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135,136.137.1S3,184 Goldin. Nan. Siobban in My

Mirror. Berlin 2H-9.30 good an 66-72 goodness 107

Gormley. Antony. Observation

Tower. Kivik 158-9,139 Gossacrt.Jan. Ли Elderly

Couple 142.143,145 Goya. FraiKisco Jose' 66 Greece 34,70,72,121 2,

136,215 Grow., George 21-2

life Pillars of Society 24 growth, psychological 50-8.65 Gursky. Andreas 102,154 Salerno 154-5. /55 habituation 59-60

Hamilton. Thomas. Royal College

of Physicians. Edinburgh 21 Harper, Jessica Todd.

The Agony in the Kih lren 7H, 80 hell 38 42

Hepsvonh. Barbara 168.170

Pelagn 171 Hill. Kerry. Amankora

Hotel. Bhutan 207. 208 historical reading of art 70 Hockney. David. Portrait of'an Artist 139-40

Hofer, Candida 154 Holl. Steven, Swiss Ambassador's Residence. Washington 205-6,205 homosexuality 30 honour 182-4 Flooch, Pictcr de 124 The < ourtyard of 'a House in Delft 104. /06 hope 13 22.65,212.235 Hopper. Edward 102. 124 Hubble telescope 148. /5/

idealization 20-2 Industrial Revolution 152 interior decoration 4K investment 180—4 Issigonis. Alec 217 Italy 85,135,172

Jeanne-Claude, Wrapped

Reichstag 214-15.216 Jesus 76-9. 108.121.218 Johns. Jasper. Painted

Bronze 59-60,60 Jones, Thomas. A Watt

in Nafdes 36,37 Juan de Flandes.Christ Appearing to His Mother 88-91,89

Kahlo. Frieda .32 Kahn. Louis 1.92-4,93 Kauftmann, Angelica, The Artist in the Character of Design I istening to the Inspiration vfthetry 22,25 Kerr,Judith. Ihш Iigt r Wh,

Came to Tea 114.114 Klulili. Nasser David ISO Kicfcr, Anselm. tnnenraum

212-14.2/3 Kimbell Art Museum.

Fort Wonh 92-4,9? Klimt.Gustav 121 Kobkc. Christen 202 The North Gate of the Citadel 200.203 View of 0sterbm from Dosseringrn 47-8.4V Korean moon jar 42,43 kuiniaLulcmic. Dimcldorf 154

La Rochefoucauld 10Ю, 102 landscapes 34.132.152-5 Las Vegas, Caesars

Palace 164. /65,177 Lawrence, D.H., lady C.batterley's Lover 221 Le Corbusier 191 sketch from l.a Maison desllommes 192

Villa Savoyc. near Pari» 136.138 Leo X. Pope 74 Leonardo da Vinci 68 Mona Eisa 170-2. /73 Studies of a Foetus 112,113 Lippi. Fra Filippo 122 London 134.182 Cumberland Terrace 181

Nelson's (Column 26 Regent s Park 182 Regent's Street 181,182 Long. Richard. Tame Buzzard Line 102.103 Waterlines 110 .111 Loutherbourg. Philip James de 188

Lake Scene, Evening 186 Louvre, Paris 88 love 99-126,234 attention to detail 108-19 can we get better at love? I (KM courage fur the journey 126 good lover» 107 making it last 124 and physical appcarancc 121-3

Manet. Edouard 66 Bunch of Asftaragus 124.125 Le dejeuner sur Vbetbe 178 Mane Antoinette, Queen of France 34.35

Marlborough. Dukes of 13 Manincau. Robert Braithwaite, 7he last Day in the Old Home 38,39 Mars. Virgin 16,70-2,122-3 mask». African 50,51,53.54.58 Matisse, Henri. Dante II) 15,16 maturity 58,214 Medici family 166, /66,167 Mediterranean 134,135.136 Mellon. Andrew 180 Mel lor. David 217.218.2/9 memory 8-12,65 Mengom. Giuseppe. Galleria Vittorio Emanuclc. Milan 172,/75 Metropolitan Museum of

Art, New York 88,180 Michelangelo, the Creation of Adam 86-7,57 Night and Dav. Medici Chapel 166 Mies van dcr Rohe. Ludsvig,

Farnsworth House. Piano 32,33 Milan, Galleria Vittorio

Emanuclc 172. /75 minimalism 34 Mique. Richard. Petit

Trianon, Versailles 35 Mischcl. Walter 142-5 Modernism 136 Monet, Claude H4

The Water Lily Pond 13.14 money 161-94 catecr advice from artisu 185-94 enlightened capitalism 176-9 enlightened investment 180-4 reform of capitalism 162-3 and taste 164-74 Moore, Henry, Family

Givup 232,233 morality 37-42 Moms. William 34.176-7 Morris and Company 176-7,176 mortality 142-9.236 Murcutt, Glenn. Murcutt House,

Woodside 208 9,209 Musec d'Orsay, Paris 223 Museum of Modern Art. New York 96. 154 museums 53-6,81-4.88-96 Mycr Emporium 172-4

Nash. John. Cumberland

Terrace. London 181 national pride 204-9,214,236 nature 129-59 ancient Greeks and 34 anticipating autumn 142-9 beauty 152-5 the importance of the south 134-40 new artists of nature I 56-9 remembering 130-2 Nazif 214 15 Nicholson, Ben 168

/943 (painting) 60-2.61 Niemeyer. Oscar. Сам deCanoas//3.116 National Congress. Brasilia 210-12.2//.216 Nietzsche, Ftiednch Wilhclm 135.136 north, dominance of

values of 134-5 Norway 32

Olili. Chris. Tlx Holy Virpn Mary 70-2.73 optimism 16

paganism 121 Pater. Walter 170-2,174 patience 110 patronage 182 Penguin 221 Pe rides 215 perspective 119 Pcssoa, Fernando 26 Pevsner. Nikolaus. the Engfishnea ofEngfhhArt 216-17 philanthropy 180-2,184 photography 8 Picasso. Pablo 66.84.168 Faun and Bacchante with Haute of Fauns in tbe Distance 121./22 Fas Meninai 57-8,37 Piero della Francesca 230-1.230 Pisano. Niccolo. An Idyll

Dapbnh and Chloe 103-4» I0S Planum philosophy 107 Pliny the Elder 8 politics; 197-32 censorship 221-7 changing the world 228-32 national pride 204-9.214 political art 198-202. 204.212.215

political reading of an 68 who should we try to become? 210-18 Pope. Alexander 44 pornography 122.123 postcards 83-4 Poussin. Nicolas 168 t.andfcape with a Man Washing his Feet at a Fount am 194. /95 The Sacramcni of Marriage 228-30.229 ЧЪе Sacrament vf the Holy Eucharist 212.2/4 Winter, or The Мир 119.120 prettiness 13.20 pride 204-9.214.236 propaganda 76 Proust, Marvel, In Seanh of Imi Time 168 9.170

Quant. Mary 217.2/9

Racburn. Henry, the Allen Brother* 94.95 Raphael 66.170 rationality 117-18 Read. Herbert 168.

169-70./69.174,178 reading works of art 68 -72.85 rebalancing 32-42.65 Kcgnault.Jcan-Baptistc, lh- (bigin of Pointing 8.9.10 relationships 79-80.100.

104.107,110 19 religious an 53-4.56,218 commissions 74-9 displaying 88-92 images of suffering 192-4 and physical attractiveness 122-3 representations of hell 38 Rembrandt 66.124 remembering 8-12.65 Renaissance 85,135.172 resilience 114

Ricci. Sebastiano. The Vimn if

Saint Bruno 50,5/, 53-4.58 Riemerschmid. Richard.

'BJauc Rispe plate 48.49 Rietschel. Ernst Fricdrich August. Goethe-Schiller Monument. Weimar /X ? Rietveld.Gerrit 94-6 •Child's Buggy-96,97 'Red Blue Chair'96.97 Robert. Hubert, Petit Trianon.