Here one more of battle ships begins, flaring to be scattered as if enormous Lamansh the ship is put by diameter in passage width from the bones of dominoes poured by gasoline. About losses from among starprobe vehicles more small needless to say. The coalition inomiryan obviously gives in, probably the newest weapon of stelzan - the let-out gravioplazma, literally shocked space troops of several hundred empires.
Gengir Volk operates fire, moving in a certain order to palm fingers in front of the scanner. Externally stelzan the general of one star is similar on mighty powerful addition of the person about a face of the young man most of all suitable for the nazi poster - "the true Aryan". The aggressive and nice guy, but is evil beauty - the Lucifer. Stelzan is spitefully shown, striking blows. He feels confusion of the variegated crowd which gathered from several galaxies. Well, let they will bunch even stronger, will strengthen panic. When the main forces of Purple Constellation engage, there will be victorious, joyful for one also the most sad for others the end.
The coalition works a little chaotically, instead of organized repulse, obscure maneuvers, here even two gross battle ship despite space distances, having gone blind, floated towards each other, later with a roar, by means of gravitational waves, painfully giving in ears of close being fighters, faced.
In them partitions broke, fighting offices, barracks cabins, training and entertaining halls were rumpled. There was all this to inflow speed, quickly enough, to deprive of chances of rescue, but nevertheless painfully slowly, giving chance to millions of living beings who got to a trap to feel dreadful fear of relentless death.
Here the countess of race Fae, very similar to a violet bouquet with pink in golden curls frog to pads, accepts painful death, confessing... To the fighting radiator. The hologram of the computer says prayers and in accelerated tempo absolves sins. Such is religion it the glamourous nation, your high-tech weapon plays a role of the priest, only the cybernetic intelligence so is considered, has sufficient sanctity and purity to serve as the intermediary between a live organism and God Bog. The last words of the priest radiator became:
- The world is not deprived of a charm, but do not sacrifice to God nasty thing!
Lira Velimara harmonous and athletic a team dump in a particular treatment, the squeezed speech code playing a double role. The board ciphering from possible wiretaps of team, and accelerating transfer of orders, a magotelepatichesky impulse.
Cruisers, destroyers, brigantines, and even one kosmomatka, is damaged or is total the vessels destroyed by her starprobe vehicle. The lira logically notes:
- Courage can compensate insufficient training, but never training compensates courage!
Their grab already almost to a limit lowered termokvarkovy energy (for the present its application so not perfectly) the reactor and with alarm expects team. Already many hundreds of thousands of enemy ships of the main classes are destroyed, battle happens on the widest front.
The order is given, they hurried, is organized to recede again to be loaded at cargo stations - special containers starprobe vehicles.
And the Hyper marshal the Big cudgel threw new forces into battle:
In particular its personal leader ultra-battle ship "Mace"
Further two other giants "the Supreme Ace" and "A red right hand" moved forward. They were developed by tens of thousands big and small tools and radiators. Over them flickered a little protective layers: a graviomatritsa, the magoprostranstvenny fields (passing matter only in one direction), a power reflector. All cybernetic devices worked at sub-level hyper plasma that gave resistance to hindrances. At the same time an enormous radar which created to the opponent's electronics Jesuit hitches were used.
Eruptions lethal fell down... Three vast objects sought to disperse more widely that it is the most effective to exterminate the opponent. They are almost impregnable as if the fireball, flying by, burns the poplar down flitting in space, it and their killing impact on starprobe vehicles inomiryan. Forcing them to recede in panic. On vacuum the uncountable saving modules which are looking like children's color pilyulk dissipate. Stelzana yet not them is not paid attention, then it will be possible to finish. They bear too is, however, insignificant losses, small in comparison with the opponent.
But at the same time on the flaring starprobe vehicles, there are no crush and panic. Evacuation takes place is very coped as if it is not live organisms, but biorobots. Besides still as if derisively over death is followed by gallant songs.
Here Lira Velimara's grab: such special carrier of gravitational plasma which was unexpected on annihilation power. Charging passed instantly and again in fight.
The starprobe vehicle gathers, the maximum dispersal, Lira even adheres for the stabilizer not to fall on a back. Still very bright, long and thick hair flutters from streams of counter air.
It is difficult to believe that to this little girl-bogatyrke two hundred cycles already knocked. As far as at it a fresh and clean face, mobile with furious expression, on the contrary angelic or playful. It is a lot of at it behind shoulders of battles, but never it seemed, she will not be tired of them. Each new fight it something special, with the drawing, inexpressible on beauty and a saturation.
Here and now at them the latest by the principle of action the weapon against which the enemy will hardly manage to find effective protection, in any case, to a final victory of Stelzanat.
As the dreadnought of race of Tizt is helpless. The gone blind, losing reference points. To turn the disk which is started up by the athlete that later couple of moments its components were sprayed on galaxy open spaces. Or the next unfortunate victim, at once three gravioplazma of torpedo boats perishing in embraces, tremble the ships which are looking like small fishes as boys.
The general Vladimir Kramar, correcting aiming of radiators (and not without success, from the new incinerated cruiser there were only monoblock sticks), with regret noted:
- It is easy to kill, it is difficult to revive, and without violence it is impossible to live in general!
Lira, operating the star racer, discharging the next stream of destruction, and looking as the ship remade from cargo transport, is also entangled by a plasma network, designated:
- The death as the faithful companion, will surely come, but if you want to take a walk longer with whimsical life, prove the devotion to mind and courage!
Gengir Volk hoarsely bellowed, continuing witty verbal turn:
- To fools they receive laws not of a pisana, but the sanction for their violation also for that clever who wrote these laws!