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Paul patted the woman's hand as she clung to Nan. “I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Boutain. If there's anything I can do, please let me know."

"Such a nice young couple,” Mrs. Boutain whispered to her dinner partner as they were escorted to their table.

Strains of jazz filtered into the dining room from the lounge.

Nan sipped her wine. She grinned coyly. “Stop staring at me like that. You're making my mind wander."

"Good.” Paul laughed. “But that'll have to wait till later. I need to talk to you.” He raised his glass and waited until Nan 's glass touched his. “Here's to an important evening. Here's to our future."

The maitre d’ led the waiter to their table and stood back as the server set their plates in front of them. After a gesture signaling Paul's satisfaction, the two men gathered the tray and exited the room.

"I love your hair pulled back like that. You look angelic.” Paul rubbed his fingers over the top of her hand.

"It's the glow from the candles. Or maybe the wine's clouding your vision."

"You're beautiful whatever the reason,” Paul said. “But I suspect it's because I'm in love with you."

Surprised by Paul's declaration, Nan set her glass on the white linen and placed her fingers in the arc of Paul's hand. “That's the first time you've actually told me you loved me. I've often wondered if that's how you felt, but was afraid to get my hopes up. Before when we talked marriage, you seemed so nonchalant.” She cocked her head. “You're a hard man to read."

"It's hard for me to say, but that's how I feel. I'm in love with you Nan. I want to marry you."

The tender moment was interrupted by the waiter lifting their salad plates and replacing them with their entrees. “Enjoy your meal while it's hot,” Paul said. “We'll discuss this after dinner."

The sound of Paul's voice warmed Nan as she listened to him chat about the day's events. He spoke with such fervor she stopped eating. Paul had ordered Chateau Briand with Bearnaise Sauce. Known state-wide for their presentation of beef tenderloin smoked over apple wood prior to being roasted, Yerry's on the Bay had won several national awards for their gourmet rendition.

The sun tickled the horizon adding to the room's glow. Candlelight shimmered in Paul's eyes and his Romanesque features disarmed her. When Paul entered a room, women lingered a bit too long attempting to portray an image he'd find appealing.

When Nan first met Paul, she denied the attraction. He could never be interested in her. Glamour had not been her forte because her profession didn't allow time for primping and even if it did, she wondered if she could live up to his expectations.

Paul oozed charisma. Nan had become self-conscious about her appearance when she noticed the caliber of woman Paul escorted around town. She had always been disillusioned with her curly blond hair. Even though it was natural, she wished for dark hair and piercing eyes like the other women Paul dated. Instead, she did nothing to change the pale features that were part of her heritage.

Nan was shocked when Paul had phoned her a year ago asking for a date. Her nerves had gotten the better of her during their first encounter and she wrote the date off as an utter failure.

Drastic changes had taken place in her life over the past several years. Her parents had died tragically in a boating accident and then she had taken on a financial burden by signing the mortuary land-lease with the Witt sisters. That lease could be her ruin. If the sisters lost the resort, she'd lose everything. Adding to her tangled situation, she now found herself contemplating marriage to a man she barely knew. Even though she spent ample time with Paul, she felt he held her at arm's length.

The maitre d’ waited for a signal from Paul before instructing the waiter to remove their plates. “Are you ready for dessert, sir?"

"I couldn't possibly eat another bite,” Nan said. “I'm absolutely stuffed."

"Let's see what they've got. You don't have to eat if you don't want to."

The maitre d’ smiled. “Yes, sir,” he said as Paul pointed at the menu.

A business associate of Paul's stopped by the table and offered condolences on the recent loss of his business partner. “I suppose it's going to be a mess sorting through the legalities.” Shaking his head the man added, “I still can't believe an entire family died in that accident."

"I can't either,” Paul said. “Thanks for your concern."

Nan placed her hand on Paul's wrist as the man walked away. “Don't forget. If there's anything I can do to help sort things out, let me know."

"Thanks,” Paul said. “I've got it under control."

The maitre d’ placed Nan 's dessert in front of her before setting Paul's glass on the table. The long stemmed glasses were rimmed with sugar and filled with strawberries. The maitre d’ tipped Paul's glass to let champagne trickle down the inside of the stemware. He did the same with Nan 's glass. He placed two long-handled forks next to the glasses before smiling at Nan. “I hope you enjoy your strawberries."

"You remembered,” Nan gushed. “One good thing about our first date was the fresh strawberry I had in my wine. Everything else was a disaster."

"You knocked your plate off the table, your heel got caught in the sidewalk grate, and you slipped and fell outside the theatre,” Paul said. “The only time you smiled that night was when you saw that fresh strawberry and you devoured it in one bite."

"That's because my dinner ended up on the floor.” Nan stabbed at a strawberry and held it up to Paul's lips. He eased it off the fork and mimicked the gesture, lifting a sugared strawberry to her lips. The savory juices flowed over her tongue. She gathered another berry. “That maitre d’ makes me nervous,” Nan whispered. “He keeps staring at us."

"He's staring at you. The man knows a beautiful woman when he sees one."

"I think he wants us to hurry and finish so he can go home."

"I doubt it."

She tipped her glass to find the next strawberry. Nan squinted, staring deeper into the glass. “Oh my God.” Jerking her head up to look at Paul, she uttered, “Oh my God.” She placed the fork gingerly into the center of the berry and lifted it out of the glass. “I can't believe it."

Paul reached for the strawberry and pulled it from the fork. He removed the diamond ring and said, “Give me your hand."

As tears began to pool in Nan 's eyes, Paul slipped the ring on her finger. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Wiping her eyes, Nan gaped in disbelief. “I can't believe you. How did you manage this?” Nan looked toward the side of the room where several restaurant employees were lined up watching the event unfold. Nan mouthed a thank you in their direction before grasping Paul's hand.

"I've waited a long time to find happiness, Paul. I can't believe this.” She dabbed under her eyelid, trying not to smear her mascara. “I can't believe this."

Laughing, Paul said, “You already said that."

"Of course I'll marry you. But…"

"I don't like the sound of that,” Paul said, grasping her hand.

"I need to make sure you understand what you're getting into.” She placed a hand on her chest. “You need to understand before you commit to a life with me."

"You need to give me some credit, Nan. I've thought this through. You're concerned about Aanders. You're worried how he'll adjust to having someone new in his life. I also know you're concerned about your finances and you don't want to be a burden."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about."

"I'll make a deal with you. Let's not talk about this until tomorrow. Let's go to the boat and celebrate the way engaged couples should celebrate.” Paul pulled Nan from her chair. “I promise tomorrow we'll sit down and map out a plan that will work for both of us."