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Tuff was leaning against the cowling that protected the starboard shaft.

He looked at his watch before replying. “If your lads have managed to keep their schedule, they should be getting ready to set the first grappling hook over the fantail railing on Three Deck. But, of course, in an operation as complex as this one, there are ever so many obstacles that could have popped up to delay them.”

“For our sakes, I sure hope those obstacles are few and far between,” said Thomas, glancing down at his own watch.

The deck wallowed in the grasp of yet another heavy swell. Thomas expressed himself with sincerity. “All of this wouldn’t have been possible without your help, Tuff. Your presence here is a godsend.”

“You’re the one who deserves all the accolades, Special Agent. It took an awfully brave man to attempt that HALO jump.”

There was a sudden concerned look on Tuffs face as he abruptly put his right index finger up to his lips and signaled toward the forward part of the compartment that they were no longer alone. Thomas alertly crouched down, just in time to see a single Asian male break from the shadows. Their most efficient escape route was now cut off, yet Thomas realized that they couldn’t run away regardless of this new threat. It was absolutely imperative that they remain here, beside the dual pitch-control levers, to keep the ship in place for the imminent arrival of the SEALs.

“It’s no use trying to conceal yourself,” said Dennis Liu as he cautiously transited the narrow catwalk, a Sterling submachine gun slung over his shoulder. “I know all about your little game to stop the ship, and now it’s time for you to pay the price for this futile gesture.”

Still hidden in the shadows, Thomas looked over at a crouching Tuff, and returned his concerned nod. Both of them knew that stalling for as much additional time as possible was their primary goal. Thomas pulled out his 9mm Clock in anticipation of the inevitable confrontation.

“Show yourself now, before I spray this whole compartment with lead,” warned Liu, a mere fifty feet away from his hidden adversaries.

As the terrorist brought his Sterling up, Tuff glanced over at Thomas and nodded once more. They proceeded to stand simultaneously, Thomas quick to aim his pistol at the terrorist’s broad chest.

“So there’s two of you,” observed Liu, showing not the least hint of concern or surprise. “And ship’s officers to boot. I should have expected as much.”

Liu aimed the long black barrel of his weapon at Thomas and took a tentative step forward. “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me the reason for this foolhardy act of insubordination? I mean, it’s not like this slowdown is affecting my schedule.”

Liu was unable to coax a word out of them. He resolutely shook his head.

“You’re the brave, silent type. I like that in an opponent.

I’ll tell you what. You put down that pistol, and I’ll do the same with my weapon. Then we can settle this like men, with bare fists. And because I’m feeling extra generous this evening, I’ll even let you take me on, two against one. Well, comrades, how do these terms grab you?”

“And if we don’t accept them?” returned Thomas, trying his best to feel this character out.

Liu grinned. “Don’t tell me, I bet you want me to tie one of my arms behind my back as well. No, comrade, I won’t give you that much of a handicap, as I won’t accept any less than a complete resolution of this act of insubordination. If you won’t fight me, then I’m willing to bet that I can cut down you and your friend, before you can take me out with your Clock.”

Thomas had no doubt that he could. In these close quarters, even a single ricocheting bullet could prove fatal. He accepted an affirmative nod from Tuff before conceding.

“Terms accepted,” he stated, slowly lowering his weapon.

Liu did likewise, and both of them deposited their armaments out of reach on the steel latticed decking. Continuing to prolong this entire confrontation to use up as much precious time as possible, Thomas looked at Tuff and asked, “Well, partner, how are your hand to-hand skills?”

“I learned a trick or two during my time with SBS,” admitted Tuff with confidence. “How about you?”

“I can handle myself,” Thomas answered, unwilling to reveal the black belt in karate that he had earned while in Air Force Special Operations.

Tuff spit into his open right palm and rubbed his hands together.

“Let’s give the bloke a decent chance. If you don’t mind, I’d like to do the honors.”

Thomas knew that such an arrangement would serve to use up more time, and he graciously beckoned for Tuff to proceed. Tuff stepped forward to a small, open landing, where he took up a basic fighting stance, with feet spread and fists cocked before his face.

Dennis Liu casually approached him, hands loosely at his side. To the unwary opponent, the terrorist didn’t appear to know the first thing about protecting himself. He merely stood there, a foot or so away from Tuff, his expression one of contrived innocence.

“Ah, SBS,” Liu teased in his best taunting manner. “I understand that you really showed those big bad Argentineans something down in the Malvinas. You Brits make me sick; imperialists to the core, always picking on the poor exploited masses. It’s too bad Herr Hitler didn’t make good his threatened invasion across the channel, so he could have thrown that feebleminded royal family of yours into the ovens, where they belonged.”

“Shut your filthy mouth, Chinaman!” returned Tuff, his are provoked.

“You can insult me all you want, but when you include the royal family, that’s where I draw the line.”

Tuff cocked back his right fist and threw a powerful punch toward his opponent’s jaw. Without raising his own fists in defense, Liu jumped aside and the punch met only air.

“You’re a quick little Chink, aren’t you?” said Tuff. He tested Liu with a probing left jab before letting loose with a wild combination of punches. Not a single blow landed, his opponent escaping this barrage with a series of quick, catlike moves that still didn’t necessitate the raising of his fists in self-defense.

“So, you want to play it cute, huh, Chinaman?” managed Tuff between gasps of air.

“Take your time and catch your breath first, Tuff,” advised Thomas from his position beside the port cowling.

The frustrated Englishman nodded in acknowledgment, yet moved in for another attack all the same. This time he started his flurry with a short left jab that was meant as a feint. Shifting his body’s center of gravity forward, he quickly cross-stepped his rear leg before raising his front foot for a roundhouse kick aimed at his opponent’s exposed groin.

Liu saw this sequence coming from the very first feint, and he displayed the degree of his martial-arts expertise by stepping aside and grabbing Tuff’s front foot with his right hand. All he had to do now was yank violently upwards to send Tuff crashing to the deck.

“Come on, SBS. Show me your stuff, you limey bastard,” taunted Liu.

Tuff took the bait. As he got to his knees, he lunged forward like a defensive tackle on an American football team. To escape this charge, Liu sprang upward into the air. As Tuff passed beneath him, he planted a firm elbow smack into the security officer’s forehead. The crack of this wicked blow clearly reverberated throughout the compartment, and Tuff crumpled to the deck for the ten count and much more.

“Bruce Lee was a pussy. Next,” said Liu.

Thomas sized up his opponent as adept in San Shou kung fu. A martial-arts form that was extremely popular with the Red Chinese Army, San Shou was a hybrid of kick boxing, grappling, joint locking and wrestling. The name itself meant the free application of all individual hand-to-hand combat skills, and Thomas knew that he’d have his hands full dealing with him.