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“Your question was ignored because it’s not relevant to what we’re doing here.” I clear my throat. “Which is polishing your brand so we can focus on your first PR issue, which your brother filled me in on this morning.”

“You’ve already spoken to Dane this morning?”

“He emailed me over the weekend. Why didn’t you mention the issue with Charity Falls last week when we first sat down?”

“I figured we’d get to it.”

“Charity Falls hates your corporation and your plans to build a wind farm that obstructs their picturesque little community. That is a huge issue to fix, Beckham.” I sigh, grateful to take his focus off my ring for a moment.

“Bet their tunes will change when their little energy bills are slashed in half.”

“But they don’t see it that way,” I say. “To them it’s an eyesore.”

“It’s not my fault they’re stuck in the past. Wind farms are popping up all over the country, improving lives. Creating jobs and saving the environment is more important to me than whether or not the entire one-thousand-and-seven inhabitants of Charity Falls hates me.”

“Please tell me that statement of yours isn’t on record anywhere.” I lift my brows.

“You think I’m that big of an idiot?”

“I think you’re missing a filter. And a sensitivity chip.” I may as well ad insult to injury.

“Now I’m tactless?”

“Sometimes.” I lean back in the guest chair. “This is why you have me for the next three weeks. You’ll work closely with me. Pay close attention to how I handle this situation because this won’t be the last time you have to convince some little chocolate-box town to welcome your energy initiatives with open arms.”

“So what now?”

“I’ll see if they have a newspaper. We can set up an interview. Maybe we can plan a town hall meeting?”

“If I have to go to Vermont, you’re coming with me.”

“If it’s in the next three weeks, then yes.” I brush my hair over my shoulder and lean in. “My goal is to ensure that even without me sock-puppeting you, you’ll be able to carefully select the right combination of words to ensure you don’t come across as a pompous windbag.”

“You’d be hard pressed to find someone who remotely considers me a pompous windbag, Odessa.”

“Really?” My nose wrinkles.

“Present company excluded. Obviously.”

I snicker. Three more weeks. No. Two weeks and four business days.

“You still need to tell me why you’re wearing that ring.” His eyes linger on my glittering rock.

I twist it until the glimmering rock is inside my fist and then clench my hand.

“I don’t sleep with taken women. You told me you were single at the bar.” His expression narrows.

“I am single.” I draw in a sharp breath. “I was engaged. He told me a couple weeks ago he needed some space. The engagement is called off. He moved out. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I was not engaged when I went home with you.”

“You love him?”

I’m not sure why he cares. My face pinches. “Of course I love him.”

“No, you don’t.”

We should be discussing this website, not my love life.

“Yes.” My words sharpen against my tongue. “I do love him. And please don’t suggest otherwise. You and I are hardly more than strangers.”

“Right. I don’t know you. But I do know that a woman in love doesn’t run out and sleep with the first guy she meets at a random bar.”

“Should I be doodling hearts? Skipping? Humming love songs?”

“You look miserable,” he says.

“So do you.” It’s not true. He looks perfectly content with his single-in-the-city lifestyle. “I love Jeremiah, it’s just difficult not knowing what’s going to happen with our relationship. I just want an answer, and he’s not ready to give me one.”

“Why would you waste your time with someone who doesn’t know if he wants to be with you?” Beckham’s eyes squint. “Makes no sense, especially for someone like you.”

“Someone like me?”

“You don’t take shit from anyone, but you’re going to take it from some asshole because he got down on his knee and gave you a ring?”

The last thing I expected when I came to work this morning was to have to defend my commitment to making things work with Jeremiah.

“We’ve been together since college. I can’t imagine spending my future with anyone else.” I speak about Jeremiah with a tone void of emotion because I refuse to get worked up about this here, in front of Beckham. “His circumstances have recently changed, and he’s re-evaluating his life goals.”

“Let me guess, he’s coming into his career, got a taste of success, isn’t sure he’ll have the time to commit to your relationship now, and it’s not fair to you.” Beckham leans back, threading his fingers behind his head with a proud smirk across his lips.

My jaw hangs, rendering me speechless.

“He fed you that line of bullshit, did he?” Beckham’s smirk fades.

When Jeremiah said those words Friday night they made perfect sense. His touch was tender, right along with his delivery.

I want to believe it was authentic.

“Odessa. Come. On.” Beckham leans forward. “I fucking invented that line. Please tell me you didn’t fall for it. He’s stringing you along until he finds something more exciting. Guarantee you he’s got something in the works and he’s keeping you on ice in case it falls through.”

My bottom lip trembles, the hint of a tingle zipping across it as my eyes burn. I’ve stayed strong, and I’m not about to lose my cool in front of him of all people.

I drag in a cool breath and force it away, summoning every ounce of strength I have. I refuse to appear weak in front of Beckham. For all I know, he’s still hung up on me, and he’s looking for an ‘in.’ Can’t think of a more perfect opportunity than a broken hearted girl fresh off a called-off engagement.

“Believe me, my eyes are wide open. I’m not naïve,” I say, fighting the burn in my throat. “But when you love someone, you fight for them. You believe in them. You trust them to do the right thing with your heart.”


“Excuse me?”

“You have it all wrong.”

“I have what all wrong?”

“Everything.” He rises, adjusting the knot of his tie after tugging on his collar. His jester expression dissipates, and he takes weighted steps toward his window. “Don’t live in a bubble, Odessa. All those people out there...” He slips his hands into his pockets, peering out his window toward his expansive view of the city. “Those people don’t give a fuck about you or me or anyone. Everyone’s in it for themselves. The sooner you accept that and the sooner you do the same, the happier you’ll be.”

The room feels darker, heavier.

Last Friday when I Googled Beckham, I didn’t find much beyond some old online gossip articles about his engagement with a hotel heiress named Sophie Glass. Nothing but rumors and speculation about the details surrounding their cancelled wedding. I’d meant to sift through the photos but Devin called before I had a chance and later I scolded myself for wasting my curiosity digging into Beckham’s ancient history.

For a moment, I wonder if he’s thinking about her.

I rise, gathering my folders, papers, notebook, and tablet. I need to go back to my desk and get some real work done. “I’m going to see if I can get Charity Falls on the phone. Line up that interview.”

He says nothing. I leave.

Chapter Nine


“I’m flying you and Sam to Salt Lake City for a couple days.” My brother informs me Tuesday morning.

“Wait. Why?”

“We can get more done if we meet in person, and Beckham, before you suggest that I Skype into the meeting, I’m going to go ahead and say no.”

I can think of a million places I’d rather visit than Salt Lake City.