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She pointed accusingly at Viggo, who ducked behind me. “Have you set boundaries with him?”

“It’s only just happened,” I said with a huff. “We haven’t had time to discuss the parameters of our relationship.”

Dagmar crossed her arms with her trademark hmmph. “Well, he has to marry you now. Your virgin lips have been forever spoiled.”

“He’s not the only man I’ve kissed!” I sputtered indignantly. “And whether we marry or not is entirely between Viggo and I.”

The old woman set her jaw stubbornly. “Fine. The two of you adults can discuss this further in the morning. You are supposed to be in bed. Come.” She spun on her heel and retreated up the stairs without waiting to see if I’d follow.

“Thank you for stepping in and defending us,” I hissed, twisting around to give Viggo a harsh look.

“It looked as if you had it under control,” he said with an innocent shrug. “So… how many other men have you kissed?”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He raised his hands, palms forward in surrender. “I’m sorry. I was merely curious.” Despite his best efforts to appear contrite, a smile played around the corners of his mouth.

I sighed, releasing my temper. “You know we should discuss the parameters of our relationship soon.”

“Soon.” He smiled broadly, something I’d never seen him do before. “It would be the adult thing to do.”

Stepping forward, I planted a kiss on his cheek. “Goodnight.”

When I came down the stairs the next morning Torvald and Kalea were already in the nook, wearing fresh clothes and polished crowns, and sipping hot tea. They didn’t appear different to me, much to my surprise and delight. Both looked up when I walked in, smiled, and bid me good morning.

“Lady Isa, is that a bruise I see developing across your knuckles?” Kalea asked, eyes wide.

I sat across from them and placed my hands in my lap. “Viggo accidentally stepped on my hand while we sparred last night. It’s nothing. It’ll heal in a few hours.”

“He should take better care while wrestling with you,” Kalea fretted. “You’re a warrior, yes, but you’re also a lady.”

“You’ve been a bad influence on her, my lord,” I said, smirking at Torvald.

The king feigned nonchalance. “I had nothing to do with this. She spoke of her own volition.”

“How are you feeling about this meeting?” I asked as the two servants who remained in the king’s house began to serve us.

Torvald sighed and ran a hand over his face. “I wish it didn’t have to be done. The counselors we’ve lost have been serving Holger since my father’s reign. They won’t be easily replaced, but our laws demand ten counselors per reigning period. I have to uphold tradition.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you?” Kalea asked, placing a hand over his on the table. “I’m not much help with politics, but I’d love to support you.”

Torvald smiled, dark eyes full of affection. “You’ll be bored to tears, my dear, but thank you for the offer. Hemming will be by to escort me to the meeting soon, but I’ll be back before you know it. Why don’t you spend the day with Lady Isa?”

The queen thought that was a splendid idea and speculated on what we should do while the king was occupied. She eventually settled on a horseback ride and whisked me out of the house after breakfast with only a fond farewell over her shoulder for her husband.

Kalea laughed. “At last!”

It had been a relief to finally tell someone that Viggo and I were involved, but the queen’s reaction took all the joy out of the revelation.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, slightly indignant.

“Oh, Isa, it’s been painfully obvious for a while that Viggo is in love with you. Haven’t you ever noticed that you are the first person he looks for when he enters a room?”

“Anyone can be made uncomfortable when in the presence of strangers or royalty,” I said, although, in reality I hadn’t noticed. “A familiar face is like a safety blanket.”

The queen made a razzing sound before continuing. “Haven’t you ever noticed how upset he gets when he finds you hurt or bleeding by anyone’s hand but his own? He would have fired the servant that accidently knocked you down the porch steps last week if you hadn’t convinced him you were fine.”

“Yes, well, he’s been taking care of me since warrior academy. It’s become second nature for Viggo to be protective.”

“He didn’t hesitate to ask you to dance after I made him aware of the other suitors at the wedding reception,” Kalea pointed out.

I scoffed. “He could have only asked to be polite.”

“He was ready to fight General Halvar during your altercation. Yes, I saw that,” she added when I grimaced. “Torvald was ready to step in but I told him you would handle it. And you did, very quietly. Thank you.”

Not as quietly as I would’ve liked, I thought with a pang of guilt. “Viggo would have defended any other friend in the same position,” I said. “He’s loyal.”

“Why hasn’t he found himself a sweetheart?” Kalea countered. “It wouldn’t be hard. He’s handsome, he’s strong, and I’ve heard several female members of the royal family whispering about him.”

I bristled at that. “He’s been much too busy with the investigation to notice anyone noticing him.”

Kalea sent me a sly smile. “He has eyes for no one but you.”

The words sent a thrill down my spine. “Viggo doesn’t beat around the bush. Ever,” I said before she could see my red cheeks. “He’s the most straightforward man I know.”

“Except when it comes to matters of the heart. It’s a common ailment among men.” The queen sat up straighter upon her horse. “Perhaps he was waiting for a sign from you, one that would tell him his affections would be kindly received.”

“Viggo doesn’t fear rejection. He doesn’t fear anything.” Though now I wasn’t so sure. It did take him over a year to admit how he felt about me, and that was only because he was pressured by Bryn.

The queen pursed her lips but her eyes were bright with excitement. “Do you know what you’ll say to him? When he asks for your hand?”

I spurred Malie onward. “For heaven’s sake, Lady Queen. We’ve only just become romantically involved.”

Kalea encouraged her horse to trot a bit faster and caught up to me. “Forgive me, Lady Isa. You must understand. I have no sisters of my own. I think it would be wonderful if you and I could have children around the same time.”

I smiled. “Perhaps someday.”

We rode our horses to the edge of a cliff and looked down at the ocean.

Kalea tucked the free strands of hair behind her ear. “Torvald told me about Kenshore and the terrible acts of General Halvar.”

I turned with a start.

“I know you wish to kill him and avenge your family. I also know my husband sent spies with the general many weeks ago in the hopes of finding some proof of his treachery to bring before the counselors.” Kalea sighed. “No news has reached him. It distresses him to think that his messengers are dead simply because he sent them on this errand. It distresses him even more that the man behind the slaughter of your people has looked into the eyes of a king and lied. He’s going to propose an end to the Quest for Resources during this meeting.”

If I wasn’t already shocked, I might’ve gasped. “What reason will he give?”

“He hopes to use the general’s progress report. Halvar never gives anything but good news. Torvald will attempt to persuade the counselors that we have conquered enough healthy land to provide us with the necessary resources and colony space,” the queen replied. “He will propose bringing the diplomats and militia back to Holger, sending the immigrants to the new provinces after winter, and waiting for the new colonies to develop. In time, they will gather and discover more resources on their own land that they will then be able to share with those of us who remain on the island.”