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Lowe, Peter 103–106

Macaulay, Bert 184–185, 188, 195

MacCallum, Mungo 262–263

MacDougall, Walter

on Aboriginal social dislocation 179–180, 187, 189

compassion for Indigenous people 178–179, 189

as Native Patrol Officer 80, 178–183, 184, 185–188, 191

opposition to Giles weather station 170–171, 184

Madigan, Michele 198

major trials

defined 315–316g

list of sites and dates 312

see also Operation Antler; Operation Buffalo; Operation Hurricane; Operation Mosaic; Operation Totem

Malone, Paul 32, 273

Manhattan Project

British physicists’ role 34–35, 45

development of the atomic bomb 2, 8, 34–35, 45–46

role of secrecy 46–47

Maralinga (musical composition) 310

Maralinga (Nunn) 310

Maralinga (play) 310

Maralinga (Walker) 306

Maralinga Board of Management 97

Maralinga Consultative Group 272, 283

Maralinga Experimental Programme 118–119, 133, 165, 167

Maralinga guinea pigs 102–106

Maralinga My Love (Johnston) 310

Maralinga rehabilitation see clean-up activities

Maralinga Rehabilitation Technical Advisory Committee (MARTAC) 229, 282, 301–302, 307

Maralinga site

location xvi, 11–12

management 97

naming 1–2, 93

number of personnel at 97–98

search for and development of 92–93, 96

see also clean-up activities; plutonium residues at Maralinga

Maralinga tests

Australian scientists’ participation in 96

demands for full inquiry 264, 270

formal UK–Australia agreement (1956) 4–5, 93–96, 227, 292

observers’ access to 215, 216–217, 222

responsibility for radiological safety 97–98

violation of agreed firing conditions 100–102

see also Kittens trials; Operation Antler; Operation Buffalo; plutonium residues at Maralinga; radioactive contamination; Rats trials; Tims trials; Vixen A trials; Vixen B trials

Maralinga Tjarutja Land Rights Act 1984 174

Maralinga Tjarutja people 14, 174, 176, 272, 283

Maralinga Tours 199, 306

Marcoo test site 100, 103, 192, 234, 238

Marla Bore 174, 271

Marqueur, Rudi 192

Marston, Hedley 7, 151–153

MARTAC (Maralinga Rehabilitation Technical Advisory Committee) 229, 281, 282, 301–302, 307

Martell, Hugh 157–158, 173

Martin, Leslie

as chair of AWTSC 88, 141, 152, 155–156, 158–159, 169, 277

as Defence Scientific Adviser 77, 94, 141, 147–149

National Radiation Advisory Committee and 161

Matthewman, Albert 154

Maud Committee 35, 41–45, 53, 54, 56, 60

Mayes, Kym 289

Mazel, Odette 175, 176

McBride, PA 68, 146, 210, 213–214

McCadden, GE 220

McClellan, Peter 73, 117, 129, 133, 230, 240, 243

McClelland, James 31, 66, 136, 143–144, 162, 164, 171, 271–272

McClelland Royal Commission see Royal Commission into British Nuclear Tests in Australia

McGowan, Peter 301

McLean, JT 116

McMahon Act 50, 53, 58, 62, 90, 135

McRae, Isabelle 308

measles epidemic 194, 198

media management

by Beale 72–73, 87–89, 107, 108–109, 112

alleged preferential treatment for British media 215–216, 217

public relations aspects 107, 213, 216, 219–220

of Vixen B trials 116–117, 124–125

see also D-notice system

media reporting

overview 8–9, 14–15, 17–18, 125, 248–249

of British deceit 288–289, 291–294

of Mosaic G2 fallout 88–89

of New Scientist story 289, 293–294

of radioactive contamination 248–249, 250, 251–254, 256–263, 265–266

of sampling babies’ bones 302–303

of Vixen B trials 124–126, 225

see also D-notice system; Anderson, Ian; Toohey, Brian; names of specific newspapers

Meitner, Lise 36, 38, 41

Memorandum of Arrangements (1956) 93–94, 227, 292

Menzies, Robert

acceptance of Attlee’s request 3–4, 6, 64, 67–68

on AWTSC membership 146–147

concern for Indigenous people’s safety 172

national security issues and 202–204

implementation of D-notice system by 209, 213, 217

on safety for Mosaic tests 153

signs formal agreement with UK (1956) 93–95

MEP (Maralinga Experimental Programme) 118–119, 133, 165, 167

Mildura, HMAS 68

Military Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD) Committee see Maud Committee

Milliken, Robert 123, 143, 144, 149, 246

Milpuddie family 192–193, 196

minor trials

Australian government’s lack of information about 31, 228

as breach of moratorium on nuclear weapons testing 121, 126, 129, 132–135, 240, 250–251, 254, 268

defined 316g

Indigenous people’s safety 195

Kittens 82–83, 94, 118

list of sites and dates 312

lack of media attention 125, 225

Rats 118

secrecy 116–117, 119, 124–125, 151

significance 116–118

Tims 118, 120, 255–256

Vixen A 127–128

see also Vixen B trials

Mintabie 197

Monte Bello Islands

clean-up operation 245–246

as prohibited area 69

selection and preparation of site 64–65, 68–70

Monte Bello tests

radioactive clouds 70, 87–89,112

secrecy surrounding 64–65, 68

see also Operation Hurricane; Operation Mosaic

moratorium on nuclear weapons testing

effect on major trials 112, 126, 225

informal UK/US/USSR agreement (1958) 126, 269

minor trials as breach of 121, 125–126, 129, 132–135, 240, 250–251, 254, 268

Moroney, John

analysis of Roller Coaster data 277–281, 283

anger at British deceit 279, 283–284, 287

as AWSTC secretary 16, 67, 151, 194, 228, 233–234, 235–237, 239

as source for New Scientist story 278, 281–282, 286–287

on Vixen tests 121, 129, 136, 146

Mosaic G1 and G2: 85–88, 109–110

Mount Lindsay 227

mushroom clouds 98–99

Nagasaki 2, 8, 35, 48–49, 57, 59, 299, 307

Narvik, HMS 71, 155, 156–157

National Radiation Advisory Committee (NRAC) 161

National Times 31, 265–266

Native Patrol Officers 178, 184

New Journalist 269

New Scientist story

Anderson’s investigative reporting 275–277, 284–287, 295–296

impact on compensation negotiations 287–289, 290–291, 294–295

media discussion of 289, 293–294

Moroney’s contribution to 278, 281–282, 286–287

Newman, Kevin 253, 266

News 253–254

Newton, John 142

Ngapartji Ngapartji (play) 310

Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 30, 256

nuclear colonialism 3–5, 9–10, 171, 276, 300–301

nuclear espionage see spies and espionage

nuclear fission 36–38, 43, 54, 9, 157, 314g

nuclear physics research 5–6, 7, 22–23, 34, 36–40