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"Very good." The Prince opened his arms. "Please, my friends, eat while I get that list. I wish you could stay but your mission, I fear, has an urgency none can deny."

Kamiskwa and Nathaniel fell to devouring the chicken and cheese. Owen forced himself to eat, knowing he'd need it. Both of his companions lived well off the bounty of the land, but either could have hidden behind a scarecrow without fear of detection. Hunting didn't always mean killing, and fishing didn't always mean catching, so they might be days between meals.

He was glad for the relative silence with which they ate. He'd accepted his mission on the mistaken belief that it would be a simple surveying job. It wouldn't be an easy one, but neither would it be terribly complex. He had expected to have the time to complete it and do it thoroughly so his work would not invite criticism.

News of du Malphias changed all that. Though Nathaniel was right that they had to find du Malphias before they could concentrate on what routes he might use to attack the colonies, this perforce meant Owen could not accomplish his original mission. He'd been with the army long enough to know what that meant. Even if his work was critical in defeating du Malphias and driving the Ryngians from Mystria, the results of his mission would be compared against his orders. He would be judged a failure.

That inevitability saddened Owen. The Crown had always rewarded bold explorers who returned with information that would increase the Crown's holdings and wealth. Owen had believed, deep down, that he might discover a pass that could be named after him, or a bountiful lake or river which led even further into the continent's interior. The Queen might see fit to grant him a peerage. If he was lucky, he could use his knowledge of Mystria to make money and gain status that would equal or surpass the Ventnor family. It would be his ultimate victory over his family.

And Catherine would be even more proud of him.

But now that avenue to glory had been walled off, and a malignant Tharyngian Laureate manned the barricade with his Platine Guards in tow. The only glory Owen was likely to win was posthumous, and he didn't find that idea appealing in the least.

And yet, never did it occur to him to abandon his mission. His duty to the Crown superseded his own wishes. Moreover, the information he'd gather would save soldiers' lives. It would even create another opportunity for his uncle to swath himself in glory.

Kamiskwa made a comment in Altashee and Nathaniel laughed.

Owen arched an eyebrow. "What?"

"Kamiskwa called you Aodaga. Means 'thunderface.' You're brooding and he reckons you're dangerous when you do."

"I suppose he could be right." Owen popped a last bite of cheese into his mouth and finished his wine. "Du Malphias is someone I'd just as soon have back in Tharyngia."

"I get a clean shot, I'll be happy to send him to Hell. That's fair close to Tharyngia, ain't it?"

Owen laughed. "I expect it is."

The Prince returned and handed Owen the list and a small jar of the unguent for his heels. He gave Kamiskwa a small, leather-bound box. "Your father had commented on my spectacles and I secured him a pair. I thought he might enjoy them."

"You are very generous, Prince Vlad." The Altashee tucked the package into his bag. "He will visit you again when the leaves turn. And now he will find his way easily."

"I look forward to his visit." The Prince started off down toward the wurmrest. "We had a bit of a wind two nights ago. A branch fell and, I'm afraid, damaged your large canoe."

Kamiskwa set off with the Prince. Nathaniel grabbed Owen by the shoulder. "One thing you'll want to be learning about the Shedashee-the Twilight People."


"Generous people to a fault. Among them, if you say you like something, admiring it like, they'll give it to you. If you refuse it, it's a great insult." Nathaniel nodded toward the Prince. "When Kamiskwa's father was here last, he took a serious liking to the Prince's glasses."

"You're not having me on in saying this?"

Nathaniel shook his head. "I'll still be joking with you about some things, but nothing there's likely to be blood over."

"This mission is very serious. More so now."

"You don't be worrying about me." He smiled. "I told you before I hate all men equally, but I reckon I can muster a bit more for this Ryngian. We'll find him, kill him, and then don't nobody have a reason for ruining my land."

Chapter Sixteen

May 2, 1763

Prince Haven

Temperance Bay, Mystria

T he Prince and Kamiskwa dragged a birch-bark canoe, about fifteen feet long and tapered at both ends, from some brush on the river side of the wurmrest. A small hole punctured the left side just large enough for a child to slip her hand through. The two men turned the canoe upright and lay it on the grass.

Kamiskwa studied the hole for a moment, then walked over to a trio of birches at river's edge. Using his glassy-bladed knife he sliced off a palm-sized bit of peeling bark. He crouched, placed it in the water, and anchored it with a stone.

From within the wurmrest, Mugwump sniffed and snorted. In the dimness beyond the barred opening, a golden-eye glowed.

Nathaniel moved to keep the Prince and Owen between him and the wurm's gaze.

Owen smiled. "You're not afraid of the wurm, are you?"

Nathaniel smiled wryly. "I ain't seeing keeping back from something what could take me in a gulp as much of a bad idea."

Kamiskwa rejoined them. "Among the Shedashee there are stories of these beasts-much larger ones with wings. They are not good stories."

"Wurms can be fierce in battle, but Mugwump is docile." Owen affected nonchalance, letting his lack of concern get under Nathaniel's skin just a bit. "Released in combat he'd be pretty nasty."

"My point 'zactly, Captain." Nathaniel shook his head. "I reckon we can get all our gear in this canoe and not have to drag another."

Kamiskwa grunted, then returned to the river and recovered the wet bark strip. He knelt beside the canoe and held the patch against the outside. The pink inner bark appeared through the hole. Then he placed his right hand over the hole, pressing it against his left hand on the outside. Slowly he began to rub his hands forward and back, introducing an oval motion that picked up speed as he went.

He began to chant in a low voice, in his own tongue.

Owen opened his mouth to ask what he was doing, but Nathaniel held up a cautionary finger. Owen caught a scent, the sweet scent of green wood that's been split open. It shifted a little to become the loamy scent of a forest after a soaking rain.

After a minute Kamiskwa grew silent and stood. There's no hole. Owen stepped closer. He could see no sign of the hole. No scar, no discoloration, nothing. Try as he might, he could not see where the hole had been.

He shivered. He'd heard rumors of tailors and seamstresses fashioning clothes without seams for nobility, but when he'd had a chance to view their handiwork, he'd always found that needle and thread had been applied generously. One of the Coronet 's sailors had always used magic to reinforce sail patches, but he secured them with thread regardless. As good as his work might have been, picking out the patch had never been difficult.

But this, what Kamiskwa had done, it simply couldn't be done. It would require him to be more powerful than any mage in Norisle-and that mage would have been exhausted after accomplishing so much. The Altashee didn't even look the least winded.

The Prince, however, looked delighted. "Every time I see that, it amazes me."

Nathaniel smiled. "Our canoes do seem to be in the accidental way lots around here."

Vlad shot Nathaniel a sharp stare. "Mr. Woods, were I wishing a demonstration, I would prepare one so that I could fully measure what happens and seek to replicate it myself. I am sure that Prince Kamiskwa would oblige me if I asked."