitri will want to know about the kidnapping attempt.”

Holly’s gut tensed. She’d been afraid of that. And while she cheerfully defied Venom for no reason except that he was aggravating, defying Dmitri was a whole another matter. It wasn’t that she was scared of him—though Dmitri could be terrifying. It was that she didn’t want to disappoint him.

Spinning the car left and down into the underground Tower garage, she parked in silence and got out. Venom grabbed his hold-all from the trunk, then prowled beside her with a liquid smoothness she’d thought an affectation until she’d seen him fight and realized his eyes didn’t lie—Venom had been changed down to his very cells during his conversion to vampirism.