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He rose from the swing and sat on the top porch step. Untangling the wad of fishing line, he stretched it out across the wooden decking. After folding the line in half to increase its strength, he tied one end around the bottom of the newel post and tugged on it to test the knot. “See? If I pull this tight, it's going to hit Sadie about ankle level. It'll trip her when she goes down the stairs.” Pointing toward the ground, he said, “If I calculated right, she'll take a header into the concrete."

"There's no guarantee it'll kill her. Plus she'll see you when you pull the fishing line. She's not blind, you know."

"Not if I'm under the porch,” Rodney said. “I've been under there experimenting with my timing and I think I've got it figured out. The line's transparent, so she shouldn't see it.” Holding up a pocket knife, he said, “Whether she dies or not, the line's going to disappear. If she doesn't die, I've got the rifle under the porch. And won't everyone be surprised to find out that the shot that killed Sadie came from that deputy's rifle?"

Rodney wrapped the transparent line once more around the post before tucking it under the step. He rejoined Lora on the swing. “Soon. It's going to happen soon."


"Do you really think Carl will go along with it?” Jane said.

"It's worth a try,” Mr. Bakke said. “With the new evidence Sadie's got, he can't afford not to. If the man wants to win the election, he'll do it."

Sadie double-parked in front of the city's municipal building and opened the van door. She leaned back in the driver's seat and held her palm against the horn.

Looking up from a pile of overdue reports, Carl shouted, “What the hell is that racket?” When no one responded, he again raised his voice. “Angie? What the hell is going on out there?"

The dispatcher shielded the sun from her eyes and looked through the glass pane. “It looks like that weird lady from the resort. She's holding her hand on the horn."

Grabbing his cap from a hook near the door, Carl snugged it down over his head and raced from the building.

Sadie saw Carl coming toward the van and lifted her hand off the horn. As he walked in front of the car she had hemmed in by double-parking, she pressed down, holding the horn in place with her thumb.

"Are you completely out of your mind?” Carl shouted, covering his left ear with his hand. Carl pulled the door open, climbed up into the van, and yanked her hand from the steering wheel.

"You're a flipping weirdo.” His voice rose two notches higher and cracked as he lost control. “You should be locked up in the nut house.” His nostrils curled with the spiteful words rolling off his tongue. “My mother told me you were trouble. She'll be right there celebrating when I get the deed to the resort."

Tipping her head in thought, Sadie said, “I really don't think that's going to happen. But speaking of your mother, how is Oink Etta the Wonder Pig? I haven't seen her for quite some time."

"Leave my mother out of this,” Carl shouted. “This conversation is about you disturbing the peace."

Sadie displayed a toothy grin. “Well Carl, if you're in the mood to talk…” She rammed the door lever into the locked position and turned the key in the ignition.

"What the hell are you doing?” Sadie's foot slammed against the gas pedal. Carl grabbed the door post to brace himself.

"Taking you for a nice, long ride."

"The hell you are,” he said, dropping down into the stairwell and attempting to insert his fingers into the seal surrounding the door.

Sadie turned the steering wheel sharply, causing Carl to drop onto the top step. “Calm down, Carl. I'm not kidnapping you. I just want to talk to you. I don't want anyone to hear what I have to say."

"Let me out right now,” Carl said, “or I'll break this door with my foot."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. After you hear what I've got to say, I think you'll be singing a different ditty."

Sadie parked the van under a pine tree at Nordeen Point and opened the door. “Feel free to escape if you want. But if you do, I'll go to the newspaper about Richard's murder."

"Murder?” Carl said. “Murder? Richard wasn't murdered. He died when his car went off the road."

"The evidence proves different,” Sadie said. “The evidence points to cold blooded murder."

"You think someone planned to kill him? Are you crazy?"

Jutting her chin out and glaring at Carl, Sadie said, “You ask me that same question every time you see me. I'm going to settle it once and for all. The answer is no.” Enunciating slowly, Sadie said, “I am not crazy. Are you capable of understanding that?"

"You're as squirrelly as a two-peckered loon. Everyone knows that."

"Well then you better pay attention. Apparently only a crazy person is smart enough to figure out Richard was murdered.” Irritated that Carl turned his back on her and descended the steps, she raised her voice. “Richard was killed because he was about to go to the police."

Sadie detailed her suspicions and told him about the evidence she found at the Fossums'. Carl sank into the seat next to the door. He slowly shook his head from side to side in disbelief as Sadie continued to explain.

"You're telling me I'm supposed to believe you because you saw evidence on Richard's desk, but you don't have anything to show me?"

"You must not be listening,” Sadie said. “I told you I don't have anything to show you because that murdering partner of yours took it."

"Partner? Paul was Richard's partner, not mine."

"Oh you're his partner, all right. I had someone do some checking with the State and they found old partnership papers stating you're one of Paul's silent partners. So don't tell me you're not his partner."

"We formed that corporation years ago. I haven't had anything to do with it for over a decade.” Carl moved to the edge of his seat. He removed his cap and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “You can't possibly think I had anything to do with this story you're making up."

Slamming her fist against her leg, Sadie said, “I'm not making it up. I saw what I saw."

"Can anyone else verify your story?"

Throwing her head back with a moan, she said, “Noooo. I already told you that. Nobody can verify what I saw."

"Sounds to me like you don't have a case. If you're trying to involve me in this, you're wasting your time.” Carl grabbed the overhead support bar next to the door and stood up.

"You're going to be involved in this one way or another. I'm not finished yet. I'm here to barter with you."

"Really?” Carl droned in disbelief. “You don't have anything I want. Why would I barter with a dried up old hag like you?"

"If you want to become sheriff, you'll barter with me."

A throaty laugh spurted from Carl's lips. He lifted his cap and scratched his bald spot. “I'm already going to get the resort. So there's nothing else to talk about."

"You're not getting the resort. You're going to drop your lawsuit and settle for winning the election."

With mouth gaping, Carl craned his neck forward. “That confirms it. You are crazy.” Fidgeting with the brim of his cap, he said, “You really don't get it, do you? That resort belongs to me. If someone's been feeding you a line of bull about winning this lawsuit, you'd better face facts and prepare to move on. Next week you're losing title to the resort."

Sadie held her fingers out to admire the anchor decals she had applied to her nails. “I don't think so. Like I said before, if you won't barter with me, I'll take my information to the newspaper. You'll not only lose the resort, you'll also lose the election."