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Jensen plates the eggs and carries our breakfast to our little nook with our two little tables. Our apartment is small, and at times, crowded, but it’s ours. We’re free to live and laugh and kiss and make love and dream with zero rules and nobody looking over our shoulders.

“When we get back, maybe we can start planning our wedding?” Jensen shrugs. “Gotta nail you down before you wise up and realize you deserve better.”

“Wedding’s already planned.” I flash a smug half-smile.

“Oh, yeah? When were you going to tell me this?”

“You gave me free reign, remember?” I glance at the clock above us, mentally calculating how much time I have before I miss the bus. “Something small, at Dane’s estate. Just us, Bellamy and Dane, and a handful of close friends from work and school. I’ll wear a simple white sundress and you’ll wear… whatever you want. A justice of the peace will marry us, and I’ll carry a bouquet of pale pink peonies. That’s it.”


I rise, taking my dish to the sink and returning to kiss his delectable mouth. “Surprise me. I trust you.”

Jensen pulls me into his lap, catching me off guard. “Date. I need a date. Can’t plan a honeymoon without a date.”

“October eleventh.” I smile.

“It’s a date.” I attempt to climb off him, but he pulls me closer, refusing to let me go. “Watching you leave each morning is the hardest part of my day, but knowing you’re always going to come back to me makes it bearable.”

I breathe him in, my future husband. He’s my heart and soul, my insides and out. I live for him, and I know he lives for me. In a few short months, we’ll make it official, and no one will ever get to tear us apart again.

The End



I’ve never felt more alive than when I’m on my knees before my master.

Some would say I should be ashamed.

Others might say I’m filled with sin.

I say I’m just a woman with unstoppable determination, doing whatever it takes to secure her freedom before the opportunity fades forever.

Nobody knows about us. Not my father, my three mothers, or my seven brothers and sisters.

I was bred to be chaste and true, expected to find a respectable polygamous man and carry on the tradition of our faith.

But this man? The one who owns me with biting kisses and the crack of a leather paddle? He might be the only thing that can save me.

Submission equals freedom. It’s an equation I never thought possible until the day Dane Townsend showed up in my life.

I’m Bellamy Miller, and this is what happens when an angel loses her wings.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a stand-alone spin off of Amazon Top 10 bestseller, Arrogant Bastard. HEA. No cliffhanger.


PROLOGUE - Bellamy

ONE - Bellamy

TWO - Bellamy

THREE - Dane

FOUR - Bellamy

FIVE - Dane

SIX - Bellamy

SEVEN - Dane

EIGHT - Bellamy

NINE - Dane

TEN - Bellamy


TWELVE - Bellamy


FOURTEEN - Bellamy


SIXTEEN - Bellamy


EIGHTEEN - Bellamy


TWENTY - Bellamy


TWENTY-TWO - Bellamy




TWENTY-SIX - Bellamy




THIRTY – Bellamy


THIRTY-TWO - Bellamy




THIRTY-SIX - Bellamy


EPILOGUE - Bellamy







 “When are you going to take me home to meet your parents?” Cortland’s hand glides into places it doesn’t belong. His hot breath evaporates into fog as he whispers into my ear. I wish we were anywhere else but the backseat of his Kia. “Your father’s going to love me.”

I tug on his arm until his hand is free. I don’t want him talking about my father while he’s about to be knuckle-deep inside me.

“What’d you stop for?” The baffled expression on his chiseled face is a problem for me. “I thought you liked it when I–”

“Not in the mood tonight.” That’s what he gets for bringing up my prudent, strict, devout father who would marry me off in two seconds flat if he knew I were in the backseat of a boy’s car when I’m supposed to be at Bible study.

I stare into his impossibly gorgeous green eyes. Even in the dark they shine like two polished emeralds. His greedy hands lunge for me once more, but I block his move, crossing my forearms like some kind of flesh-toned barricade.

“You should take me back now. It’s getting late.” I inject my tone with a saccharin apology in an attempt to soften any case of blue balls.

Cortland’s shoulders fall. He pushes a steady breath through his nostrils. “Was it something I said?”


“I just don’t want to get caught. We shouldn’t do this anymore.” I take the virtuous path, hoping that a faith-based argument will hold some weight with the son of an AUB quorum member. Besides, it’s time I break up with Cortland. Not that he’s my boyfriend, but I’m sort of bored with him and the thrill of sneaking around is now yawn-inducing.

And I think he’s falling for me, which wasn’t supposed to happen.

I don’t do romance and love and boyfriends, and he gave me a Valentine’s Day card last month. This day was going to come sooner or later. Now’s as good a time as any to end it.

I’m going to miss those lips, and the things he does with his tongue and the way his weight and warmth felt against my body in the cool of the night under the shade of dark. Our compatibility starts at physical and stops short beyond that.

It’s been fun, my handsome Cortland.

“You’re right.” He reaches for my hand, sandwiching it between his and holding my gaze as if he’s about to utter some kind of profound truth. “We need to make this right, Bellamy. We need to stop fooling around. It’s been, what, five-and-a-half months now?”

I wasn’t counting but okay.

 “I have a confession.” His words stop my heart like the pause of a clock right before a bomb’s detonation. “I’ve already met your father.”

My mouth dries, prohibiting me from uttering a single word for a moment. “Um. What?”

He reaches for my face, cupping my jaw in a moment that might be tender to anyone else but me. “It’s time I make you mine. I want to be sealed to you.”

He has to be joking.

This isn’t the green-eyed, blond-haired guy I’ve been holding make out sessions with every Wednesday for the last five months, the one constantly uniformed in Sperry Topsiders, gingham button downs, and khakis with creases down the legs.

This is an imposter.

Cortland.” His name comes from the most guttural part of me. “What did you do?”

“Relax.” He laughs. I don’t. “I just told him I was interested in courting you. He has no idea that we’ve been…”

His eyes drift to the hint of skin peeking out from the top of my unbuttoned blouse, and he wears the satisfied, stupid grin of a man replaying his glory days from the highlight reel in his head.

“Oh, God.” I exhale and then gulp in drink after drink of cool, spring air. “What did he say?”