Cloister, c. 1175
L'abbayc du Thoronct. late twelfth and early thirteenth century, near Draguignan. Provence
Robert Braithwaite Martineau 1826-69). The Last /An- in the
Old Home. 1862 Oil on canvas. 107.3 x 144.8 cm 424 x 57 inches> TLitc. London
Fra Angel ico (active 1417-55). 'The Pains of Hell'from
The Last Judgement, с. 1431 Tempera and gold on panel. 108 x212 cm 424 x 834 inches) Museo di San Marco. Rorence Arnold 1912-2012 Divorce in Moscow. 1966 Gelatin silver print.
40.6 x 50.8 cm 16 x 20 inchcs)
Korea, Choson dynasty 'Moon Jar! 17th-18th century White potvclain, 34.8 cm
134 inchcs). Private collcction
Joseph Cornell (1903-72). Untitled Mediii Princess . 1948 Wood lx»x construction, gloss, wood and paper collage.
40 x 30.5 x 9.8 cm 154 x 12x3** inchcs) Pnvatc collection
Cy Tsvombly (1928 2011), Panorama. 1957
House paint and crayon on canvas, 256.5 x 591.8 cm 101 x 233 inchcs Pnvate (Election
Christen Kobkc 1810-48 . View of'Osterbm from Dossenngen. 1838
Oil on canvas, 39.5 x 50.5 cm 154 x 20 inchcs). Museum Oskar Rcinhan am Stadtganen. Winterthur, Ssvir/crland
Richatd Ricmcrschmid (1868-1957:,'Blaue Rispe' Plate, 1903-5
Meissen Porcelain Manufacture, Germany
Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734), The Vision of Saint Bruno. 1700 Oil on canvas.91.4 x 121.9 cm (36 x 48 inches). Private collection
31 - Chokwc People. Angola, Mask 'Mwana Pwo'i. 19th ccntury Wood. 19.1 x8x 14 cm 74x34x54 incites) Brooklyn Museum. New York
John -Singer Sargent 1856-1925), Portrait of
Lord Ribblesdale. 1902 Oil on canvas, 258.4 x 143.5 cm 1014 x 564 inches National Gallery. London
Diego Rodriguez, dc Silsa у Vclizqucz 11599-16601. Las Meninas or The Family of Felipe IV. c. 1656
Oil on canvas. 318 x 276 cm 1254 x 1084 inchcs Museo del Prado. Madnd
Pablo Picavso 1881-1973 . l as Meninas. 1957
Oil on canvas. 129 x 161 cm 504 x 634 inches) Museu Picasso. Barcelona
Jasper Johns (1930 , Painted Bronze. I960
Oil on bronze, 14 x 20.3 x 12 cm 54 x 8 x 44 inches overall Museum Ludwig. Ludwig Donation. Cologne
Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 . 194J (painting), 1943 Gouachc and pencil on boanl mounted on painted wood frame. 24.6 x 25.3 cm. 94 x 10 inchcs Museum of Modern An. Ness York
Jcan-Baptistc-Simcon Chardin (1699-1779).
A Lady Taking Tea. 1735 Oil on canvas. 81 x 99 cm (31 x 39 inchcs) Huntcrian Museum and Art Gallery. University of Glasgow t8. Caravaggio (1571-1610 . Judith Beheading Hobfhnes, < -1599 Oil on canvas. 145 x 195 cm 57x77 inches; Palazzo Barbcrini.Gallcria Na/ionalc d'Arte Anna, Rome
Paul «Jeanne 1839-1906 . Muni Siiinte Victoire. 1902 4 Oil on canvas. 73 x 91.9 cm
284 x 364» inches) Philadelphia Museum of Art,
Thomas Gainsborough H727-88).
Mr and Mrs Andrews.« . 1750 Oil on canvas, 69.8 x 119.4 cm '274 x 47 inchcs) National Gallery. London
Vittorc Саграссю 1460-1520 . The Healing of a Man Possessed
by a Demon The Miracle if the Reliquary of the Holy Cross). с. 1496 Tempera on canvas, 365 x 389 cm 1434 x 1534 inches Gallcric dcll'Accadcmia. Venice
Chris Ofili (1968 -), Holy Virgin Mary. 1996 Acrylic, oil, polyester resin, paper collage, glitter, map pins and elephant dung on linen,
24 V8 x 182.8 cm 96 x 72 inches Museum of Old and New Art. Flobart. Tasmania
Jan van Eyck (1395-1441) and Hubert van F.vck 1385-1426;, Ghent Altarpiece от TJre Adoration of tire Mystii Umb. 1423-32 Tempera and oil on panel, panels open 350.5 x 457.2 cm
138 x 180 inches;. Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent. Belgium
Paul Gauguin 1848-1903!, Christ in the Garden of Olives, 1889 Oil on canvas, 72.4 x 91.4 cm 284 x .36 inches)
Norton Museum of Art. Wfcst Palm Beach. Florida
Jessica Todd Harper.
The Agmy in the Kitchen. 2012 Photographic print. Private collection
Ban by. I Can 't Btrliei-e You Morons Actually Buy this Shit, 2006 ScTccnprint. I»rivatc collection
Michelangelo 1475 1564 , The Creation of Adam
■ Sistinc Chapel ceiling), c. 1511 Fresco. 480.1 x 230.1 cm 189 x904 inchcs Sistinc Chapel, Vatican Museum
Juan dc Flandes (i. 1460-1519 . Christ Appearing to His Mother. 1496. Oil on wood.
62.2 x 37.1 cm (244 x 144 inches) Metropolitan Museum of An, New York
50. Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Fran. 1250-1338. Venice
Louis I. Kahn 1901-74 Kimbcll An Museum. 1966-72 Fort Worth. Texas
Donatcllo 1.1386 1466 . Virgin and Child {Tire Rormmeo Madonna), c. 1450 Terracotta. 83.5 x 52.1 cm
32"» x 204 inchcs) Kimbcll An Museum. Fort Worth, Texas
$3. Henry Raeburn 1756-1823 i.
The Allen Brothers, eariy 1790s Oil on canvas, 152.4 x 115.6 cm (60 x 454 inchcs! Kimbcll Art Museum. Fort Wonh, Texas
Gcrrit Rictvcld (1888 1964 . Red Blue Chan. c. 1923
Painted svood. 86.7 x 66 x 83.8 cm 344 x 26 x 33 inchcs , scat height 33 cm (13 inches) Rictvcld Schrodcrhuis, Ccntraal Museum, Utrecht
Gcrrit Rictvcld 1888-1964 . Boldenivgun. 1918
designed . 1968 imade Wood. Rictvcld Schrodcrhuis. Ccntraal Museum, Utrecht
James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1834 1903 Nactumc:
Tlx Rwer at Battersea. 1878 designed . 1887 (printed I ithograph, 17.2 x 26 cm 64.x 1041. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York
Salomon van Ruyulacl
1.1600-70), River View. 1642 Oil on oak panel, 51.75 x 80.64 cm 204x314 inches) Albright Knox Gallery, Buffalo. New York
Richard Long 1945 л Tame Buzzanl I me. 2001 Flint.35.15 nix71 cm
115 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 4 inches) New An Centre. Roche Coun, England
Niccolo Pisano 1470-1538 . An Idylb Dapbnis and Chloe.c. 1500-1
Oil on poplar panel. 85.9 x 62.2 cm (334 x 244 inches, The Wallace Collcction. London
Pietcr dc Hooch (1629-841, Tire Courtyanl of a House
in Delft. 1658
Oil on canvas. 73.5 x 60 cm (29 x 234 inches) National Gallery, London
Hugo van dcr Goes 1440-82 -. ' I he Adoration of the Shepherds: from the Ibrtinan Altarpiece. c. 1475 Oil on svcH)d, 253 x 304 cm
100 x 120 inchcs Gallcria dcgli Ufh/i, Florence
Richard Long 1945 . Waterlmes. 1989 Scrccnprint on paper. 127.7 x 92.4 cm
50» 4 x .364 inchcs)
Leonardo da Vina < 1452 1519). Studies Ы'a Foetus, с. 1510 ■-12
Pen and ink over red du.lL 30.4x22 cm 12 x 8V« indies) The Collection. Windsor Castle
Judith Kerr 1923-!.
I Hum rat ion from The Tiger Who Came to lea, 1968 HarperCollins Publishers
Oscar Niemcycr , 1907-2012). Cava dc Canoas. 1953.
Riode Janeiro, Brazil
Filippo Bruncllnchi
1377 1446 .loggia.Ospcdalc dcgli Innoccnti.c. 1430 Florence
Nicolas Poussin 1594-1665'. Winter or Tire Deluge. 1660 4 Oil on canvas. 118 \ 160 cm 46Vi x 63 inches)
VI usee du 1 ouvre. Paris
After Leochare», 4th century ВС ApolloBehedere, с AD 120-140