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Page numbers followed by ‘g’ indicate glossary entries.

A-bomb 48–49, 58–60

ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission/Corporation) 17, 287, 291, 302

Aboriginal communities and people see Indigenous people

Adams, Charles 70, 111, 155–156, 158, 163

Adams memorandum 163

Advertiser 17, 251–253, 268–269

Advisory Committee on Atomic Energy 55

Advisory Committee on Uranium 39

The Age 89, 150, 213, 289, 304

agreement on contamination responsibility (1968) 16, 26, 244, 276, 281–282, 291–292

AIRAC (Australian Ionising Radiation Advisory Council) 141, 270

AIRAC-9 Report 19, 270

Aldermaston see AWRE

Alpha Island (Monte Bello) 70, 87, 89

alpha radiation 13, 27, 313g

americium-241 27, 280

Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands 174–175

Anderson, Ian

on Australia’s duplicity 293

on Britain’s duty to pay compensation 288–289, 290–294

investigative reporting by 275–277, 284–287, 295–296

media interviews with 287, 288–289, 291–294

see also New Scientist story

Antler see Operation Antler

ARL (Australian Radiation Laboratory)

analysis of Roller Coaster data 277–278

radioactive contamination survey 13–18, 20–30, 280

see also ARPANSA

8ARPANSA (Australian Radiation

Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) 14, 198, 301

artistic responses to Maralinga tests 309–310

ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) 7, 151, 202–204, 223

ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service) 7, 224

Atomic Energy Act see McMahon Act