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Sadie looked around the room. “Just Theo. I think Lora's out on the porch with Rodney. Tim and Aanders are in the inner room resting because Tim's stamina is almost gone. Guilt is getting the better of Aanders. He's afraid he ruined Tim's chance of going back through the light."

Sadie walked over to the window, parted the white curtains, and looked out at Lora. A tiny chipmunk sat on Lora's lap. His paw rested against her stomach, his head bobbing with each stroke of Lora's finger. Belly's legs trembled with excitement and he pranced at Lora's feet trying to convince her he needed some quality time with the animal, too. Lost in concentration, Lora ignored Belly's pleas.

Belly finally retreated to the top porch step and plopped down in defeat. His ears twitched erratically and he cocked his head from right to left, focusing on the faint movement beneath the porch.

Mr. Bakke bolted from his chair. “Oh, no. I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer. I better get over there or we'll have frozen fish for dinner."

As Mr. Bakke waited for Jane to join him, Sadie heard a plaintive cry from Rodney. “Sadie. Come here quick. Something's wrong."

Sadie hurried toward the screen door.

"Sadie. I'm over here by the trail,” Rodney shouted.

Sadie crossed the porch. Lora yelled, “No! Don't…"

Rodney wrapped the end of the fishing line around his hand as footsteps clinked across the porch decking. He yanked on the line. An ankle slammed against it, jerking his hand wildly. He scrambled to find the knife to severe the fishing line. A thunk echoed as a body hit the concrete slab at the bottom of the steps.

Jane screamed. She grabbed the railing and hurried down the steps. Kneeling, she called out, “Dial 911. Get an ambulance."

Jane's plea registered with Theo, but he concentrated on Lora's frantic movements.

"It's Rodney. He's hiding under the porch,” Lora screamed, pointing toward the sidewalk. “He told me he was going to kill Sadie."

Lora followed Theo down the stairs. He bent to see under the porch.

Theo dove head first under the structure as Rodney's boots disappeared into the darkness. Clawing at the ground, Theo inched along the damp dirt until he grabbed Rodney's ankle. Rodney's heel swung wide and caught Theo in the jaw. Theo yelled in pain and surprise.

Theo ducked avoiding Rodney's second kick. He pulled on Rodney's leg with all the strength he could summon. Grunts emanated from both men in their struggle. Jamming his foot against a porch brace for leverage, Theo pried the culprit out of the darkness.

Wide-eyed with rage, Theo shouted to Lora, “Get something to tie his hands."

Lora scrambled past the body on the sidewalk, now surrounded by others who stopped to help. Her shaking hands matched her frustration. She bobbed in place. “What do you want me to get?"

"Here, use this,” Theo shouted. Lora ran to assist him. Theo had wrestled Rodney to the ground and held him face down while he knelt on his back. “Pull my belt off. We'll tie his hands behind his back."

Kneeling in front of Theo, Lora unfastened the buckle and yanked the belt through the loops. She dodged Rodney's flailing feet, wrestled his hands into position, and looped the belt tightly around his wrists.

"You bitch. You bitch,” Rodney shouted, spitting dirt from his mouth. “I thought you were going with me.” He jerked from side to side, trying to rid himself of Theo's weight.

Theo removed his suit jacket and secured it around Rodney's ankles. “You're not going anywhere. If it's the last thing I do, I'll see you never leave this place."

Lora's head jerked up. She shouted, “The car. Those people left their car. We can put him in the trunk."

"No,” Rodney screamed, writhing back and forth.

"That's a rental car and they'll be leaving it at the airport this afternoon. Their suitcases are in the back seat. They won't need to open the trunk when they get there.” Lora gasped for breath, the words tumbling from her lips. “I heard them tell Sadie there's no hurry to get the car back because it's scheduled to have work done on it. It wouldn't be rented out for another two weeks.” Seeing Theo's confusion, Lora explained, “By then Rodney's time will be up."

"No. Don't do it,” Rodney yelled as he watched Lora check the trunk latch. “You're supposed to go with me to the other world. I'll give you anything you want.” Lora continued to grope frantically at the latch. Rodney shouted, “I'll kill you. I'll kill you, you bitch."

Lora's hands trembled as she continued to search the trunk's seal. “I can't find the latch.” She felt again and then looked toward Theo. “The keys. I saw those people give Sadie the keys before they went to visit their friends."

After retrieving the keys from the kitchen table, Lora hurried to the driver's door, unlocked it and felt along the driver's seat for a lever. Locating the lever, she lifted it and the trunk popped open.

"Grab his feet. Help me lift him into the trunk.” Theo stooped to slide his arms under the angry crosser. Rodney bent his knees and thrust his feet toward Lora. “Watch out,” Theo shouted. Lora stumbled and fell backward.

Rodney's feet slammed against the ground when Lora dropped them. She stood, set her jaw, and stomped against his knee cap. Ignoring his cries of pain, she looped one arm around his ankles and lifted them off the grass.

Rodney writhed back and forth by bending and then straightening his knees. His captors, bobbling in sync with each thrust of his body, shuffled toward the trunk. Bursts of air issued from Lora's lips.

Shouting to be heard above Rodney's cries, Theo said, “When I say three, lift.” Theo spread his legs to gain better balance. He forced his arms under Rodney's arms and clasped his hands together in front of Rodney's chest. Theo began swinging Rodney's body; Lora mimicked his rhythm. She gasped for air against the burning strain.

Grimacing under the weight, Theo rasped, “One. Two. Three."

As his body was hoisted into the trunk, Rodney clamped his upper arms tightly against Theo's arms and pulled Theo in with him.

Theo's feet left the ground. He sprawled on top of Rodney. Theo struggled to regain his balance and free his arms.

Lora stuck her fingers in Rodney's nostrils and yanked. Then she yanked again.

Screaming as his chin rose to meet Lora's hand, Rodney released Theo's arms. Theo put both hands on the trunk and slammed it. He turned toward Lora. “Are you all right?"

A breathless Lora nodded. She joined Theo and tucked her trembling hands next to her elbows. The two turned their backs on the trunk and leaned against it.

Profanity spewing, Rodney issued every threat he could contrive. “Let me out, you worthless piece of shit.” He banged his knees against the trunk. “I'll fade away if you don't let me out."

"Really?” Theo said. “What a shame that would be."

"Didn't you hear me? I'll fade away."

Theo waited for the banging to stop before he responded, “You should have thought of that before you tried to kill Sadie."

"At least that bitch is dead.” Rodney let out a haggard laugh, a laugh meant to disguise panic. “Who needs her any way?"

"You made a big mistake,” Theo said. “By killing Sadie, you ruined any chance of going to the parallel world. Be sure to let me know what it's like in oblivion."

More profanity escaped from the trunk. Lora grimaced and looked away.

Theo joined the crowd kneeling over the body and made his way to Sadie's side. He drew in a somber breath. His eyes grew moist as he placed a knee on the ground and stared at the body.

"Nooo. Please, nooo. Don't go. Don't leave me,” Jane moaned, cradling the bleeding head. Tears flowed down her cheeks, dropping in small splats against her arm. She gently held the still hand, rubbing her cheek back and forth against the bruised skin. Her head dropped back as a piercing wail escaped.