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Prost was cheerful. He told them to take a few days off and then contact him. He had been in touch with Mary Beth and she was deeply relieved to know Jackie and Scott were okay. After their call to Prost, the friendly skipper insisted on bunking them in staterooms. Jackie and Scott were reluctant to ask the officers to give up their quarters, but the captain insisted.

Unable to shake the memories of the accident, the couple spent the following two days discussing their aircraft insurance options. The morning of the third day, when Escanaba was drawing close to the East Coast, they were flown to Washington, D. C.


Once home, Jackie instinctively turned on the television and stepped into the master bath to shower. She was rinsing her hair when she heard howling and clapping coming from the family room. Next, there was banging on the bathroom door and muffled shouts of elation. Jackie turned off the water and reached for a towel. What is wrong with him? She opened the door to find Scott holding a bottle of champagne and two flutes.

"Hes dead — they killed him!"


"Farkas. Its confirmed; he's in a morgue."

Jackie was skeptical. "What happened?"

"He tried to run a roadblock outside of Prescott — they nailed him on the spot!" Unusual for him, Scott let out a wild shout. "Hell, it's on Fox so it has to be true!"

Jackie threw her arms around Scott's neck, almost dislodging the champagne bottle. They celebrated the news and decided to follow Hartwell's advice: to take a few days off to enjoy one of their favorite getaways for relaxation and privacy. Scott, who had been planning a surprise for Jackie's birthday, was especially excited about the respite.

Chapter 34


Located on Cape Cods picturesque Pleasant Bay in Chatham, Massachusetts, the secluded waterfront Wequassett Inn was one of Jackie and Scott's cherished hideaways. The twenty-two wooded acres offered a relaxing atmosphere in a quaint and intimate setting. The resort was well known for its wide variety of facilities and services. The main dining room, for example, was constructed in the early 1800s and featured a view of the bay.

After checking into their preferred suite the evening before, the couple played a sunrise round of golf on the eighteen-hole course. Refreshed by the exercise, they enjoyed a light breakfast and then decided to go sailing.

Repairing to their suite, Scott and Jackie changed into nautical attire and Topsider boat moccasins. They packed their mesh boat bag with supplies and headed for the dock.

"What a beautiful morning," Jackie noted, as she studied the puffy clouds and blue sky. "The temperature is perfect and the water is calm."

Brimming with anticipation, Scott gave her a brief smile. "Couldn't be better, a Chamber of Commerce day."

After lounging and sightseeing under the warm sun, Scott anchored the sailboat in a small, quiet bay guarded by dozens of curious seagulls. The resorts kitchen staff had supplied a sumptuous picnic for the sailing excursion. Jackie and Scott enjoyed the fare at leisure and relaxed with a glass of wine.

Scott took in the scores of moored sailboats in the small harbor across from their location. He locked his fingers behind his head and stretched out on his back.

Jackie placed her wineglass in the picnic basket and propped herself up on one arm beside Scott. "I want to capture this picture in my mind and be able to recall it anytime I feel insecure and need to be in a peaceful place."

Scott took in a deep breath of sea air and slowly let it out. "I know what you mean."

"Speaking of insecurity" Jackie deadpanned. "What about us?"

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Our business?"

Jackie suspected Scott was teasing her but she wasn't sure. "Our future, you and me. We cant keep doing what were doing until we re senior citizens. We wont live that long."

Scott nodded. "Were committed to finding Shayhidi. Agreed?"

Jackie smiled knowingly. "Yes."

"After we locate him, well concentrate on our aviation consulting business and safety audits and step away from the clandestine operations."

She tilted her head up. "Do you mean it?"

"Absolutely," he said firmly. "We have plenty of money and we dont need to take the risks."

Jackie sat up, surprised. "No more Commando Crazy adventures in the middle of the night?"

"That's right."

"Strictly legitimate, safe business operations?" she asked.

"That's the way I see it — already used seven lives."

She paused a second, schooling her voice to be calm and assertive. "What about us, our personal relationship? Where do we go from here?"

Scott chuckled quietly and looked her in the eye. "This is really coincidental."


Scott's cell phone rang.

"I thought we agreed to banish the phones," Jackie protested. "At least for this trip."

"Sorry," he said, reaching into the boat bag, "but after our latest experience I feel safer with a phone around."

The conversation was mostly one-sided, with Scott saying "Yes, sir," a lot before he tossed the phone back into the bag.

"I detect trouble," Jackie said, disappointment in her voice. "Whats the problem, Hartwell?"

"Yes," he said grudgingly "There's something in the wind— couldn't say much over a cell phone. He wants us on a plane to Geneva as soon as we can be ready"


He nodded, concealing his disappointment. "They want him now — one way or the other."

Scott briefly touched the engagement ring in the pocket of his nylon water trunks. This is not the opportune time.