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Atomic Energy Research Establishment 53, 142, 302

atomic science see nuclear physics research

atomic tests in Australia see nuclear tests in Australia

atomic weapons research see nuclear weapons research

Atomic Weapons Research Establishment see AWRE

Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee see AWTSC

Attlee, Clement 3–4, 64

The Australian 266–267

Australian Associated Press (AAP) 218

Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) 19

Australian Broadcasting Commission/Corporation (ABC) 17, 287, 291, 302

Australian Financial Review 19, 256–257, 261–262, 266

Australian Ionising Radiation Advisory Council 141, 270

Australian Radiation Laboratory see ARL (Australian Radiation Laboratory)

Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency see ARPANSA

Australian Secret Intelligence Service 7, 224

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 7, 151, 202–204, 223

AWRE (Atomic Weapons Research Establishment)

awareness of plutonium levels 131–133, 281–282

babies’ bones analysis 302

balloon tests 111

British H-bomb project in the Pacific 84–85, 134

Bryant memo 133–134

deception over Vixen B trials 117, 131–133, 244–245, 282

Geneva Agreement and 126, 129, 132, 133, 135

knowledge of Roller Coaster tests 279, 280

Maralinga clean-up operations 230, 232–237, 240–243

Operation Antler 106, 111–112

redefinition of radioactive contamination 155–156

responsibility for radiological safety 97–98, 120, 122–123, 132–133, 154, 165, 167

role in Britain’s weapons building and testing 1, 53–54, 59, 66

Royal Commission’s criticism of 150–151

selection of Monte Bello site 64–65

Vixen B trials 120, 122–123, 125–126, 128, 129, 132–136, 282

see also Pearce Report; Penney, William

AWTSC (Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee)

acceptance of Pearce Report 16, 25

accusation of laxity against 233

Antler tests 160–163

censoring of criticism by 152–153

concerns about Vixen B trials 136

fallout monitoring methods 186

formation, role and composition 94, 140, 141, 146, 150–151

Giles meteorological station and 183–184

Mosaic tests 154–160

Titterton as chair 141, 143–144, 151, 161–169, 172, 190–191, 303

veto powers 94

Vixen A and B tests 165–169

Aylen, Jonathan 60

Ballis, DG 197

balloon tests 98, 111, 115–116, 127–128

Bannon, John 17, 19–20

Barnaby, Frank 307

Barnard, Lance 249, 264

Barry, James 268

Barton, Archie 289

Basic High Explosive Research 58–59

Bates, Daisy 175

Baxter, Phillip 141

BBC 295

Beadell, Len 12, 74–79, 92–93, 183, 190, 298

Beale, Howard

on Aboriginal safety 4, 187–188

on buried plutonium as terrorist threat 260

on closure of Ooldea Mission 177

information management by 72–73, 87–89, 107, 108, 112

kept in dark by Menzies 72

responsibility for development of Maralinga site 96

use of AWTSC as armour 152

beryllium 118, 127, 237

beta radiation 13, 313g

Bevin, Ernest 55–56

Beyond Belief (Cross and Hudson) 306

Bikini Atoll tests 59, 142, 220

Black Mist Burnt Country (exhibition) 310

‘black mist’ phenomenon 196–199

Blue Danube nuclear weapon 59–60, 62, 72, 101, 119, 307–308

Bohr, Niels 36, 41

Born, Max 56

Borschmann, Gregg 302

Bowers, Peter 258, 265

Britain see United Kingdom

‘Britain’s dirty deeds at Maralinga’ see New Scientist story

‘broken arrow’ scenario 119

Brooking, PW 133–136, 163

Brown, AS 148, 222

Brown, HJ 171, 190, 194

Brown, Paul 310

Bryant memo 133–134

Buchanan, AE 210, 216, 217–219, 221

Buckley, Dan 103–106

Buffalo see Operation Buffalo

Burnet, Macfarlane 161

Burns, Peter 14–18, 23, 32, 141, 280, 284–285, 289

Butement, Alan 1, 92–93, 141, 149, 161, 170–171, 184

Cabinet submission on buried plutonium 255–257

Cadogan-Cowper, GF 264–265

Calwell, A A 110, 189–190

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 107

Campania, HMAS 71

Canada 5, 51, 62–63

Canberra Times 273

Carrick, John 267

Cass, Moss 264

Cassels, AJH 64

Cavanagh, Jim 195

chain reaction, as concept 38–39

Cherwell, Lord 67, 149

Chifley, Ben 203, 207

Churchill (Manitoba) 5, 63

Churchill, Winston 6, 45, 49, 67–68

Clark, AM 270

Clarke, John 305

clean-up activities

1990s remediation plan 301–302

compensation from UK for 275–276, 283, 285–286, 287–292, 294–295

influence of Pearce Report on 228–230, 234–235, 237–239, 244

by MARTAC team 281

Operation Brumby 229, 233–237, 239

Operation Capelin 245–246

Operation Clean-Up 227–228

Operation Hercules 137–138, 229–233

Operation RADSUR 233–237, 282

role of AWTSC 228, 230–231

UK liability for 227, 260, 276, 291–292

cobalt-60 162–163

Cockcroft, John 41, 54

Cockram, Ben 148

Cold War 6–7, 201–202, 204–205, 206, 209, 211, 248

Commonwealth Relations Office 69, 133, 204,

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 207–208

Commonwealth X-Ray and Radium Laboratory 14

see also ARL (Australian Radiation Laboratory)

compensation for nuclear victims 174, 268–269, 304–305

compensation from UK for plutonium


Australia–UK negotiations 275–276, 283, 285–286, 287–292, 294–295

impact of New Scientist story 287–289, 290–291, 294–295

UK liability for 227, 260, 276, 291–292

Conkey, Howard 32, 273

contamination see plutonium residues at Maralinga ; radioactive contamination

Cook, William 66, 98, 134–135

Cooper, Malcolm 13–14, 16, 18, 22, 23

Costello, Mike 289

Coulter, John 253

cover-ups and deception

Australia’s duplicity 293, 300–301, 310

British deceit over plutonium residues 117, 131–133, 244–245, 282–283, 289, 290, 292–293

Pearce Report 228–229, 237–240, 244–245

Titterton’s concealment of radiation dangers 151, 163–169

see also secrecy

Crean, Simon 276, 283, 285–286, 288, 295

critical mass, as concept 38–39

CRO (Commonwealth Relations Office) 69, 133, 204

Cross, Roger 306

CSIRO 207–208

Cundeelee Mission 176, 185

D-notice system 313g

adoption and operation in Australia 205–207, 209–211, 213–214, 223–224, 313g

ASIO and 223

ASIS and 224

Australia–UK coordination 219–220

Australian press agencies and 219

Buffalo and Mosaic tests and 222–223

confirmation of existence 224