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The thought of winning the Trials helped focus Flynn back on the present… Without missing a beat, he hopped from the bridge-way on to the ledge of the next rooftop and headed toward the crossing over Pearl Street Canal. He kept running at an even pace, loving every minute of every step he took. It felt like running on top of the world, the city sprawled beneath his feet. The view was breathtaking… But this wasn’t the best time of the day for Flynn to be going through such a routine… There were so many pedestrians rushing back and forth on the walkways that it was now more of an obstacle course… Luckily for Flynn, most people stepped out of his way, letting him pass. They knew what he was doing. No one else ran like that on the Archipelago, except for the young blood training for the Scavenger Trials.

Flynn had reached his tower and was only a few feet from his apartment when he felt a rush of wind as something swooped over his head. He heard the flapping of wings and saw a carrier pigeon land on the walkway’s railing. Glancing around, Flynn came to an abrupt stop. Apart from a few neighbors walking in the distance, it was just him and the bird. But was the pigeon here for Flynn or somebody else, then? There was a red ribbon tied round one of its feet, which meant a message was waiting to be delivered… The pigeon inched its way closer and cocked its head to one side. A small beady eye was now staring at him. Flynn reached for the pouch hanging round the bird’s neck, took out a tiny piece of paper and read it.

The note said: I’ll be there, M.

After ruffling its feathers, the pigeon flapped its wings again and took off in the direction of the Pigeon Towers. Flynn stood still, watching the bird fly away. When he could see it no longer, Flynn shoved the note in his pocket and, with a huge smile on his face, opened the door flap to his apartment. Yes, Madison Ray was going to make one hell of a Crew Mate.


Flynn leaned over the side of the Seeker and peered at the water. He could just about make out the outline of a moving shadow under its surface. It was growing bigger, coming closer. Finally, Madison’s head burst through with a big splash. She spat some water and took a big, noisy gulp of air.

“Good job!” Flynn said, extremely pleased with the girl’s progress. “That’s enough diving for today.”

Madison removed her goggles; grabbed Flynn’s outstretched hand, and let him hoist her up on deck. She rolled on her back, eyes closed, trying to catch her breath, her chest heaving from all the strain of rigging up the diving bell. Water dripped from her glistening skin, forming a small pool on the raft’s platform.

Flynn caught himself staring at Madison… again… and shaking his head in total disbelief… Yesterday, Madison had been wearing a pair of scruffy overalls… her face covered with a grimy scarf… Today, she had arrived at the docks in cut-off cargo pants, a tank top, and her face no longer hidden by a scarf… And she had given Flynn the surprise of his life… Back at the dock, he had stared at the girl before him, at first not realizing it was Madison Ray. True, he had not seen her in over a year, but the person before him bore only the faintest resemblance to the old Madison… In his head, she had been this quirky kid… one of the boys… and nothing special… But looking at her now, he couldn’t help noticing the incredible transformation that had taken place… Gone was the awkward looking child with spindly legs, matted hair and a mouth too big for its face… With her long and slender limbs, her cascading waves of sun-streaked hair and full lips, Madison Ray had turned into a real beauty. She was, by far, the most stunning girl Flynn had seen on the Archipelago… It was hard not to stare!

Madison’s long eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyes. Flynn looked away, but not fast enough. “What?” she asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

“Err… nothing!” Flynn picked up a jar filled with seal fat, scooped a handful and slapped it on his chest. Avoiding any eye contact with Madison, he started smearing the grease all over his body.

Madison rubbed her arm, sniffed her fingers and scrunched up her nose. “Ugh! This stuff stinks worse than my pigeons!”

“Yeah! But it sure keeps you warm when you’re in the water.”

“This is harder than I thought, Flynn… I’m not sure if I can keep pace with you….”

“You’re doing fine for someone who hasn’t practiced in a while,” said Flynn, reassuringly. He was covered from head to toe in grease now. “A lot to catch up on, but we can’t do it in just a few days.”

“I thought I was only going to work on the pedals and the air-pump…”

“You will be… But, as my Crew Mate, you’ve got to dive well enough in case of an emergency. You’re here to watch my back,” said Flynn, stretching out his hand. “Goggles, please!”

“Hey! I thought you said enough diving for today.”

“I need to get something… Just one quick dive and we’re going back.”

Madison untangled the goggles from her hair and handed them to Flynn. Then she shook out her long, wet mane, sending a cloud of tiny water drops flying in the air.

“You know, you’ll have to cut it all off,” Flynn said.


“Can’t take unnecessary risks… with hair like that… It can get caught in something down there. Trap you, or strangle you…. And you’ll be dead before you know it.” Flynn stepped to the edge of the raft, closed his eyes and relaxed his body. Standing perfectly still, he looked like a golden statue, his oiled skin catching the light of the strong afternoon sun.

“What’re you doing?”

Flynn opened one eye slightly, caught Madison looking at him then closed it. “Concentrating… Slowing down my heart beat.”

“Really… you can do that… by concentrating?”

“Just watch… I’ll teach you all the tricks of deep free diving after the Trials.”

“Aren’t you supposed to take deep breaths… get more oxygen before you dive?”

“Bad idea.”


Flynn gave up, opened his eyes and faced Madison. With all her questions, she was making it really hard for him to concentrate. “’Cause I’ll be hyper-ventilating then, and black out. That’s why.”

“Oh… that makes sense,” she said, scowling. “You must think I’m stupid for asking.”

“No, I don’t!” Flynn felt like kicking himself. The last thing he needed was for Madison to get offended and give up on the whole Crew Mate deal. “I think you’re very wise, asking me about stuff…” he mumbled… Wise and very pretty, Flynn thought, not realizing he was staring at Madison again.

“So, are you going in, or not?”

Flynn looked away from the girl and began to scan the horizon. “Just making sure we’re alone,” he said. Flynn had positioned the Seeker at the same spot he and Tony had last scavenged. Yes, he knew that he was pushing his luck, and he shouldn’t be there… Not so soon after being caught “trespassing”, anyway… But, he also knew there was so much more stuff to be scavvied/found in the pharmacy down below. It would be such a shame to abandon it now. Most importantly, there was medicine that could help Tony get better. He had to risk it.