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Versailles 35 Romanticism 30-1.74.

100.107.177-8 Rome 135.136

Media Chapel 166. /66.167 Royal College of Physicians.

Edinburgh 20.2/. 22 Ruff. Thomas 154 Ruysdacl. Salomon van. «гит Vine 102-3.102

sadness 26.235

Sargent. John Singer. Portrait if Ford Ribblesdale 50,52,53.58 Schiller. Fricdrich 34. /83.184 Schinkcl. Karl Fricdrich 136 Court Gardener's House. Berlin 138 scholarship 85-7 Sehgal, Tino, Tate Modern Turbine Hall 200-2.203 self-understanding 44-8.65 sensuality 115-16 sentimentality 13.20 Serra, Richard. Fernando

Peuni 26,27 sexuality 116.122.123.

162-3.224,235 Shepherd. Thomas, Tire Quadrant and Lower Regent Strret 181 shock-value reading of art 70-2 shopping centres 172-4./75 Sistinc Chapel, Vatican 86-7.87 Sodersten. Emil. War Memorial.

Canberra 207.208 sorrow 26-31,65.76-9.119 south, importance of 134-40 Specr, Albert 212 sport 204.204 Stalin.Joseph 74 status 182,184 Smith. Thomas 154 studying art 85-7 sublimation 26 sublime 30-1 suffering 26.59.198 Sugirnoto. I lirmhi. North Atlantic

Ocean. (Jiffs of Maker 148. ISO Switzerland 205-6

taste 164-78 Tate Gallery. London 81-2.88.200-2.203 laxco. ( -itcdial de

Santa Pnsca. 32,33 technical reading of art 68 television 164.166, /67.

178.224-6.228 Tcrtullian 121

thcrapcutic reading of an 72 Thoronet. L'abbaye de 36,37 time 145-6,235 Tischhein.Johannes Hetnrich Wilhclm. Goethe at the Windou of hit Ronun Apartment /37 Titian 54.92.102,121.191 transformation 26 tureens 216-17,2/7 Turner, J.M.W. 188 A Mountain Scene, Val d'Aotta 187 Turrcll, James 156-8

Roden Crater 158. /58 Twombly, Cy. Panorama 44-7.46

unhappiness 59.152

Van Gogh. Vincent 178. /89,191 Vanbrugh. John.

Blenheim Palace N Vasari, Giorgio 86 Veld/que?. Diego./ as MenmasSS. 56-8 The Surrender of Breda 210.211 Venice. Santa Maria Gloriosa

dci Frari 90.91-2 Vermeer. Johannes. Woman

m Blue Reading 10. II Versailles 34.35 Virgin and Child i Saintc Chapcllc) 16,17

war memorials 207.208.215,217 Warhol. Andy bit Washington. Swiss Ambassador's Residence 205 6.205 Waucau. Antoinc, Rendezvous de (basse Meeting on life Hunt) 13 Waugh, Auberon 134 Wcyden. Rogier van dcr 88 Whistler. James McNeill. Nocturne: The Riter at Hattersea 101.102 Symphony in While. No. I 178 Wilde. Oscar 102 Wilfonl. Michael. Bntish

Embassy, Berlin 206-7.206 Wilkinson.Jonnv 204 svork 185-7,191-4.236 Wycth. Andrew 185 Zola, Emile 198

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