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Great. I’m sure Dane finds nothing sexier than a twenty-two-year-old in high heels and on all fours all day long getting picked up by her kid sister.

“I better head out,” Cortland says. “Told my dad I’d grab some things from the store on the way home. I’ll see you in the morning, Bellamy. What time do you need picked up?”

My jaw unclenches just enough for me to tell him seven. “And please don’t be late.”



Where the hell is he?

I jerk my watch out from under my sleeve and cross my arms as I glance down from my office. A steady stream of morning traffic passes by, none of them stopping outside the building. Knowing my brother, he’s arriving in a chauffeured import because that’s the way they do it in New York. I suppose we each house our own brand of arrogance from our respective posts in the world.

Last night, I slipped out of the hospice center after Uncle Leo had passed out and saw a text from Bellamy. Any other night I would’ve been rather pleased by such a declaration, but not last night. I’m not quite sure I’m in the mood to play around today either. She’s going to have it pretty easy today as I’m not exactly in a teaching mood.

I squint against the dirty glass and make a mental note to have housekeeping touch up my windows. This is completely unacceptable, and I want Bellamy to have something clean to cling to when I eventually fuck her against it.

A black car pulls up to the front of the building, and a leggy blonde climbs out. I recognize her instantly.

I know what belongs to me when I see it.

A man climbs out of the passenger side and runs up behind her, reaching for her arm.

“No fucking way.” I watch through a red fog, processing everything in slow motion and balling up my fist when I see him lunge for her arm and spin her toward him.

I storm from my office and head to the elevator, passing Harlow on the way. Harlow is rarely on time for work, which serves as a reminder for me to note the time once more. It’s four past eight. Not only did some strange man drive Bellamy to work, but she’s late.

The doors ding and part and Bellamy steps off, clutching her chest when I startle her.

“Dane. You scared me.” She clutches a coffee in her left hand. Since when is she a coffee drinker? “Were you waiting for me?”

“I was.”

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she gushes. “I have an explanation.”

“Do you now?”

“Yes…” she cocks her head to the side, not understanding the seriousness and implications of this situation.

“Come to my office.” I take big strides until we burst through the double doors I left open in my hasty attempt to beat her to the elevator.

“Is…everything okay?”

“Does it look like everything’s okay, Bellamy?”

She sets her coffee down on my desk, and a small splash of it spills from the lid to the wood.

“Clean that up,” I say, handing her a tissue.

She wipes it down and throws the tissue away. “I’m confused.”

“As am I.”

“Is this about the text last night? Is that considered speaking out of turn? Maybe I shouldn’t have sent it. You didn’t respond, so I wasn’t sure…”

“Stop talking, Bellamy.” I place a hand in the air to silence her nonsense. “Who is the man that dropped you off this morning?”

Her expression freezes as her lips part just so. “Were you watching me?”

“Answer the question.”

“He’s a family friend. My car broke down on my way home last night. It had to be towed, and it’s in the shop. I needed a ride to work this morning, and he offered.”

“Why did he chase after you?”

“Because I almost forgot my coffee.”

I take a moment, pulling in a deep breath because fuck do I need it. She almost had me reliving my days with Jenessa, and that wouldn’t have been good for either of us. My fingertips point together, forming an arrow pointed at her, and as soon as I’m ready to speak again I say, “You call me, Bellamy. If you need something, anything, you call me. You are my responsibility.”

“I didn’t want to bother you,” she said. “Next time, I’ll know to call you. I’m sorry. Believe me when I tell you, you have nothing to worry about with my friend.”

“Do you think I’m jealous?”

Her jaw hangs. “I-I just assumed. I mean, why else would you care who takes me to work?”

“Jealousy implies what we have here…is romantic.”

“I know it’s not romantic.”

“It also implies I’m insecure, which I find extremely insulting.”

“I know you’re not insecure, and I would never suggest that.”

She’s damn lucky I’m letting her speak to me as Bellamy and not as my sub. I would never allow a submissive to talk back to me and get away scot-free with it.

“Just so we’re clear,” I say, as my phone rings. “We are exclusive. I have purchased your exclusivity at a very fair price. I am your Dom. You are my sub. That is all we are and all we’ll ever be. And you are not to associate with any other men, in any way, while you are under contract with me.”

Her eyes blink rapidly.


I know what this means.

She nods and smiles through teary eyes before turning and walking out. I resist the urge to correct her behavior since now is clearly not the time, and I would never scold a sub for crying. Before I can call after her, my phone rings.

“Yes, Marlene.” I shouldn’t be annoyed at her for doing her job, but damn her timing.

“Your brother’s here, shall I send him back?”

“He actually checked in this time?”

“I told him you were…indisposed.” Marlene knows not to bother me when I’m dealing with a hybrid employee.

“I’m available now. Send him back.”

Waiting by the mini bar for my brother, I pick up a crystal tumbler and contemplate pouring us a couple of drinks. It’s way too early, barely past breakfast time, but I need a drink in the worst way.

“Hey, asshole.” I turn to see my younger brother, Beckham standing there wearing his signature smug smile.

“You’re late.” I sit the tumbler back down. “As always.”

“Lighten up,” he scoffs, trudging across the room with his hands shoved in the pockets of his linen pants.

“Just get back from Turks and Caicos?” I eye his casual get-up. “Or are you on your way there?”

“One of us needs to take a vacation once in a while.”

“You get enough rest and relaxation for the both of us.”

“Who was the pretty blonde walking out of your office in tears a minute ago?” Beckham has a twinkle in his eye.

“Hands off.”

“Oh, is she one of your…what do you call it? Submissives?” He waves his hands in the air in a flamboyant fashion.

“Only simple minds poke fun at things they don’t understand.” I take a seat at my desk and pull up my email. My brother’s only been here five minutes, and already I’m ready for him to leave. “When are you going to see Uncle Leo?”

It’s more of a command than a question.

“Today,” Beck says, popping down into a guest chair. He rests an elbow on the arm and leans against his hand, gazing out the window. I know he’s not ready. He’s been keeping a safe distance this entire time Uncle Leo’s been sick, and we both knew this day would come. Beck’s not equipped to deal with emotional anything, then again, neither am I, but I never excused myself from being by our uncle’s side when he needed me most.

Beckham smacks the arms of the chair and stands.

“You going now?” My fingers stop typing against my keyboard, and I turn to watch him head out.

“Yeah,” he says. “I’ll be back later. Odessa’s around here somewhere. If you see a sassy redhead wandering the halls, she’s with me.”

“Ah. You decided to make it official with her?”

Beckham cracks a smile and points his finger at me. “Don’t.”