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'Ah, Harold, no!', Belinda cried, finding her face adjacent to her daughter's while her robe was manfully thrust open and her own cunt offered to her husband's hand.

'Yes, Belinda ', croaked he, determined not to be deprived of his final pleasure in this ardent moment and, indeed, to add to it. His wife's sturdy, black-stockinged legs, kicking wildly, contrasted erotically with the white ones of Clara, who could do nothing but moan as his pestle continued to pound her. All was then lost in the wild passion of the moment.

Tom between outrage and arising passion, Belinda succumbed, knowing well enough that she had no other course to take anyway other than to totally disrupt the very relations that ensured her steady supply of caviar and champagne. Thus did opportunism reign. Joining mouths and tongues wildly together in the haphazard squirmings and wrigglings that ensued, all three ran a delirious course until a softly breathing quiet obtained. Continuing to soak his rammer in the frothing quim of Clara, who by then lay flat beneath him, Lord Smithers afforded his wife the most passionate of kisses and continued to caress her own pulpy slit.

'Oh, Harold, what are we at!', murmured Belinda hotly.

'Naught but pleasure, my pet, and who is to say us nay. But come, let us all to the boudoir where we may have a larger bed on which to spread ourselves'.

Withdrawing then his still-thick penis from his daughter's come-soaked nest, he aroused the pair to their trembling legs.

'Oh, Mama, what are we to do! I cannot!', Clara wailed, covering her blushing face.

'What nonsense, Clara, you have done it with Papa once and you might as well do it again', declared Belinda rather to her own surprise. Swept up in her father's arms, Clara was then carried to the nuptial bed, kicking and sobbing theatrically, as she felt it necessary to do. In this, Belinda saw well enough her opportunity for some revenge at least, and persuaded her husband to spank the wicked girl soundly in their bedroom until. If not quieted, she was at least sufficiently subdued to find a panting pleasure in his thoroughly re-aroused cock, which both mother and daughter then dutifully fondled. Thereat, their lord and master threaded them both in turn, much to their shameful delight, as each again witnessed the other in the throes of desire. By morning, indeed, Belinda had been thrice pumped and Clara twice more, so that each received their due, the sheet being much puddled with all their liquid treasures.

Not wishing however to let her daughter take an upper hand in the matter, Belinda thereafter saw to it that Clara received the parental cock much less frequently and always in the most discreet manner, which she took care not to observe again. Thus a strange but knowing relationship existed between Clara and her mama, which the latter was determined to use now that a further opportunity arose to better her own position while maintaining her daughter's. Casting herself in Clara's confidence, though the minx knew well enough what was afoot, Belinda declared her intentions more boldly in respect of Ralph Cane than might otherwise have obtained.

'You will be very nice to him, Clara-VERY nice- you understand?'.

'Oh, yes, Mama. If he should wish to kiss me, do you mean?'.

'Yes, my dear'.

'And, Mama, if he should wish to…'

'Tut, tut, Clara, there are certain things we need not discuss. Should Mr. Cane find it necessary to-er- discipline you on occasions as your dear papa was wont to do, then naturally I shall raise no objections thereto'.

'But, Mama, he may wish to strap me, and, oh, dear, if he does so I shall have to take my drawers down'.

'I do not doubt it, my dear, but that is a problem which has caused you little offence in the past and need not do so now. The better that you present your bottom, the more engaging will be his interest. Naturally, you will report all such occasions to me'.

'Yes, Mama, as I always did'.

'Always, Clara?'.

'Well… almost always, dear Mama!'

With that neither could suppress a laugh, for both had certain fond memories of all that had passed and were as lewd in their minds as ever they had been, though all was cloaked in the most discreet of conversations as is proper in society. Only when bibulous did they let their tongues run on a little, for both had a great taste for fine wines. That, though they little knew it, was to prove their undoing.


Having prepared her ground plan with some care, Astrid took herself promptly the morning after Patricia's initiation to see Julia, to whom she naturally divulged all her news. Listening intently to her pupil's every word, and even to the different nuances in her voice, Lady Tingle expressed her appreciation of all and even gave her student a few further hints which she knew would be thoroughly absorbed.

As to the matter of Lady Smithers, a frown grew upon Julia's beautiful features. But that was rapidly dispelled when Astrid relayed to her the scheme she had decided upon. Indeed, Julia was much pleased to hear her use that very phrase, for it showed that Astrid's steely intent was no less than she had supposed. Even so, there was one service that Julia could patently offer and this she did without demur-in fact, with mischievous pleasure.

'This, my dear, will solve your outstanding problem', she averred, handing Astrid a small phial containing a colourless liquid. Upon sight of it, and-learning of its powers, the voluptuous young lady all but purred.

'You will forgive me if on this occasion I do not stay, for I wish not to delay matters lest Papa entangle himself further', she remarked, receiving thereupon a kiss for her words.

'You have but to relate to me all that passes and that will be reward enough, Astrid. The temporary obstacle of this tiring woman being removed, I have no doubt that you will then enter fully into your domain', Julia observed in seeing her visitor-who so short a while before had been carried kicking upstairs in that selfsame manor-to the door. Julia's pride was thus great in Astrid's rapid advancement, both knowing well enough that each would share the other's future pleasures.

Alas for Astrid, her return was much delayed by virtue of a broken hub at the rear of her carriage, which caused her to return as lunch was being served. Being met on her entrance by Patricia, she learned then that their papa had gone out shortly after Astrid's departure and was thought even now to be in Lady Smithers' domain. Receiving this intelligence, Astrid flushed with annoyance but then gathered her thoughts.

'Even so, we shall pay our visit', she decided. And since matters were as they were, she partook of a leisurely lunch with her sisters, Jemima being much disappointed that she was not to join them on what she thought was but an afternoon's drive.

'You will have your pleasure later, Jemima, though perhaps sooner than you think', Astrid consoled her. Becoming pettish at this, Jemima tore from her arms and ran upstairs, slamming the door of her bedroom. 'Oh, dear, she will have to be spanked', Astrid observed sadly to Patricia, though with such a twinkle in her eye that her sister laughed.

'Who shall do the spanking, Astrid? She has such an adorable bottom'.

'A chore, my dear, that must be undertaken. Perhaps I shall give the task to Papa, but much depends on how he has behaved. We shall see', Astrid murmured as the two made their way to their carriage. John escorted them, casting hopeful eyes on both their swaying bottoms ere at Astrid's bidding he deposited a box on the spare seat of the carriage.

'Shall you be needing me tonight, Miss?', he asked upon seeing them settled within.

'What need could I possibly have of you, John?', responded Astrid in a distant manner which quite caused his face to fall as the carriage wheels rolled forward. Inwardly excited at the manner of her plan, she was yet outwardly cool, which caused Patricia to dissolve into a waiting silence for she had still not fully accustomed herself to her sister's manner and all that had befallen. One question, however, could not but help tumble from her pretty lips as their journey began.