Concerned that his blue canvas deck shoes would slip off his feet when filled with water, he removed them, tied their laces together, and wound the laces tightly around his right wrist. Then he took out the list of his pseudonyms that he’d removed from the second twin’s corpse. After tearing the sheet into tiny pieces, he quickly waded into the darkness of the channel, the surprisingly warm water soaking his knees, his thighs, and his abdomen. As white-capped waves struck his chest, he pushed his feet off the sandy bottom and surged outward. A strong current tugged at him. In small amounts, he released the bits of torn paper. Even if someone managed impossibly to find all the pieces, the water would have turned the paper into mush.
Relying on the kick of his muscular legs to give him momentum, he turned so his right side was below him, allowed his wounded right arm to rest, and used his left arm to stroke sideways through the water, adding to the power of his legs. The shoes attached to his right wrist created drag and held him back. Determined, he kicked harder.
The mouth of the channel was a hundred yards wide. As Buchanan pulled with his left arm and thrust with his legs, the water soaked the belt around his right shoulder, stretched the leather, and caused the tourniquet to loosen, decreasing the pressure above his wound. His right arm-no longer cold and prickly-now felt warm and sensitive to the tug of the current. Salt in the water made his wound sting.
Maybe the salt will disinfect it, he thought. But then he smelled the film of oil and gasoline on the water, left by the numerous powerboats that used the channel, and he realized that the water would contaminate his wound, not disinfect it.
He realized something else-the loose tourniquet meant that his wound would be bleeding again. Blood might attract. .
He swam with greater urgency, knowing that barracuda were often seen among the area’s numerous reefs, knowing as well that sharks were sometimes reported to have swum up the channel and into the lagoon between the island and the shore. He had no idea how large the sharks had been or whether they were the type that attacked swimmers, but if there were predators in the water, the blood could attract them from quite a distance.
He kicked. His foot touched something. A piece of wood perhaps. Or a clump of drifting seaweed. But it might be. .
He thrust himself faster, his foot again touching whatever was behind him.
He was a quarter of the way across the channel, far enough into it that he felt small, swallowed by the night. Abruptly, he heard the drone of a motor to his left and frowned in that direction. The drone became a roar. He saw the lights of a swiftly approaching powerboat. It came from the lagoon, sped beneath the bridge, and hurried through the channel toward the ocean. A police boat? Buchanan wondered, and strained to get out of its way. As he kicked, he again felt something behind him. He weakened from further loss of blood. Staring frantically toward the approaching boat, he suddenly recognized the silhouette revealed by its lights. The vessel didn’t belong to the police. It was a cabin cruiser. Through its windows, he saw several men and women drinking and laughing.
But the vessel was still a threat. It kept speeding toward him. Halfway across the channel, feeling the vibration of the cruiser’s engines through the water, so close that within a few seconds he would either be seen by someone on board or else struck, Buchanan took a deep breath and submerged, veering downward, forced to use his injured arm to help him gain more speed, to avoid the passing hull and the spinning propellers.
The rumble of the cruiser’s powerful engines assaulted Buchanan’s eardrums. As he dove farther, deeper, the shoes attached to his right wrist impeded the already-awkward motion of his injured arm. He heard the cruiser’s rumble pass over him.
The moment it diminished, he arched fiercely upward, feeling light-headed again, desperate to breathe. Beneath him, something brushed past his feet. Hurry, he told himself. The decreasing pressure against his ears alerted him that he was almost to the surface. His lungs seemed on fire. Any second now, he anticipated, his face would be exposed to the night. He’d be able to open his mouth and-
Whack! His skull struck something large and solid. The impact was so unexpected, so painful, so stunning that Buchanan breathed reflexively, inhaling water, coughing, gagging. He might have briefly passed out. He didn’t know. What he did know was that he inhaled more water, that he fought to reach the surface. He grazed past the object he’d struck, burst into the open, and greedily filled his lungs, all the while struggling not to vomit.
What had-?
His head felt squeezed by swelling pain. In agony, desperate to get his bearings, he found himself facing the receding stern of the brightly lit cabin cruiser. Ominous, a long, low shadow stalked the cruiser. The object must have been what Buchanan had struck. But he didn’t understand what-
And then he did. A dinghy. The cruiser’s towing it. I had no way of knowing about-
Something brushed past his legs again. Startled into action, ignoring the pain in his shoulder and now in his skull, Buchanan twisted onto his stomach and swam without regard for his wounded shoulder, using both arms, kicking with both legs, striking whatever it was that bumped past his feet. The opposite shore, the gleaming hotels past the beach, grew rapidly closer. As Buchanan stroked deeply with his left hand, his fingers suddenly touched sand. He was into the shallows. Standing, he lunged toward the beach, his knees plunging through the waves. Behind him, something splashed, and as he reached the shore, he spun toward the gloom of the channel, seeing the phosphorescent wake that something in the water had made. Or perhaps it was only his imagination.
Like hell.
Breathing heavily from pain, he wanted to slump onto the sand, to rest, but he heard the blaring rise and fall of more police sirens, and he knew that he didn’t dare remain in the open, even in the darkness, so he mustered discipline, drew from the depths of his resolve, and turned his back to the bridge, staggering away from the channel, proceeding along the curve of the beach, studying the glow at the rear of the various hotels.
Here, as at Club Internacional, the beach was deserted, tourists preferring to go to bed early or else to party at Cancun’s many night spots. Buchanan chose a hotel that didn’t have an outdoor bar behind it and trudged from the sand. Remaining in the shadows, he found a lounge chair beneath a palm tree and slumped. There were other chairs, but what had attracted him to this particular chair was that a guest had left a towel on it.
He slipped the belt from the top of his right shoulder, pressed the folded towel over his wound, and looped the belt several times over the towel, securing it tightly, attempting to make a pressure bandage. Although the towel became wet and dark in places, it seemed to reduce his loss of blood. For how long, he couldn’t tell. Right now, all he wanted to do was rest.