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Mid Life Love: At Last

by Whitney G.

Published by Whitney Williams, 2013.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


First edition. October 18, 2013.

Copyright © 2013 Whitney G..

Written by Whitney G..

Table of Contents


Dedication | For the readers who wanted more...

Author’s Note:

Mid Life Love Epilogue

Mid Life Love: At Last | Whitney G.

Friday August 15, 2014

Chapter 1

Chapter 1.5

Chapter 2

Chapter 2.5

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Monday September 1, 2014

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Thursday September 18, 2014

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19


The End

Twisted Love Excerpt | Prologue:

Chapter 1


More works by Whitney Gracia Williams:

A Preview of Desperation of Love by Alice Tribue



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.

Cover photograph by Julia Savchenko, Getty Images


For the readers who wanted more...

Author’s Note:

About that ‘Mid Life Love’ Epilogue...

Before you begin to read this book, let me first say THANK YOU for reading the book that came before it: Mid Life Love. As I was editing that book with my beta team, there was a collective decision to leave out the epilogue at the end.

I know a lot of you didn’t agree with the final decision, and for that reason I posted it on Two Crazy Girls with a Passion for Books blog shortly after publication.

I want you to know that I’ve included the polished, edited version of the epilogue at the beginning of this book for anyone who hasn’t read it, and I truly hope you enjoy Mid Life Love: At Last as much as you enjoyed Mid Life Love.

Thank you for being the best readers in the world,


Mid Life Love Epilogue

Eight months later...


“I need three hundred of those granite tiles here by tomorrow afternoon. Can you make sure that happens? Oh, and could you see if those doorknobs I designed for Mulholland were approved yet? Okay. Thank you very much.” I hung up the phone and swirled around in my chair, smiling at the red and white entwined “C” letters that hung over my door.

I was sitting in my office at C & C’s Charming Designs, my own interior design company. I’d quit my job at Signature weeks after Jonathan and I got back together, after he demanded that I accept his money and start my own company.

Business was extremely slow at first—especially since he kept showing up in the middle of the day and preventing me from getting anything done. But after about four months, I started to pick up client after client, and word of my services began to spread like wildfire.

I now had a six month waiting list for design projects, and I was in the process of expanding my store to include small home furnishings.

I adjusted the picture frames that were standing proudly on my desk: Jonathan and I smiling on his favorite yacht. Him and my daughters jumping into the ocean. And the most recent one—him kissing me onstage after receiving another prestigious award.

“Miss Gracen?” My secretary buzzed my office. “I’m off to lunch, and your twelve o’ clock is upfront waiting.”

“Tell the client I’ll be right there.” I slipped into my jacket and headed down the hallway. Since I’d picked up so many clients, I was never able to get more than five minutes alone.

Caroline?” I walked around the front desk. “I told you that you and Ashley don’t need to make appointments to see me. You could’ve just called.”

“Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes. “You practically live here.”

I shook my head. “What do you want?”

“I need thirty dollars.”

“Excuse me?”

“Actually, I need fifty dollars. Ashley does too, but thirty each will do.”

“Did the airport stop giving out paychecks all of a sudden? Where is your money?”

“What’s going on?” Ashley walked into the store and stood next to her, not even glancing my way. “Did she give you the money yet?”

“No.” Caroline sighed. “She still thinks we save money from our jobs...”

“How do the two of you expect to go to college this fall without knowing how to save money?” I was tired of going over this with them. “Do you think it grows on trees? Do you think it falls out of the sky whenever you need it?”

“So she’s not going to give us the money?” “I think that’s what she’s saying.” “Did you tell her it was for summer-senior-night and everyone who’s anyone is going to be there?” “No, I just asked for the money. I didn’t think I needed to explain why.”

I sighed and prepared to re-start my lecture, but Jonathan walked in with a large bouquet of bright pink roses. “Good afternoon, ladies.” He looked at me and then he looked back and forth between Ashley and Caroline.

“Good afternoon,” they said in unison.

“Can we have fifty dollars—each?” Ashley smiled at him.

“Of course.” He pulled out his wallet and handed them both a hundred dollar bill. Just like that.

“Why don’t we just do that every time?” “I don’t know...Maybe we like the challenge?” They both laughed and rushed outside.

I watched as they climbed into two separate white Range Rovers—Jonathan’s ridiculously over-the-top birthday gift to them.

“You have to stop doing that.” I took the flowers from him.

“Doing what?”

“Giving them money whenever they ask for it.”


“Because they don’t need it. And they’ll never learn how to save their own.”

“They make nine dollars an hour and they work fifteen hours a week. How much do you honestly expect them to save?”

“I give up.” I rolled my eyes. “Thank you for the flowers—and for the ones you sent this morning. You know, we’ve been together for a while now...You don’t have to keep sending me flowers every day. I’m sure the cost has to be adding up and I don’t want you to feel like you have to do that.”

“Shhh.” He kissed me, making me forget whatever I was going to say. “How’s your day going?”

“It’s okay. It’s been a bit busy.”

“It doesn’t look busy...” He looked around the empty store.