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"I'm sure they'd rather look at my butt than at your flabby ass in those panties you pull all the way up to your boobs. Humongous panties, by the way."

Mr. Bakke quietly raised the newspaper to shield his face.

Sadie reached for her keys. “I'm late picking up the crossers. When I get back, we'll look at my Victoria Secret catalog."

"No we won't,” Jane said. “And let's hope you come back minus a crosser. Maybe one will have found someone on the brink."

"I hope so, too. Preferably Rodney. He frightens the others to the point where they can't concentrate on their declarations.” Sadie bent and tugged at the rug, sliding Belly away from the door. He raised his head in acknowledgement as his stomach rose and fell with each pant. Patting Belly's head, Sadie said, “Rodney's as lazy as Belly. I wouldn't put it past him to crawl into one of the beds at the nursing home. He probably sleeps until it's time for me to pick him up."

Belly laid his head back on the rug, took a deep breath, and burped.

"I wish I could do that. I'd sure feel better.” Sadie rubbed her stomach and looked at Mr. Bakke. “I think Jane's trying to kill us with her cooking.” Sadie signaled she was heading out to pick up the crossers and let the screen door slam behind her

Mr. Bakke frowned at Jane over the top of the newspaper. “What exactly was it you served tonight for supper?"

"That recipe I showed you from the Taste of Home magazine."

"I don't remember the photo looking like that,” he said. “What was all that blue stuff in it?"

"I added a few of my own ideas,” Jane said.

"I'm glad to hear that. I'd hate to think there was a misprint."

"Nobody's forcing you to eat here, you know. If you don't like my cooking, you can eat at the lodge. Or better yet, if you're so darn fussy you can do you own cooking.” Jane hung the kitchen towel inside the cabinet door before slamming it sharply.

Mr. Bakke patted the cushion. “Come and sit by me. You know I love your cooking."

Belly moved from the comfort of the rug and resituated himself in front of the screen door. His left rear paw scratched haphazardly at the pink neckerchief. As footsteps drew closer to the cabin, his tail thumped against the screen.

Aanders rapped his knuckles against the wood frame and looked through the screen door. “Sadie?” Seeing Jane approach, he asked, “Is Sadie here?"

She'll be back in about twenty minutes. Come in. I baked some cookies this afternoon.” Before Mr. Bakke could comment, Jane held up a finger in warning. “I followed the recipe exactly the way it was written."

"How are you doing, son?” Mr. Bakke folded the newspaper and looked up at Aanders.

Aanders stared at a peanut he pulled from the peanut butter cookie before breaking it in half with his front teeth. “I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yah.” He drained the glass of milk Jane set in front of him and sought permission to take a second cookie.

The pair sat on the sofa and watched the last fifteen minutes of Wheel of Fortune. As each new letter was exposed, they shouted out their guesses. When the final commercial played across the screen, Mr. Bakke said, “If you need to talk, you know where to find me."

Nodding to acknowledge Mr. Bakke, Aanders crouched and let Belly lick the traces of cookie from his fingers. “I need to talk to Sadie."

"Here I am,” Sadie sang out as she crossed the porch and opened the door. “I just got back from giving our guests a ride."

"I know,” Aanders said with a smile.

"Want a cookie, Aanders?” Sadie handed the cookie platter to Aanders.

"No thanks. I already had a couple."

The van's occupants filed in behind Sadie and sat on the remaining vacant chairs. Belly placed his large head on Theo's leg and snorted a welcome.

"Keep your worthless canine on the other side of the room,” Theo grumbled. “He's got drool hanging out of his mouth again. Can't you put that creature outside?"

"He's not my dog,” Sadie said.

"Belly doesn't like to be outside when Sadie's in the cabin,” Aanders said.

"I know that, dear,” Jane said. “I didn't ask you to put him out."

"Theo wants me to put him out,” Sadie explained. She turned and stared at Aanders.

Biting back at her sister, Jane said, “Well how am I supposed to know that? You didn't tell me they were back."

"What do you think I went to the nursing home for?” Sadie said. “To pick out a room for you?"

"To pick up the crossers,” Aanders said.

Nodding sharply at Aanders’ reply, Sadie's breath caught in her throat. She whispered, “What did you say?"

"I said you went to the nursing home to pick up the crossers."

Sadie's knees buckled before she moved toward Aanders. She grabbed at the back of a chair. “How do you know that?"

"Tim told me."

Theo looked at Sadie and pointed at Aanders. “Is he dead, too?"

"I'm not dead. I'm alive just like Sadie and Jane and Mr. Bakke,” Aanders said, gesturing as he recited their names.

"Then why can he see us if he's not dead? I thought you said only death coaches can see the dead."

Sinking into the chair, Sadie grabbed Aanders’ hand and pointed toward Tim. “Who's that?"

"My best friend, Tim.” Aanders added, “I can see the other crossers in here, too."

"Oh my dear Lord,” Sadie gasped.

"Would you please clarify this so I can better understand,” Theo said. “You mean this child is a death coach? And he's challenged with the same responsibility you've been given?"

"Oh my Lord,” Sadie said again. “This can't be. It simply can't be."

"What can't be, Sister?"

Moaning in dismay, Sadie said, “I refuse to accept it."

"Accept what?” Jane's voice rose with concern.

"This has got to be a mistake. Aanders can't possibly be the next death coach. Something's wrong."

"I tend to agree. I'm experiencing the same level of skepticism,” Theo said. “A child assisting with decisions of such import? That's ludicrous."

"Aanders is a death coach? What are you talking about?” Jane said.

Music blared from the inner room, causing all heads to turn toward the door. Sadie shouted at Rodney to turn down the volume. When he failed to honor her request, she marched into the inner room, yanked the cord from the wall, and returned with the clock radio. She wrapped the cord around the red plastic before placing it in a drawer.

Rodney shouted from behind the door. “I'll get even with you, witch."

"Not if I get even with you first, you big toad.” Sadie slammed the drawer and reopened it to stuff in the end of the cord.

Mr. Bakke said to Jane, “Let's go out on the porch. I'm confused.” After folding his newspaper, he took Jane by the hand and led her through the door. He looked back over his shoulder before whispering, “Did I hear Sadie say Aanders is a death coach?"

Looking toward the inner room where Rodney's rantings continued to build, Sadie warned Aanders, “You stay away from Rodney. He's one mean crosser and I don't want you anywhere near him. Do you understand?"

"I won't. Not after what Tim told me,” Aanders said. He looked around the room. “I don't want to be anywhere near these people.” His gaze lingered on Theo and the briefcase. “I didn't ask to be a death coach. I'm just a kid."

"You're a loser, too,” emanated from the inner room. “I've seen you moping around like a girl since your buddy died. Get a life, kid. Your friend's dead. Too bad."

Tim rose and walked to the inner room door. “Leave Aanders alone. Leave us all alone. I hate you.” Tim leaned against the wall, sobbing.

Laughter came from behind the door. “You big baby. Now why did you go and hurt my feelings? You ruined my day."

Aanders joined Tim near the door and put his arm around him. “It's ok. I'll stay away from him."

Theo sat erect and pulled his briefcase close to his chest. “Just what we need. Additional conflict. It's hard enough recalling Sadie's instructions without worrying about Rodney."