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Roman copy of a lost fourth- century ВС original. c. 350-325 ВС 224 cm 88 inches' Vatican Museum, Vatican City

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), Faun and Bacchante with Battle of Fauns in the Distance. from 347 Suite. 1968 Etching. 32.7 x 25.6 cm

(!2S% x 9'k inches) Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nov York

Sandro Botticdli (1445-1510), ТЫ Madonna 4tire Book. 1483 Tempera on panel. 58 x 39J cm I22V« x 154 inches)

Mu.sco Poldi Pez/.oli. Milan

F.douard Manet (1832 -83). Biutch of/\sfuntgus. 1880

Oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm (18 x214k inches)

WallrafRichanz-Musctmi. Cologne

Frederic Edwin Church

11826-1900), The Iceberg. 1891 Oil on canvas, 72 x 100 cm

(28W x 39V4)

Carnegie Museum of Ait. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania

Hamish Fulton {1946 . Ген One Day Walks from and to Kyoto. 1994,1996 Screcnprim. 60.4 x 99.9 cm (23V« x 39*te inches) British Embassy, Tokyo

Jean-Bapti«e-Camillc Corot (1796-1875). A Ruing Path. 1845 Oil on canvas. 17.8 x 28.6 cm

(7 x 1 lVa inchcs). Private colIcction

7.5. Claude Lorrain (1600-82), Jacob U'itb I aban and his Daughters. 1676 Oil on canvas. 72 x 94.5 cm <28 it x 37 Vu inchcs) Dulwich Picture Gallery. London

Johann Heinrich Willtclm Lischbcin I75l-1829>. Goethe at the Window of hi* Roman Apartment. 1787 Watcrcolour, chalk, pen

and pencil on paper.

x 26.6 cm (16W x I0V1) Goethe-Museum. Frankfurt

Karl Fried rich Schinkd

11781-1841),Court Gardener s House, 1829 33

Potsdam. Germany

Le Oirbusier (1887-1965). Solarium at Villa Sasove. 1931 Poissy

Sir Lawrence Alma-ladema (1836-1912), A Favourite

< us torn, 1909. Oil on wood. 66 x 45.1 cm >6 x \7Y\ inches) Tate. London

David Hockney (I937-), Portrait of an Artist (Pool

u ith Two FiguresI. 1972 Acrylic on canvas. 213-35 x 304.8 cm (84 x 129 inches) Private collection

JanGossaen 1478-1532 . An Elderly Cjjuple. с. 1520 Oil on parchment,

painted surface approximately 46 x 66.9 cm (18iH x 261* inchcs: National Gallery. I.ondon

Ian Hamilton Finlay 1925 2006), Ft In Arcadia F.go, 1976 Stone. 28.1 x 28 x 7.6 cm (11x11x3 inches;

National Gallery of Scotland.


Jacqucs-l.ouis l>avid (1748-1825). Belisarius Begging/or Alms. 1781

Oil on canvas. 288 cm x 312 cm

1113 x 123 inches!

Palais des Beaux-Arts. I.illc

Ansel Adams ! 1902-84). Aspens. Dawn. Autumn, Dolores Rit>er Canyon. Colorado. 1937 Gelatin silver print,

x 34.5 cm (94k x 1391a inchcs)

Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois

Hiroshi Sugimoto (1948-), North Atlantic Ocean; Clifs

of Moher, 1989

Gelatin silver print,42-3 x 54.2 cm I I6*k x 2IM* inches) Metropolitan Museum of Ait. New York

NASA. ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScVAURA (.•lobular Cluster NGC 1846.2006 Taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys. Hubble Space Telescope

Bcrnd Bcchcr(1931-2007) and Hilia Bcchcr 1934- . Water latter*. IУ80

Nine gelatin silver prints, approximately I56x 125 cm (61^x49^4 inches) Sonnabcnd Gallery. New York

Andreas Gurskv (1955-}, Salerno, 1990

Cluomogcnic colour-print. 129.5 x 165J cm (51 x 654 inches.

Albrccht Diner (1471 1528), life large Pine of lurf. 1503 Watcrcolour and gouache on paper. 41 x 32 cm (l6i* x I2<k inchcs Gratis he Sa mm lung

AJbcftina, Vienna

James Turrcll (I943-). Roden Crater. 1979 Earthwork Flagstaff. Arizona

Antony Gormley. (1950 and David Chippcrficld (1953- . Observation Tbwer. 2008

Kivik An < ientre. Sweden

95. Michelangelo (1475-1564), Might and Day.c.XSSA Marble. 630x420 cm (248 x 1654 inchcs) Medici Chapel. Basilica di San Lorenzo, Florence

Barbara Hepworth 1903-75). Pelagos. 1946

Elm and strings on oak base, 43 x 46 x 38.5 cm (17 .* 18Ux 154r. inches) late, I.ondon

Leonardo da Vinci 1.1452 -1519), Mона lisa, 1503-6

Oil on poplar wood, 77 x 53 cm (30x21 inches) Muscc du Louvre, Paris

Giuseppe Mengont I.429-77). Galleria Vittorio Emanuelc II. 1865 Milan

William Morris 1834-96). Advertisement for the Sussex Range, illustrated in the Morris Co. Catalogue. 1915

Alberto Giacometti 11901-66). Tire Forest (Composition with Seven Figures and a Head). 1950 Painted bronze. 58.4 x 60 x 48.3 cm (23 x 23V» x 19 inchcs)

Museum of Modem An. New York

John Nash (1752-1835 ). Cumberland Terrace, 1826 Regent's Park. London

10.5-Thomas Shepherd (1792-1864). ТЪе Quadrant and t oner Regmt Stmt, с. 1850 Coloured aquatint Private Collection

Ernst Fricdrich August Rictschcl (1804-61 ,

ITie Goethe-Schiller Monument. 1857 Bronze casting, 3.7 m (12 feet) Weimar

Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740-1812). lake Scene, t u ning, J 792 Oil on canvas. 42.5 x 60.3 cm

194 x 23V« inches: late, London

J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851), A Mountain Scene, Va/dAcrsta.c. 1845

Oil on canvas. 91.5 x 122 cm (36 x 48 inchcs National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Francis Bacon 1909-92). Study for Portrait of

Van (njgh V. 195 7 Oil and sand on canvas, 198.7 x 137.5 cm '78V* x J4Vk inches; Hirshhorn Museum, Washington. DC

Francis Bacon 1909 -92:. three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, c. 1944 Oil pai nt on three hoards.

each 94 x 73.7 cm (37л 29 inches) Tate. London

Lc Corbusicr 11887 -1965). Sketch from la Maison

des Hornmes. 1942 Pen and ink on paper

'Crucifixion and Deposition' from the Passion and Resurrection Lancet Window. Stained Glass. ( hanrcs Calhcdral.r. 1150

Nicolas POussin '1594-1665), Landscape with a Man Washing

his Feel at a fountain, с 1648 Oil on canvas 74 x 100J cm 29»n x 39V4 inchcs) National Gallery, London

Emile Cbus 1849-1924.

The Bert Harvest. 1890 Oil on canvas. 320 x 480 cm 1126 x 189 inchcs . Museum van Deiiuee en dc Lciestrcck, Belgium

Sebastian hrtazuriz (1977-1. Wall Stjvet Nation. 2012. Ness York

Christen Kobke 1810-481. Outside tire North date

of the Citadel, 1834 Oil on canvas. 79 x 93 cm (3Hk x 36Vfc inchcs) Ny Carlsbcrg Glyptotck. Copenhagen

Steven Hoi I (1947-), Swiss Ambassador's Residence, 20116 Washington. DC

Michael Wilfonl 1938 I. British Embassy. 2000. Berlin

Kerry Hill (I943-). Amankora Hotel. 2007. Bhutan

Emil Sodcnten (1899-1961 . and John Crust. Australian

War Memorial, 1941 Canberra. Australia

Glenn Murcutt (1936- . Murcuct House. 1995-6 Woodsidc. South Australia 124. Oscar Niemcycr 1907-2012 . Brazilian National Congress. 1957-64 Brasilia. Brazil

125- Diego Rodriguez dc Silva у Vcliiz.ijucz. {1599 ■ 1660), The Surrender of Breda, 16.34-5 Oil on canvas. 307 x 367 cm 121 x 144inchcs Musco del Prado, Madrid

Anselm Kicfcr I945-), Innenraurn. 1981

Oil, acrylic and paper on canvas. 287.5 x 311 cm I I3bk x I227w inchcs) Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Nicolas Poussin 1594 1665). The Sacrament of tire Holy