- Life - concentration of sufferings, death disposal of them, but will find pleasure in torment of fight - immortality will deserve!
Trying to stand up straight, it passed along the long corridor which is laid out from cockleshells, and the numerous females similar to terrestrial girls threw color balls and multi-colored luminescent flowers to it under legs. Women of race of stelzan, as a rule, very beautiful, high, figuristy, with the fashionable hairdresses which are tidied up by hairpins in the form of various alien creatures covered with jewels. Some of them released playful compliments, vulgarly joked and even broke from themselves clothes, impudently making advances and showing seductive parts of the body. Without any constraint, executing frankly calling gestures or, let out frightening holograms from a computer bracelets or the supplied electronics of ear rings. The shameless tigresses who are absolutely deprived of the moral principles, children of extremely corrupted civilization. Eraskander to frown, he as if in a menagerie, any human look. He did not even shudder when on it virtual creatures snatched, and canines, pseudo-real in several rows, were closed on a trunk or a neck. From holograms gives ozone and only slightly beats with a weak electric discharge. To males and Stelzanat's females annoyingly that the person does not pay attention to terrible projections, and they used threats and insults. Snatching on the proud young man, they were held only strong by the barrier ensuring safety to public. Only one blond girl just smiled, having friendly waved with a hand. The lion was surprised, having seen something human in a look of the alien child, at heart it became warmer.
Yes there were days when parents gave pleasure to children, and they in reply laughed, showing teeth, until, when stelzana (still as they call themselves the empire of Purple constellation - Stelzanat) impudently and in a Jesuit way occupied Earth. However, strong it is free also in prison; the weak slave on a throne!
At Lev's the exit Dzhover Hermes, one of assistants to the governor of the Solar system called as a star of Laker-iv-10001133 of PS-3 met (PS-3 designates the oxygen and nitrogenous atmosphere, the most widespread and suitable, both for people, and for stelzan). He smiles, his slave surpassed all expectations. And here - Figo Urlic - literally shakes other little man for rage. He squandered a lot of money as the last idiot. In rage he ordered:
- Finish immediately this vakuumnogolovy rat bastard.
His grown fat physiognomy began to shake, despite all achievements of medicine, after weight loss Urlik again terribly grew fat, because of the pathological thirst for greasy and sweet food. Though Dzhover Hermes also did not risk to put money for the slave, but he, of course, will not give the young man to this hog:
- You forgot, Urlik that now it is my property, and me to solve - to live to him or to leave annihilation!
Urlik began to wheeze, four fat chins, shivered as jellies to which the brisk fly got:
- It is dangerous as the hyper laser with termopreonnovy (superthermonuclear reaction on the basis of merge of preon) a rating. Where this terrestrial bug could so well learn to fight? For certain it from among members of a guerrilla underground. - Borov-stelzan spread wide slippery from oil (from and during fight continuously guzzled), increased tone. - And you will carry it on the Universe?
Hermes resolutely nodded, his shortly short-haired hair, slightly changed the color:
- Yes, this my right. It has excellent inclinations of the great fighter, it is possible to earn a chasm of money from it. Single combats it is such business where gold eggs are laid by roosters! - Stelzan-hozyain cunning winked and right there ordered to protection. - And now let it will be immobilized!
One of hilly from terribly developed muscles of spindle-legs, shot a foam cloudlet. The young man was instantly entangled, biofoam pressed and smothered as if a squid. The boy, choking, fell, but it was right there picked roughly up by robots.
- Bring it to the medical center and put on legs, without raising from knees! - Meanly Hermes giggled to the joke.
The boy roughly as if the log in the furnace was thrown in a capsule. Cybernetic creatures peeped:
- The animal of a certain value is shipped!
Urlik, pritopyvy boots, hoarsely roared:
- Clean up from here, the primacy stinks! The person creation on whom it is even a pity for an annihilation impulse!
Robots hospital attendants together with a medical box silently were removed.
Hermes grinned, on his eagle person the predatory smile stiffened:
- I always thought that people are useless fighters, and now is simply struck. Even our boys born on natural process without hormonal stimulation at its age are not so strong. Perhaps it and not the person at all?
Urlik grinned, he quietly whistled and with pleasure grunted, having felt suddenly transformed weapon in a palm. The friable boar to a paste became an abrupt wild boar; holding in hand five-barreled luchemt:
- You know, there is a law on purity of race. The half-blooded should be killed that did not profane our look. It is easy to shed blood, even easier to spoil, but it is almost impossible to stop bloodshed when honor of the nation is mentioned!
Hermes clicked fingers, in them there was a cigar which is looking like spotty, a cobra. When at a brilliant cigarette snake the mouth revealed, from it ringlets or even the eights of a gray smoke took off:
- Fagiram Sham knows that he does. It is possible to check, of course, its genetic code, but it to us to anything. Give so, we halve profit. He is a simple person: slave gladiator. And we will declare, earning big money. And to anybody information quantum.
- Contact to contact! - Urlik hurried to agree here, the steepness was blown off as if a ball under a wheel. And it was already developed to play a retirada, and suddenly stood having involuntarily bent down from a wind stream.
Directly over the heads the flaneur of colonial police shining with luchemeta flew by executed in the form of a hexagonal pyramid with slightly extended front part. Behind it three more kinetic graviotsikl in the form of piranhas with four radiators wheels instead of fins. They rushed so low that nearly hooked on businessmen of the Empire of Purple constellation. Hermes, however, only roared. - Pulsarny flora. Then it was inclined closer to sticking out as a locator, to Urlik's ear:
- Yes, a billeting the guy to wind collapses on heels! Of course, still there is information. From the planet Earth has to arrive new party of cultural values so it is time to look for clients.