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My heart was in my throat.

Everything about our venue was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and the ten foot archways that were made entirely of white and yellow roses stood tall and elegant on the lawn. The bridesmaids’ dresses—long and airy champagne gowns, perfectly matched the sparkling chandeliers I’d seen hanging in the hallway.

As our mothers walked down the aisle, I felt my bouquet slipping through my hands. It nearly fell to the ground as I watched Sandra and Helen walk out. Then it was Ashley and Caroline’s turn.

Miss Corwin reached into her pocket and dabbed my eyes with a Kleenex. “Don’t cry yet, Miss Gracen....Take several deep breaths.” She waited for me to follow her instructions. “It’s almost time...”

A deep voice said, “Please stand for the bride...” and I heard the rustling of chairs.

The first few notes of Robin Thicke’s “Angels” began to play and my heart nearly tumbled out of my chest.

I took one step forward and froze.

Breathe, Claire....Breathe...

I was shaking. I was way too nervous.

The song reached the middle of the first verse and I still hadn’t taken another step.

“Miss Gracen?” Miss Corwin’s eyes widened. “Miss Gracen?”

“I can’t breathe...”

She said a few words into the mic that was tucked into her sleeve, and the music suddenly faded. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. “Miss Gracen, this is going to be the happiest day of your life.”

“I know that...”

“You’re marrying the man of your dreams...Actually, you’re marrying the man of every woman’s dreams.”

I let out a nervous laugh.

“You can do this...” She lowered her voice. “And you better do this because he told me he’s coming after you if you take longer than three minutes to come down the aisle.”

I burst into uncontrollable laughter and she spoke into her sleeve again. “We’re ready now.”

She pulled a tube of lip gloss out of her pocket and applied one last coat to my lips.

Robin Thicke’s “Angels” began to play once more and she gave me a light shove.

I swallowed and took several slow steps forward, trying to focus on the piano keys of the melody. As the song neared the chorus, I approached the final floral arch and saw the audience standing to their feet.

Taking one last deep breath, I made my way to the edge of the aisle runner—where hundreds of white, yellow, and pink petals were perfectly swirled in series of the letter “S.”

I caught fragments of whispers from the crowd: “Pretty...Stunning...Beautiful...” and looked straight ahead. I started counting my steps—one, two, three, four—but as soon as Jonathan’s eyes met mine, nothing else mattered; no one else was relevant.

He briefly took his eyes off mine and looked me up and down as I neared the middle of the aisle

I could’ve sworn I saw him mouth, “You’re so fucking beautiful...”

He stepped down from the gazebo, and it looked like he was going to come down the aisle for me, but Corey grabbed his shoulder and held him back.

Smiling, I locked my eyes on his again, and took my last few steps to the altar. As soon as I was within his grasp, he reached for my hands and helped me onto the platform.

For the next few seconds, everything around us disappeared and it felt like we were the only people in the world.

I wanted to whisper “I love you” and I could tell he wanted to say it too, but we simply stood still staring into each other’s eyes—letting the silence say it all.

“You may now be seated.” The pastor’s voice broke us out of the spell. He hesitated a couple minutes before speaking again. “Dearly beloved—”

Jonathan slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close, kissing me senseless.

The pastor cleared his throat and tapped him on the shoulder. “Mr. Statham?” The audience was laughing. “We haven’t arrived at that part yet...”

He whispered, “I don’t care” against my mouth, and slowly pulled away, taking my hands in his again.

“Let’s try this again...” The pastor joked. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness...”

I wasn’t listening to a single word he was saying. I was too busy getting lost in Jonathan’s incredible blue eyes, trying my hardest to stand still and wait for the part when we would finally be “allowed” to kiss.

I suddenly felt Ashley giving me a slight nudge in my back and looked over my shoulder.

“The ring...” She handed it to me and I turned back around.

The pastor instructed for us to exchange rings and then he asked Jonathan to repeat his every word.

“I, Jonathan Statham.” Jonathan held me captive with his gaze. “Take you Claire Gracen to have and to hold from this day forward...”

“For better or for worse,” the pastor said. “For richer or for poorer...”

“For better or for worse, for richer or for richer.”

The pastor rolled his eyes. “...To love and to cherish...” He wiped his brow. “Jonathan Carter Statham, do you take Claire Alicia Gracen to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

When it was Jonathan’s turn to listen to me repeat the words, I felt tears slipping down my cheeks.

He leaned forward and wiped them away as they fell, watching me intently as I followed the pastor’s lead.

“Claire Alicia Gracen, do you take Jonathan Carter Statham to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

I looked directly at Jonathan, noticing that he was looking as if he was nervous that I would say anything other than the right words.

“I do.”

The pastor smiled and shut his book. “By the power vested in me—”

Jonathan cupped my face in his hands and kissed me like he’d never kissed me before—tenderly tracing my tongue with his as if we were alone.

Mr. and Mrs. Statham.” The pastor didn’t even try to interrupt us this time.

There was roaring applause and deafening cheering, but he didn’t let my lips go. He pulled me even closer and whispered, “I love you, Claire Statham. I always will.” He took my breath away with another swoon-worthy kiss and then he finally let me go.

Before I could tell him that I loved him too, he scooped me into his arms and carried me down the aisle. The photographers captured his every step, telling us to look their way, but we couldn’t take our eyes off one another.

We approached the building and Miss Corwin stepped in front of us.

“Time for pictures! Mr. Statham, put Mrs. Statham down please.”

He blinked.

Mr. Statham...” She crossed her arms. “You both agreed to take pictures directly after the ceremony. You’ll want these to look back on. Trust me.”

He sighed and gently placed me on the ground.

For the next half hour, we took several staged photos with the wedding party—me amidst the champagne colored dresses, and him amidst the black tuxedos.

We were also forced to take a series of shots together, and Miss Corwin had to practically tear Jonathan away from me when it was time to take my solo frames.

“Okay, lovebirds...” Miss Corwin walked us into the custom Sweetheart Suite. “Take a quick breather before dinner. Cocktail hour is already underway...How long do you think you’ll need to get ready for the reception?”

Jonathan looked me up and down. “Two hours.”

What? You can’t let people wait that long!”

Two. Hours.”

“Yes sir...I’ll um...I’ll figure something out...” She left the room and he immediately locked the door.

He walked over to me and backed me against the wall.


“Shhhhh...” He looked deep into my eyes and tilted my chin up to reach his lips. “The things I’ve been wanting to do to you, Mrs. Statham...” He kissed me so thoroughly that my knees went weak, that every nerve in my body instantly came to life.

“I want to go to the reception, Jonathan...” I said breathlessly.

After.” He reached behind me and unzipped the back of my dress. “I’ve waited way too long for this...”