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Becca Fox was that strange girl in high school who always seemed to have her nose in a book. She didn’t talk much because, more often than not, she was daydreaming about the different worlds in her books. Instead of doodling on the corners of her notes, she wrote scenes for her works in progress while the teacher lectured. She preferred quiet weekends at home with family or with Netflix over parties and large crowds.

Becca talks a bit more now, but not much else has changed. She still enjoys reading, writing, daydreaming, and watching TV, although, she’s gotten a lot better at socializing… over Twitter.

She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, a fat orange tabby cat, and a forever-puppy.

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Find Becca online:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.agundez.5

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Bears_Goose1

Blog - https://fanofthefiction.wordpress.com

Instgram - https://www.instagram.com/rjagundez.5

Tirgearr Publishing - http://www.tirgearrpublishing.com/authors/Fox_Becca



Released: January 2018

ISBN: 9781370592425

How far would you go to save your family? Movies and books make being a monster sound cool. Lindsay can sprout fur and fangs during the full moon. Totally rad, right? Not. She can’t wear silver or get drunk with her friends. Forget about exploring the beast within, she just wants to finish school. When she and her brother are kidnapped, she must turn to the only other werewolf she knows for help.


Published by Tirgearr Publishing

Author Copyright 2018 Becca Fox

Cover Art: EJR Digital Art (ejrdigitalart.com)

Editor: Lucy Felthouse

Proofreader: Rosemary Graham

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This story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.