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“You’d invited me to stand guard for vampires,” he reminded her. “I didn’t want to be there in the first place, and then you had the effrontery to ask me to watch for undead while you married yourself off to-someone else.”

Her eyes narrowed in delight. “So you were jealous.”

“No. Of course not.” He looked at her as if she’d grown two heads. Perhaps three.

“Of course. Just as you didn’t peek while I was changing in the carriage. Come now, Max, admit it. You watched me change. You couldn’t resist.”

“Absolutely not,” he said, but he was smiling now, little crinkles showing at the corners of his eyes. “I would never have done something so crude.”

The music began, wheezing from a small organ at the front of the chapel, and Victoria saw that the groom had taken his place at the altar. “I do believe I shall find a seat. It wouldn’t do for the daughter of the bride to be hovering in the back. Are you coming with me?”

“Anywhere, and everywhere,” he said, holding her gaze. And then he ruined it by adding, “Someone has to keep a bloody eye on you.” 


With every book, my list of people to thank grows and grows. This time, I owe special thanks to Lisa Szajnecki for meeting me for lunch on the spur of the moment to tell me about her trip to Prague.

Also, I’m greatly indebted to the bloggers, readers and fans who e-mail me and support the series in a variety of ways… It’s hard to believe that this is the last Victoria book, and I know many of you feel as bittersweetly about it as I do. Thanks in particular to Carl V, Nancy Bookfool, Cheya, Michelle Buonfiglio, Kati, the DIK ladies, AAR, Kristin, Shay, Danita & Jen, Paperback Outlet and everyone who’s blogged about the series, or joined one of the “teams.”

I also give a big thank-you and many hugs to the Brighton Borders and the fabulous baristas there, who keep me sane while I’m on deadline.

I simply couldn’t do it without Tammy and Holli, Robyn Carr, Kelly, Jackie Kessler and Jana DeLeon for their support throughout the writing process. And of course a big thanks to Marcy and Claire for everything that it took to get these books out there.

And finally, much love to my husband and children for putting up with deadline madness and me flying out the door after dinner with my laptop. I love you very much and am so blessed by your love and support.