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With their weapons in hand, Jackie and Scott rose to their feet and raced toward the smoldering wreckage. Approaching the destroyed helicopter, they had their submachine guns pointed at the hulk.

Scott motioned for Jackie to hold her ground while he inspected the totally demolished aircraft. He carefully approached the crushed cockpit and peered inside.

He stepped back and lowered his weapon. "Clear, no threat."

When Jackie viewed the remains of the cockpit, she could see that the pilot had died from head injuries. Khaliq Farkas was still alive but rapidly loosing blood. He was semiconscious but able to move his legs and arms. They needed to get him to a hospital if there was going to be any chance for the FBI and the CIA to interrogate him about other terrorist activities.

While Jackie was on the phone requesting a Life Flight helicopter, Scott retrieved all their gear from the damaged Bell LongRanger. He used one of the satellite phones to contact Hartwell Prost and gave him a situation report. Prost was more than pleased; he was elated by the double dose of good news.

Shortly after the medical helicopter landed in the clearing, another helicopter arrived carrying five members of Frank Wakefields FBI team. They orbited overhead until the medical helicopter left and then landed in their spot.

The agent in charge had been briefed by Wakefield about the two covert operators and the nuclear weapons at the lodge. Questions about Scott and Jackie were off-limits. FBI agents would guard the suitcase nukes until the bombs could be removed.

The bureaus pilot gave Jackie and Scott a lift to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Once they were airborne, Jackie turned to Scott. "What did Hartwell have to say?"

"It was a brief conversation. He was ecstatic about Farkas and the nukes, but we may have a new assignment."

Jackie's usual pleasant smile and easygoing personality had gone missing. "New assignment?"

"I'm just reporting what he said. Prost is sending a military transport to pick us up in Phoenix and fly us to Spokane to retrieve our plane. He wants us to meet him at his home tomorrow night at seven."

"What do you think is up?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders in a noncommittal gesture. "I really don't know, but there was something in his voice."

"Like what: sorrow, elation?"

"Excitement comes to mind, a sense of enthusiasm."


The tension was palpable on the bridge and throughout the ship. The nighttime raid from the North Arabian Sea deep into Afghanistan and Iran was about to enter the next phase. The strike aircraft had refueled en route to their various targets. Tomahawk missiles had damaged or destroyed key military airfield runways, tactical aircraft, enemy air defense sites, and weapons storage and assembly centers. Additional Tomahawks were striking terrorists' headquarters, supply centers, and training camps.

After the carrier aircraft struck their targets, B-2 stealth bombers would continue to pound specific terrorist targets and enemy air defenses. On the heels of the B-2 Spirits, B-1Bs and B-52S would carpet-bomb military and civilian airfields used by terrorists.

The Joint Chiefs had deployed eleven B-1B bombers to the tiny gulf state of Bahrain. A second detachment of B-1B bombers was en route to the island of Diego Garcia, a coral atoll in the Southern Indian Ocean. F-117 Night Hawk stealth tactical strike fighters were being deployed to Kuwait's A1 Jaber Air Base. Other fighter planes, bombers, tankers, and support aircraft were landing at the al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar and the new base north of Assab, Eritrea.

The British were sending the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal to sail in harm's way for their dependable ally. Accompanied by several vessels, the British STOVL (short takeoff, vertical landing) ship would be carrying Harriers and Sea King helicopters. A trio of U. S. carriers, George Washington, Nimitz, and Constellation, would soon join Stennis in the ongoing war on terrorism.


Sitting at his desk in the Oval Office, President Macklin was relaxed when he directed his attention to the television camera. "My fellow Americans, as a nation we have suffered yet another brutal attack by terrorists. We will continue to assert our leadership in the war on terror. The time for fainthearted diplomacy has long passed. We will systematically destroy every known terrorist compound and the military capability of the host country.

"If the terrorist attacks continue, we will destroy the entire infrastructure of the host countries. We will keep relentless pressure on all our adversaries, al-Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the PLO, and other terrorist groups. One by one, we will hunt down and bring the terrorist leaders to justice. The nations that are involved in terrorism, and that includes Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Lebanon, Algeria, Yemen, and Libya, will pay a tremendous penalty.

"From this day forward, while Fm president of the United States of America, we will answer terrorism with an assured response. If you host terrorists, support terrorists, or allow terrorism to thrive by ignoring it, your country will pay the ultimate price." His intense stare was locked on the camera. "You have my word."

Macklin allowed a moment for the message to be absorbed. Prepare them for the skirmish with Mexico.

"As we fight the terrorists overseas, we cannot overlook our battle against terrorism right here on our soil. Secretary of State Austin has conferred with the president of Mexico, and President Cardenas has agreed to do everything in his power to regain control of the situation in his country.

"We applaud President Cardenas for his efforts in this matter, but we must also look at our responsibility, both short-term and in the future. My administration is going to take immediate steps to seal our border with Mexico. We will restore law and order on the border.

"As a good neighbor to Mexico, it is incumbent on us to work with President Cardenas to help improve their economy and living conditions. However, we will not tolerate blatant disregard for our sovereignty by drug smugglers, illegal aliens, or a corrupt military.

"These are grave and uncertain times for Americans everywhere. As your president, I ask only three things of you: patience, resolve, and your prayers. We must have the patience and resolve to see this war on terrorism to its conclusion. With your prayers, we will prevail."

The president paused. "Thank you, and God Bless America, the world s beacon of freedom."

After the president addressed the nation, Maria Eden-Macklin joined him for a few moments alone in the family living quarters. Ten years younger than her husband, the intelligent and gracious first lady was a retired foreign correspondent. Well traveled during her childhood, Maria had lived with her father in British East Africa until she returned to the United States to attend Wellesley College.

On a daily basis, Cord Macklin relied on Marias instincts and her ability to bring common sense to bear on any situation. His White House aides were excellent, but Maria never hesitated to tell him the unvarnished truth. She was his sounding board. She offered rock-solid logic and opinions that made sense. There was never any willy-nilly Beltway-speak or elite-speak, parsing of words, or any of the other silliness of Washington politics.

She took a seat across from Macklin and folded her ankles together. "Good speech."

"Thanks." Macklin rubbed his temples.

Maria searched his face, worried because the strain and pressure were taking a toll. "Im curious about one thing."

"What's that?"

"How do you plan to seal the southern border?"

He picked up his glass of fresh iced tea. "Les Chalmers has active-duty army units converging on the border as we speak. Marines from Camp Pendleton and Camp Lejeune are en route. The Border Patrol agents along the Colorado River have been recalled, and we have continuous aerial surveillance along the length of the border."