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Ford, Daniel. The Cult of the Atom: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
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Meng, Steve. The Nuclear Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Atlanta, GA: INPO, 2012.
Mohrbach, Dr.-Ing. Ludger. Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011 and Consequences for Fukushima and Other Nuclear Power Plants. Essen, Germany: VGB PowerTech, 2011.
Nelson, Larry. Boiling Water Reactor Basics. San Ramon, CA: GE Global Research, 2008.
Stevens, Gary L. NUREG-0651—Torus (Suppression Chamber) Portion of the Mark I Containment. NRC/RES/DE/CIB, 2011.
West, J. W., et al. EBWR: The Experimental Boiling Water Reactor. Chicago: Argonne National Laboratory, 1957.
Bunker, Merle E. Early Reactors. Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos Science Laboratory, 1983.
Harper, Johnny R. and Garde, Raymond. Decommissioning the Los Alamos Molten Plutonium Reactor Experiment (LAMPRE I). Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-9052-MS, 1981.
Harvey, David W., et al. Historical Context of the Omega Reactor Facility, Technical Area 2: Historic Building Report No. 234. Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2004.
Kiehn, R.M. LAMPRE: A Molten Plutonium Fueled Reactor Concept. Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos Science Laboratory, LA-2112, 1957.
Mahaffey, James A. E. I. Hatch Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Response Data Systems Maintenance Manual, Units 1 and 2. Atlanta, GA: GTRI, 1986.
Mahaffey, James A. The Future of Nuclear Power. New York: Facts On File, 2012.
Writing Atomic Accidents was a complicated project with several opportunities to blunder per page, and I am grateful to everyone who helped me through it, particularly my three long-term friends with PhDs in physics, Don Harmer, Doug Wrege, and Monte Davis. Monte’s wife, Nancy, a natural-born editor without mercy, alone found over 1,000 misspellings, wrong words, and typos, and she re-inserted most of the hyphens she had taken out of Atomic Awakening. Deepest thanks to Chris Rowe, retired from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, and Kamara Sams, in Environmental Communications at the Boeing Company, for setting me straight about the Sodium Reactor Experiment and SSFL. I appreciate Jarmok Kivinen for his inside look at Finland during the Chernobyl-4 disaster. I offer a shout-out to all who participate in the American Nuclear Society Social Media for providing me with more material on Fukushima than I could possibly use, and to the entire crew at the Georgia Tech Research Institute who participated in project A-3026 thirty years ago. Sincere thanks to my superb editor at Pegasus Books, Jessica Case, to Suzie Tibor, photograph researcher, Bobbi McCutcheon, line-drawing artist, Phil Gaskill, eagle-eyed proofreader, to Maria Fernandez for the beautiful layout, and to the world’s best literary agent, Jodie Rhodes. Writing this book would not have been possible without my wife and my muse, Carolyn Mahaffey, and the quiet encouragement from Turtle and Lance.