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Burns, Peter & Williams, Geoff, interview with author, ARPANSA, Melbourne, 15 April 2004.

Butement, Alan, Chief Scientist, memorandum to Controller, Weapons Research Establishment, 8 June 1956, Malone files.

Clark, Emeritus Professor AM, Chair, AIRAC, letter to Barry Cohen, Minister for Home Affairs and Environment, 13 August 1984, Malone files.

Clarke QC, John, ‘British atomic tests’, in Department of Veteran Affairs, Review of Veterans’ Entitlements, Canberra, 6 January 2003, Chapter 16.

Commission of Enquiry into the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, ‘The D-notice system’, in Report on the Secret Intelligence Service, public edn, AGPS, Canberra, March 1995, Chapter 11.

Crouch, PC, Robotham, FJP & Williams, GA, ‘Submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Bill 2006; and the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) (Consequently Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006’, 25 October 2006.

Davoren, Patrick, personal correspondence with author, 13 May 2004.

Department of Education, Science and Training, ‘Rehabilitation of Former Nuclear Tests Sites at Emu and Maralinga (Australia) 2003’ (MARTAC Report), Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2002.

Department of Supply, notes of interdepartmental committee meeting to consider decision no. 69 (PM) Cabinet minute dated 26 August 1954, 6 September 1954, Malone files.

Dudgeon, Henry, confidential cable to Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 3 November 1978, National Archives of the UK, FCO 1/20.

Durie, R, Acting Secretary to Cabinet, Cabinet minute, decision no. 69, Prime Minister’s Committee, Canberra, 26 August 1954, Malone files.

Expert Committee on the Review of Data on Atmospheric Fallout Arising from British Nuclear Tests in Australia, Report (CB Kerr, Chair) (Kerr Report), 31 May 1984, Malone files.

Fadden, Arthur, ‘UK Atomic Test Woomera – D-notice to the Press’, letter to Press Chiefs, 26 June 1953, in JL Symonds, A History of British Atomic Tests in Australia, AGPS, Canberra, 1985, p. 151.

Foulkes, JN & Thompson, DS, ‘A Biological Survey of the Maralinga Tjuratja Lands, South Australia, 2001–2007’, Science Resource Centre, Information, Science and Technology Directorate, Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australia, December 2008.

Fraser, Malcolm, Prime Minister of Australia, letter to South Australian Premier Don Dunstan, 12 February 1979, Malone files.

Garland, RV, Minister for Supply, letter to P Howson, Minister for the Environment, Aborigines and the Arts, Canberra, 2 February 1972, Malone files.

Hamilton, Archie, House of Commons, Debates, vol. 222, 1 April 1993, cc. 650–651, <hansard.millbanksystems.com/commons/1993/apr/01/atomic-test-site-south-australia#column_650>. Accessed 23 March 2016.

Harman, JJ, Divisional Superintendent, Eastern Division, Western Australian Department of Native Welfare, cable to Secretary, Department of Supply, Melbourne, 1 May 1963, Malone files.

Kerr Report, see Expert Committee on the Review of Data on Atmospheric Fallout Arising from British Nuclear Tests in Australia.

Lokan, KH, Head of ARL, evidence to Joint Committee on Public Works, 23 February 1995, in minutes of evidence relating to Maralinga Rehabilitation Project, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1995.

Lokan, KH & Williams, GA, ‘Maralinga – Radiological Safety for APS Personnel’, first prepared June 1988, revised January 1995, attachment to PC Crouch, FJP Robotham & GA Williams, ‘Submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Bill 2006; and the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) (Consequently Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006’, 25 October 2006.

Macaulay, R, ‘Report on Mr. L. Beadell’, letter to Superintendent, Woomera, 17 April 1957, Malone files.

Macaulay, R, ‘Shell Lakes–Boundary Dam Patrol May–June 1959’, letter to Commissioner, Native Welfare, Perth, Western Australia, 12 January 1960, Malone files.

Macaulay, R, ‘Native Reserves of South-Western Central Australia – Their Future and Department of Supply Interest’, report for Weapons Research Establishment, Woomera, 28 March 1960, Malone files.

Macaulay, R, report to Superintendent, Woomera, 16 October 1963, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, reports to Superintendent, Woomera, 31 January 1952, 7 October 1953, 10 December 1953, July 1955, 11 October 1955, 16 January 1956, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, ‘Proposed Survey of Tribal Aborigines Living near the South Eastern Portion of the Central Reserve’, sent to Superintendent, Woomera, 3 March 1952, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, ‘Detailed Survey of the Jangkuntjara Tribe – Their Traditional Tribal Country and Ceremonial Grounds’, sent to Superintendent, Woomera, 2 March 1953, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, ‘Patrol at Ooldea’, minute paper for Department of Supply, 5 February 1954, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, letter to Secretary, Aborigines Protection Board, Adelaide, November 1954, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, Native Patrol Officer, letter to Superintendent, Woomera, 4 November 1955, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, ‘Report on Patrol to Central Reserve Including That Area Recently Excised for the Use of the South West Mining Company’, letter to Commissioner, Native Welfare, Western Australia, 3 August 1956, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, ‘Report on Patrol in Connection with Maralinga Tests 3rd September, to 13th October, 1957’, report to Superintendent, Woomera, 18 October 1957, Malone files.

MacDougall, WB, ‘Report on Patrol to Rawlinson Ranges 6th to 30th January, 1958’, report to Superintendent, Woomera, 25 February 1958, Malone files.

Maralinga Peace Officer Guard, ‘Native Movement – Maralinga’, letter to Deputy Superintending Peace Officer, Adelaide, 16 May 1957, Malone files.

Maralinga Rehabilitation Project, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, minutes of evidence, 1995.

MARTAC Report, see Department of Education, Science and Training.

Ministry of Defence (UK), draft telegram prepared 29 April 1955 and received by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 4 May 1955, National Archives of the UK, FCO 1/8.

Moroney, John, cable to HJ Brown, Controller, Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury, 2 December 1957, Malone files.

Moroney, John, letter to Patrick Davoren, 28 November 1991.

Moroney, John, ‘Aide Memoire on Health Control and Surveillance in the Nuclear Tests in Australia’, unpublished briefing document, ARL, 24 December 1992.

Moroney, John, ‘Aide Memoire on the Nuclear Tests in Australia in the Context of the British Weapons Development Program’, unpublished briefing document, ARL, 24 December 1992.

Moroney, John, annotated draft of Ian Anderson’s New Scientist story, unpublished, 2 June 1993, Anderson files.

Moroney, John, ‘Statement on the Disagreement in the Plutonium Data at Maralinga in the Discussion with the Australian Editor of New Scientist’, briefing for Geoff Williams & Pat Davoren, 3 June 1993.

O’Connor, FA, ‘Atomic Tests in Australia – Report of Inter-Departmental Committee’, briefing note for Minister for Supply, 29 September 1954, Malone files.

Pearce, Noah, ‘Final Report on Residual Radioactive Contamination of the Maralinga Range and the Emu Site’, AWRE report no. 01–16/68 (Pearce Report), UK Atomic Energy Authority, January 1968. Edited version released by Australian Department of National Development, May 1979. Full version tabled by Australian Senate, May 1984.