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   If Medvedev started begging and apologizing, then, maybe, he also managed to soften ice heart of space Kali, but pride above mind. Though all the same, the goddess of the evil of Cali does not know pity. Perhaps, it is better to die with it is proud of the raised head, than to bite the dust and to be all the same the killed ruthless opponent.

   Aloud Medvedev told:

   - Let's talk properly. We are ready to compromises.

   - Svinyachy primacy! I do not cancel the decisions! The last seconds of your world expired blue Vinipukh! - The last curse of Velimare was prompted by the computer in the form of a bracelet. It stylishly looked on strong sinewy, but at the same time to a graceful hand of the space amazon.

   The president literally roared, giving the order on nuclear attack. It is clearly visible on all monitors and screens: thermonuclear rockets a dense swarm fly to mighty intergalactic starprobe vehicles. They are thousands. They leave long fiery tails, additional containers give dispersal to the third cosmic speed!. Will be enough for any armada. It seemed, they can sweep away all obstacles in the way. Flew up, the terrible show - seems, even from the throwing-up jet streams, the vacuum flares. Rushed predatory pack to the fighting ships of the opponent. What disappointment... The part of rockets is brought down by gravio-lasers, the part got stuck in a force field.

   And here the reciprocal shot is not even visible to a radar - ultraboundary more promptly than the flight of a photon which is let out stars speed!

   Medvedev did not manage to learn about attack. Sometimes ignorance last act of mercy of God.

   Hyper plasma Gehenna absorbed the Supreme Commander of the strongest army of the planet Earth. Millions of people evaporated, having addressed in plasma before could realize the happened accident.

   The huge brown fungus rose by height more than 500 kilometers, and a blast wave, having flown several times about the globe, beat out all glasses even in the territory of the USA. From concussion giant waves of a tsunami rose. More than hundred-meter water shaft covered all continents, heating tens of thousands of vessels. Power lines were put out of action, the cities plunged into the darkness only here and there interrupted by fiery spots of the fires.

   From now on on the planet Earth came a new era. Hour of the Dragon set in.

   . Chapter 3

   The world is broken by the rage embodiment,

   Also the sky plunged into a gloom!

   Hell of an underworld came to people that

   The Armageddon triumphed.

   The terrible blow has opposite effect.

   Instead of capitulation people of Earth rallied in a uniform generous impulse; to fight back star enslavers. Even the USA which is originally staying in sweet illusions declared total war with alien intervention.

   In response to a flagman starprobe vehicle the decision to crush, break resistance of the rebellious planet was made. Lira Velimara rapaciously sparkled, the luminescent, blinding eyes grin.

   - These pathetic primacies will be seated on trees, in cages from prickly plastic again. We will suppress and we will erase all rat holes of terrestrial bugs from this pathetic block of a stone.

   - Yes will be so! Pity is weakness! - officers confirmed with chorus.

   The goddess of death threw out a palm up:

   - Kvazarno! Annihilation tornado!


   Meanwhile in the USA it was succeeded to restore telecommunications partially. The president of still great power (after Russia) Michael Curie read the address to the nation. However, his released look, was turned to the sky, but not a leaflet of paper. The person of armekitansky grew thin, on the failed cheeks the unhealthy flush burned. Nevertheless, in a voice enthusiasm was felt:

   - We, people of the planet Earth, too long were at enmity among themselves, killed, deceived, harmed each other. But here hour when the mankind has to forget the conflicts came and rally in a whole in sacred fight with the Universes the evil. Forces of hell wakened, time predicted in the Apocalypse about the fiery tuft overthrown by a Satan from the sky came. And this heavy time, time of severe court and cruel test already came. The almighty Lord will help us to stand in difficult hour, he will support us in aspiration to crush the death legions sent by a devil to the guilty earth!.

   The image was interrupted by plasma flash...

   When the blinding glow went out, there was an angered star fury. She threw thunders and lightnings. Her long hair rose upright, changing the color a mad kaleidoscope:

   - Yes as you dare, the pathetic native to compare us, great stelzan, to spirits and servants of your epos. We - the highest race in all hyper Universe. We - a look, the electee Bogom for conquest and a gain of all Universes!!!

   The space harpy gave a hand with the long nails giving otherworldly light forward, having created the menacing gesture:

   - On knees! Or in a minute from your cover there will be only photons, and your soul our drakonist will eternally torture! Know, a monkey in a tuxedo that even the death for you will be infinite slavery.

   The U.S. President, unlike many predecessors as the true Baptist, seriously treated Christian belief:

   - If God decides that I should die, then not to pass it, but before demons I will never kneel.

   In Lear's anger from everything to scope punched the general standing nearby. The spindle-legs in shoulder straps reeled. The shrew of hell, as if the cobra with the pressed-down tail hissed:

   - Turn a pathetic community of this native kinglet into the nuclear ashes. These biped reptiles have to die in terrible torments. I order to apply the plan "With" - an aggressive gain.

   One of generals it is a little embarrassed objected:

   - Without order from the center it is impossible to exterminate live types of reasonable organisms completely.

   - And we will also not exterminate them. - Roared more and more loudly space Kali's embodiment. - To kill all of them it is too humane, let under our glyukonny capture billions of years work. We will leave couple, the three of billions for a slave labor. And now I order - hyper plasma!!!

   The high breast of Velimara was reared, the seven-domed dragon represented on overalls, appear, recovered. From the opened mouths pink and green sparks fell down: the cybernetic indicator worked.