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“They’ve been behind me for several blocks. They tried to play it off casual-like, but they just happened to make too many of the same turns as I did. I blew a few lights and got a lead on them, but it didn’t last. She yanked the wheel hard to the right, sending Bones crashing into the driver’s side door. Blaring horns and screeching tires drowned out Bones’ protest. Moments later, they rocketed across a bridge spanning the Seine.

“Nice view.” Bones gazed out over the water. “Kasey, once we shake these jokers, how about you and I go out for a romantic dinner?”

“No, I hate French food.”

Bones chuckles and looked back again. The sedan closed in on them again. They came down off the bridge and took a hard right, the BMW fishtailing as they rounded the curve, and soon they were flying along the banks of the Seine. Bones took in the serenity of the scene, where couples walked hand-in-hand by the slow-moving water, unaware that a deadly chase played out meters away from them.

A shot rang out, a bullet clanged off the wheel well closest to Bones. Kasey cursed and yanked the wheel hard to the left, and their car bounced over the low median and hurtled into the oncoming lane. A pair of smart cars parted like the Red Sea as the BMW shot between them. A horn blared and Bones looked up to see the grill of an oncoming box truck filling their windshield. Kasey cut the car back to the right, narrowly missing the truck. They bounced back over the median and onto the right side of the road.

“Holy crap, chick!” Bones shouted. “Nice maneuvering.” He looked back to confirm they’d gained ground on the sedan, but for how long?

“We’ve got to make it out of town if we’re going to catch our flight out of here.” Greg remained as calm as ever.

“Do you seriously think I don’t know that?” Kasey glanced at the rear view mirror and frowned when Bones caught her eye and winked. “I’m just trying to keep us alive.”

“And you’re doing a fine job. Keep it up.”

Another bullet struck the car, this one shattering the corner of the rear window.

Bones’ hand went to his hip, reaching for his Glock, which, of course, wasn’t there.

“Greg, remind me why we didn’t bring guns.”

“Because we were supposed to be burglars, not armed robbers. Also, getting them into the museum would have added another layer of difficulty.”

“Next time, I vote we take our chances with museum security. They don’t worry me nearly as much as the Dominion does.” Bones’ eyes remained glued on the pursuing car. Kasey was doing a good job keeping traffic between them, but she couldn’t manage to shake them.

“You’re forgetting the most important reason of all,” Greg said, his tone still serene.

“What’s that?”

“Tam said no.”

“Everybody grab what you’ve got!” Kasey cried.

Bones turned to see a massive stone arch barring their way. He had only seconds to take in the sheer size and spectacular artistry of the Arc de Triomphe before Kasey took them into the midst of the congested traffic circle that rounded the famed monument. He cursed as they barely missed sideswiping a Renault. Then, mostly to feel like he was doing something, he flipped off the driver of the car behind them, who blared his horn.

Kasey whipped the wheel back and forth until it was all Bones could do not to close his eyes as Kasey navigated the dense traffic. Greg even gripped the dashboard and pressed his brake foot against the floorboard. All around them, alarmed and angry drivers cursed and blew their horns as they tried to get out of the way of the BMW. Bones found himself holding his breath until, as quickly as they had entered the circle, they were out again, shooting south down the Champs Elysees.

The white sedan wasn’t so fortunate. Bones watched as the driver, stuck in the inside lane, tried to force his way out. His vehicle struck another car, fishtailed, and smashed headlong into one of the concrete pilings supporting the chain that ringed the Arc de Triomphe, coming to an abrupt halt amidst a cloud of steam and smoke.

“Sweet!” Bones gave Kasey’s shoulder a squeeze. “The Dominion might as well give up. We’re too much for them.”

Kasey managed a smile which melted away in a flash. “Nice going, Bones.”

"What did I do?"

"I think you just jinxed us." Kasey didn't need to elaborate. Up ahead, a two man helicopter hovered ten meters above street level. It turned broadside to the BMW and the man in the passenger side of the helicopter leveled a rifle at them and fired.

A bullet pinged off the BMW's hood and Kasey veered to the right, crossing back over the Seine and into the southern part of the city. She gunned the engine and the BMW leapt forward. Bones found himself fearing a crash almost as much as the Dominion helicopter, which followed behind them.

The chase went on for what seemed an eternity, Kasey barreling through Paris at a breakneck speed, weaving in and out of traffic, screeching around curves and even taking out a mailbox- an obnoxiously bright, yellow number that, in Bones estimation, had gotten exactly what it deserved. Meanwhile, the helicopter kept pace, sometimes deviating its course to avoid buildings, but always taking up the chase again. Periodically, the shooter sent a bullet their way. When the rear window exploded in a shower of glass, Kasey cried out in alarm and changed directions again, and the chopper temporarily disappeared from sight.

"If either of you has an idea about how to get out of here,” she said “now would be a good time to mention it.”

Brushing glass out of his hair, Bones looked around. They flashed past a familiar-looking sight: a statue of a lion. Where had he seen it before?

And then he remembered.

"If you can find a safe place nearby to stop, do it."

Kasey steered the car onto a narrow street and stopped halfway along the block. The helicopter would never make it through, but, without cover, they remained sitting ducks for the shooter.

"What now?" Greg asked, craning an ear toward the sound of the approaching chopper.

"Hop out and follow me." Bones sprang out and took off down the narrow street, eyes peeled, and hoping his memory of a particular episode of one of his favorite paranormal shows was accurate. If he was wrong, they were dead.

"Are we looking for something in particular?" Kasey called from behind him.

"A manhole cover. Here!" He dropped to one knee next to the heavy steel plate, worked his fingers into the slot in the center, and wrestled the cover free.

"You're stronger than I thought," Kasey said.

"Thanks. I’ll do some muscle poses for you later. Now get down there!"

The drone of the helicopter nearly drowned out his words. The Dominion had caught up with them again. As if announcing their presence, a bullet clipped the sidewalk inches from where Bones knelt.

Kasey blanched, but kept her composure as she disappeared down into the tunnel.

"You next." Bones held the manhole cover like a shield while Greg climbed into the hole. A bullet deflected off the solid steel plate, vibrating Bones’ arms all the way up to the elbow. Out of time, Bones clambered into the tunnel and dropped the cover back into place as a third bullet missed his hand by a hair’s breadth.

Daylight vanished, and they descended in total darkness. Time lost all meaning, and he was surprised when his feet hit solid ground. Finding his balance, he dug the Maglite out of his pocket and clicked it on, partially covering the beam with his fingers so as not to blind himself or his companions.

The thin slivers of light shone down a long stone corridor. The air was cool and heavy with the scent of stale water.

"This doesn't look like a sewer," Kasey whispered.

"It isn't," Bones said. "We're in the catacombs."