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effectiveness of 225

Hurricane tests and 213–218, 220–221

media compliance with 201, 209–210, 225, 269

Menzies’ input 209, 213, 217

preferential treatment for British media 215–217

press criticisms of 217–221

topics covered 215, 224

Totem tests and 221–222

in United Kingdom 205, 206

US press agencies and 219, 220–221

Davoren, Pat 281, 282, 290

Davy, Des 295

De Bruin, HJ 252

de Burgh, EC 217–218

Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952: 69, 89

Defence Department see Department of Defence

Defence, Press and Broadcasting

Committee 210, 213–214, 223–224

defence science in Australia 207–208

Defence Scientific Adviser 141, 147–149

Department of Defence 94–95, 167–168, 211, 252, 254, 255, 262, 263, 266

Department of Foreign Affairs 253

Department of Supply 94–95, 96–97, 128, 168, 178

deterministic effect 131, 313g

‘discrete mass’ of buried plutonium

presence of 255–256, 259–260, 262, 264

repatriation to the UK of 121, 137, 255–256, 259, 267, 292

terrorist threat posed by 255, 257–262

dosimeters 81–82, 160, 314g

Doutreband, R 209–210

Dudgeon, Henry 260

Duguid, Charles 177, 188, 195

Dunstan, Don 264, 267

duplicity see cover-ups and deception

Durance, Richard (Dick) 97, 163

Dutsche, E 252

Dwyer, LJ 141

Eames, Geoff 244

Eddy, Cecil 141

Eden, Anthony 93, 157

Edwards, Edward 241

Einstein, Albert 35–39

Eisenhower, Dwight 126

Elkin, AP 177

Emu Field

clean-up activities 229, 234, 237

concern for Indigenous people’s safety 173–176

Kittens tests 82–83, 94, 118, 237

Operation Totem tests 78–82

selection as test site 74–79

Ernabella Mission Aborigines

dislocation of 176

‘mystery disease’ among 194

radiation threat to 178, 180, 186, 191

see also Milpuddie family

espionage see spies and espionage

Evans, Gareth 267, 276, 283, 288

Evatt, HV (‘Doc’) 88–89, 108–109

Evetts, JF 207

Facing the Atomic Future (Titterton) 149–150

Fadden, Arthur 68, 88–89, 221–222, 223

Fairhall, Allen 164, 167

fallout 314g

Kerr Report on 270

Marston’s measurements 152–153

monitoring of 187

Titterton on dangers of 250

see also radioactive clouds; radioactive contamination

Farmer, Richard 223

Farrands, John 254

feather beds 12, 25, 115, 120, 121, 129, 137, 314g

Fernandez, Roy 253

film badges 81, 104, 105, 155, 160, 242, 314g

Financial Review see Australian Financial Review

fission see nuclear fission

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) 260, 308–309

Four Corners 17

Fraser, Malcolm 262, 264, 267

Fremantle, HMAS 86

Frisch, Otto 38, 39, 41–42

Frisch–Peierls Memorandum 39–41, 44

Fuchs, Klaus 46, 57–58, 59, 62

fusion 84, 157, 315g

G1 and G2 see Operation Mosaic

gamma radiation 13, 315g

Garland, Vic 249–250, 264

GEN.75: 55–56

GEN.163: 58–59, 71, 307

Geneva Agreement 112, 125, 126, 129, 132, 133, 135, 225

see also moratorium on nuclear weapons testing

Gerard 176

Giles weather station 170–171,184

Gorton, John 244

Gowing, Margaret 36, 42, 44, 54, 59, 65, 300

Green, Jim 301

Groves, Leslie 46, 48

H-bomb see hydrogen bomb

Hahn, Otto 36

Hailstone, Barry 252

half-life 24, 315g

Hall, Theodore (Ted) 50, 58

Hamilton, Archie 276, 289, 291–292

Harwell Atomic Energy Research Establishment

Hayden, Bill 254, 264

heavy water 43, 157

HER (High Explosive Research) 59, 307

Herald (Melbourne) 89, 212

Hercules 5: see Operation Hercules

Hermite Island (Monte Bello) 70

High Explosive Research (HER) 58–59, 307

Hindson, Matthew 310

Hinton, Christopher 54

Hiroshima 2, 8, 35, 48–49, 299

Hollis, Roger 58

Holt, Harold 223

Howard, John 301, 305

Hudson, Avon 17, 118, 137, 251–252, 269, 306

Hudson, Hugh 252

Hurricane see Operation Hurricane

Hyde Park Agreement 49

hydrogen bomb

British tests in Pacific 16, 106, 110, 154

veto on testing in Australia 85, 93–94, 150

IAEA see International Atomic Energy Agency

ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) 122, 127, 238, 301

in situ vitrification (ISV) 283, 301

Indigenous people

‘black mist’ phenomenon and 196–199

compensation paid to 174

concern for in test planning 170–173, 188, 191

Giles weather station and 170–171, 183

legal and political status 171

Maralinga Tjarutja people 14, 174, 176, 272, 283

numbers at risk 172, 180, 186

parliamentary questions on safety of 194, 195–196

protests in London by 289–290

radioactive contamination of 192–194, 196–199, 283, 292

removal from test sites 174, 176, 183, 191–193, 195–196

significance of Ooldea for 175–176, 182–183

social disruption and dislocation 176–178, 179–180, 181,184–185, 187, 189

traditional ways of life 173, 175, 177, 185

Woomera rocket project and 177

see also Ernabella Mission Aborigines; MacDougall, Walter; Milpuddie family

Indoctrinee Force 102–106, 112

information management 308–309 see also media management

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 125, 253, 256, 257, 301

International Commission on Radiological Protection 122, 127, 238, 301

international law

minor trials and 121, 125–126, 129, 132–135, 240, 250–251, 254, 268

major trials and 112, 126, 225

Non-Proliferation Treaty 30, 256

investigative reporting 248

see also Anderson, Ian; Toohey, Brian

ionising radiation 122, 130, 315g

Jehu, Iyer 107

Johnstone, Richard (Ric) 269

Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) 213–214, 223

Jones, Philip 288

Jones, WE 129

Junee, HMAS 86

Karangi, HMAS 64–65, 68, 86

Keating, Paul 30

Kennedy, Eric 209

Kerr, Charles 269

Kerr Report 176, 270

Killen, Jim 249, 250–251, 253, 254–256, 258–259, 261–263, 266

Kittens trials 82–83, 94, 118

Knott, John 168

Kwinana Construction Company 93

The Lancet 194

Langley, Paul 198

Lawrence, Ernest 49

Lennon, Lallie 197, 198

Lester, Yami 80, 197–198

Lim, Jay 308–309

Lloyd-Roberts, Sue 20

Lokan, Keith 15, 20, 131, 245

Long Range Weapons Establishment (LRWE) 75