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Our gazes hold as a solitary cellist plays Chopin’s Nocturne in E-flat Major.

My sister waits up ahead, smiling bright and blinking away tears. Odessa is seated next to Jensen on a folding chair. Beckham grips Dane’s shoulders and gifts him a reassuring pat as he tosses me a wink.

I invited the girls out under the guise of a ladies’ weekend, and I casually mentioned they could bring the guys too, assuring we could all do our own things and meet up in the evenings for couple-y things.

Little did they know, they were going to be attending a wedding.

I sent my parents a letter last month, right after Dane proposed. Perhaps it was my way of closing that chapter of my life, but I assured them that I was happy, Waverly was thriving, and that I hoped someday they would understand that our lives were never supposed to belong to anyone but ourselves.

I simply did what needed to be done.

No one replied. Maybe the letter was intercepted or maybe it was ripped to shreds and burned. I’ll never know. That’s in my past. I’m moving on with Dane, and I’m going to live this amazingly beautiful life to the absolute fullest because it’s all mine and it’s such a gift.

Dane takes my hand after I hand my bouquet to Waverly and gives it a gentle squeeze, and a justice of the peace begins the ceremony.


We dance under a starry sky under a blanket of stars. My toes freeze in the ocean water, but none of that matters. I can’t stop staring at my beautiful husband. Our guests have long since retired to their hotel suites, but neither of us is ready to end this magical day yet.

“Thank you for this beautiful day.” I rise on my toes, bringing my mouth to his and stealing a kiss.

I can do that now.

I don’t have to ask for permission.

Of course we still play sometimes.

Behind closed doors, when he says the word, I fall to my knees, submit to him, and cherish every moment. A tiger can’t change his stripes, and I would never expect Dane to suppress his deepest desires.

But our power has balanced. I am his equal. I love him, and he loves me. As Dane would say, it’s deliciously uncomplicated.

“You’re most welcome,” he says, his mouth tasting mine.

The wind whips my hair around. I’ve celebrated hard today. My makeup is melted. My hair is a mess. My eyelids are so heavy I can barely see anymore. But I want to keep going because the moment this day is over, all we’ll have are the memories. I dig my toes in the sand as if that could anchor me to this moment, and I slip my arms around my husband.

“It’s you and me,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “Who’d have thought our broken, twisted paths would’ve led us here?”

Dane twirls me in the moonlight and smiles. For the first several months of knowing him, he rarely offered smiles. Now they’re a mainstay.

My love makes him happy.

“Aren’t you exhausted?” he asks, pulling me back into him.

“Deliriously so.” I grin, breathing in the salty air as it mixes with what remains of his cologne.

He threads his fingers through mine and pulls me away from the lapping shore. “Come. This day isn’t over until I make love to my wife.”

The End.


AMAZON BESTSELLING AUTHOR Winter Renshaw recently celebrated her third 29th birthday. By day, she wrangles kids and dogs, and by night, she wrangles words. She loves peonies, lipstick, and balmy summer days. Chips and salsa are her jam, and so is cruising down the highway with the windows down and the air blasting while 80s rock blares from the speakers of her Mom-UV.

She would describe her writing style as sexy, conflicted, and laced with heart. Her heroes are always alpha and her heroines are always smart and independent. HEA guaranteed.

You can friend Winter here: www.facebook.com/winterrenshawauthor

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PAGE AHEAD for a BONUS/DELETED scene from Arrogant Master…



*This was originally chapter 2!


My father sits at the head of the dining room table, exactly where I predicted he would be.

“I’m so sorry.” I rush to the seat next to him, smiling like a fool who’s just won the lottery, and yank out a chair before plopping down. I’m getting out of here, and it starts now. Tonight. “You’ll never believe what happened tonight!”

A quick read of his expression tells me he’s in a most receptive mood tonight, and the twitch of his lips suggest he’s fighting a pleased smile.

“There’s this guy at Bible study,” I say, twirling my hair around my finger like a teenager in love, but on a twenty-two year old scale. I can’t overdo this or he’ll know. I release my hair and lean forward. “His name is Cortland. I’ve noticed him over the last few months, but I’ve always kept to myself, you know, because you always said it wasn’t appropriate for a lady to approach a man.”

He brings his hand up to his jaw, leaning back and nodding as he clings onto my words like I’m telling some gripping story.

“Anyway, he came up to me tonight as we were leaving, and asked if it would be okay if he could court me.” I lift my eyebrows and force a smile so big it hurts inside and out. “He’s nice, Dad. And his family is like ours.”

“What does he do for a living?” My father asks, though he knows damn well. I’m sure he grilled Cortland over lunch, and I’m sure he’s asked around about his family.

“His father owns a medical equipment company, and he’s a traveling salesman for them. He does travel a lot, but he’s hoping to be promoted someday so he can be more of a family man.”

Dad’s mouth curls, and his eyes crinkle at the corners. “I’d appreciate a phone call next time you’re going to be late, but I’ll make an exception tonight.”

Hard to call when I’m not allowed to have a cell phone…

His words are stern, but he’s practically beaming from every pore. He’s thrilled about Cortland, which is exactly what I predicted.

My father is thrilled about the potential of Cortland and me.

My stomach sinks, and my artificial expression threatens to fade. I can’t let it. All the strength I have goes into putting on a happy face. “Do you want to meet him? I can bring him over sometime.”

The thought of Cortland sitting at our family table, making small talk with my mothers and blowing bullshit fakery up my father’s ass heats my thoughts, and the thought of him ruffling my little brother’s hair with the same hands he uses to touch me makes me want to vomit.

“I’d love to meet him.” My father stands, glancing at the clock. Night has fallen upon the house, and we’re all required to be in bed before ten. “Why don’t you invite him for dinner tomorrow night?”

Shit. This is moving faster than I expected. We’re full steam ahead.

“Sure. Yeah. I can do that.” I pick at my nails, a nervous habit I’d picked up long ago. “Are you sure you’re ready for me to start courting?”

I know the answer, but I have to hear it straight from him. Confirmation that I’m right about the trajectory of impending events is what I seek.

“Bellamy.” He places his large hand over mine. They’re soft and clean, the hands of an educated man who spends long hours running his pharmacy in order to provide for the abnormally large family he was prodded by God to create. “You’re a woman. You’re twenty-two. As much as it pains me to see my firstborn fly the nest, it’s time. And I know in my heart, I’ve raised you to make the right choices. I trust your judgment with this man.”