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'If Papa is to spank Jemima, what might befall?', she asked, recalling all the conversations of the previous night.

'Why, my dear, what would you expect to fall? His breeches?', Astrid laughed. 'No, my pet, he will not be in such freedom as that, but fret not upon such details. For the nonce we have other matters to attend to. If Papa is already there then I think it wise that we should not make a frontal entry, but make our enquiries of his presence more discreetly. As I recall, we may circumvent the house and approach it by way of field and grounds at the back'.

'Should we not look foolish, though, if we are discovered?'.

'I, Patricia, will never look foolish', Astrid replied grandly. 'We have come to play a little surprise, have we not, upon dear friends and acquaintances we have not seen for long. Were we to be discovered, it shall be seen as playful'.

'I still do not know what we are really at, Astrid'.

'Oh, you sillikins, I have told you repeatedly. We shall make our gift of wine-the very finest from our cellars-and await events. Wait upon them and profit from them. It may be as well, perhaps, that Papa is there', Astrid said, narrowing her eyes.

'Oh!', declared Patricia in utter surprise, though she did not dare venture any more questions and indeed was still rather wrapped up in the fervent memories of John's prick shunting back and forth most pleasurably in her cunny the night before. It fretted her a little that Astrid seemingly did not intend to repeat the performance immediately at least.

'Another twenty minutes or so and we shall be there', Astrid said comfortably, for there was rising confidence in her at the success of her mission not to say a sense of mischievous excitement at what she intended to bring about. Not only would she succeed in severing any bonds that might obtain between her father and Lady Smithers, but she might henceforth have the lady herself subject to all her whims, not to say Clara as well as young Ronald Smithers. The whole idea made her hug herself with pleasure. The countryside all about them looked more verdant and inviting than ever.

It was not at that very moment the countryside which to Ralph Cane's eyes presented itself as inviting, but the attentions of Belinda and her daughter, Both had imbibed not a little wine in order to prepare themselves for the event the while that Ronald had been given strict instructions by his mama to remain in his room. Dutifully he obeyed, though ever wondering what the presence of Mr. Cane might mean. His mama frequently overawed him, for he was two years junior to his sister, who accorded him less of her time than did his mother. So he busied himself with his books rather than with thoughts of pleasure, which he was certain he could never obtain while he was under their eyes.

'You have not been a naughty girl today, have you, Clara?', Belinda was asking coyly, having arranged herself on one side of her intended inamorato while Clara herself perched on the other, her cheeks not a little flushed.

'A trifle, Mama, but surely I shall not be strapped for it? I am sure that Mr. Cane is a kindly man and would not wish to sting my poor bottom'.

Quite amazed, Ralph listened to these brief discourses while being unable to prevent his eyes from roaming occasionally over the twin pumpkins of resilient flesh that the low-cut front of Clara's gown revealed. They were as enticing a pair as ever he had seen, though once more he was torn between the desire to master such a fetching young lady and the opposite one of being mastered himself.

'Her papa had to strap her regularly, you know', simpered Belinda, laying her hand on his thigh quite close to a certain prominence that had arisen in his trousers.

'Yes, he did', expostulated Clara with a pretended pout, 'and he took my drawers down and made me hold my dress up to my waist. I had to turn all about in front of him while he lectured me most severely and-oh, Mama!'.

'Yes, dear?', enquired Belinda, who had rehearsed this moment with her thoroughly the while that they had been tippling.

Thereat, making much ado of being shy, Clara turned and buried her face in Ralph's shoulder, so permitting him an even deeper view of the delicious chasm between her tits. Indeed, one of her perky brown nipples rose to his view from out of the confines of her decolletage even as she spoke. Conical in shape and seemingly ever erect, it looked most enticing and caused his prick to quiver the more.

'M… M… Mama, Papa would make me stand in front of him with my dress held up and he would pat my bottom with one hand and t… t… tickle me in front with the other'.

'That, my pet, was merely to make you pay attention. Do you not concur, Ralph?'.

So saying, Belinda passed her hand lightly but boldly over his penis which by now was threatening to burst his trousers, this causing Clara to giggle and to press her lips as though by accident to the side of his neck.

'Ah, yes, perhaps, indeed!', stammered he.

'Mama, I always wriggled when Papa tickled me', Clara murmured, passing the tip of her tongue between her lips so that it tickled Ralph in turn and made him feel quite dizzy.

'Of course, Clara, it is fitting that a young lady should do that in the private presence of her Papa. It were better perhaps that he had taken your drawers off completely that you might present a better posture for your strapping'.

'Oh, he did, Mama, frequently, though I would blush exceedingly for his hands would then pass of necessity all about my bottom and thighs and I would clutch at him in my shyness while he then divested me of my gown and chemise for he ever insisted that I need wear nothing but my stockings and boots for chastisement'.

'AH!', exclaimed Ralph at this juncture, for by devious squirmings of her fingers Belinda succeeded in loosing three of the front buttons of his trousers. She then passed her fingers over his stemming cock beneath, though her movements were so gentle and subtle that all seemed to be happening most naturally.

'Well, my dear, to be taught to present yourself properly is fundamental to a young lady's deportment. Do you not think so, Ralph? Get up, Clara, and show us how well you were taught, for it may well be that a future papa will need to have knowledge of your aptitudes in disciplinary matters', declared Belinda boldly.

There upon a positive gurgle escaped her intended swain as Clara rose from the seat on which the three had huddled and, turning about, upped her skirts to offer closely to his view as perfect a pair of bottom-cheeks as ever he had seen. Belinda then released his upstanding pego fully and massaged it gently in her grasp.

The effect upon Ralph was naturally electric, for so well did Clara bend and dip her back that not only her proud nether cheeks but also the fig of her cunt were presented to his heated gaze. Passing her fingers down under his throbbing tool and feeling for his balls, Belinda drew them out in turn and cradled them lovingly on her palm.

'What think you, Ralph-should she not be taken to her room and strapped for this? The naughty girl drove her papa to distraction, I do believe. Move back a little closer, Clara, since you have been well taught to do so', uttered Belinda while Clara artfully brought the backs of her knees to touch Ralph and thereby all but presented her nether cheeks to his mouth.

'Why… I… I… I… ah, my dear, ooooh!', stammered he, feeling Belinda's hand grow ever more persuasive.

'Splendidly formed, is she not? But then her frequent strappings and indeed her papa's other fond attentions did much to ensure the perfect conformation of her bottom, dear', murmured Belinda. 'She had good cause to sit upon her papa's lap often enough for certain comfortings after her chastisements, did you not, Clara? Come, be truthful, girl, for I am sure that for all our future benefits we would both wish you to be so'.

'Yes, Mama, I was a little naughty', uttered Clara in a would-be trembling tone, 'for I frequently sat upon papa's p…p…p… LAP… like this- OOOOH!'.

Having accompanied her words by actions, Clara- to the throbbing joy of Ralph-now ensconced herself fully down upon him so that his stout penis, which Belinda quickly released, stuck lewdly up between the tops of her stockinged thighs and poked its purplish head enquiringly about, causing him to jerk with pleasure.