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And an authority of people in such community was based on principle “practice is a criterion of true”, to which somehow everyone followed: both carriers of authority and others who recognized their authority.


In a big society not everyone knows everyone. This, first of all, slows information exchange processes, in which the principle “practice is a criterion of true” is realized in relation to process of formation and reproduction of administrative body.

Thereof the maintenance of administrative body’s adequacy to problems of social development becomes a problem if the administrative corps stands apart from other society on principles of corporate egoism and corporate ethics expressing this egoism, different from that ethics which dominating corporation offers to other society.

In such conditions as a rule it is impossible to base the authority of dominating corporation as a whole and its certain representatives on society’s free recognition of advantage of their activity on the basis of principle “practice is a criterion of true”.

Thereof in a crowd-“elitist” society the power has to create an authority artificially by means of:

purposefully forming personal culture of mental activity, that generates in the dependent society perverting worldview and world-understanding. Representatives of ideological sphere (formerly dogma-teachers sold themselves to “powerful ones of this world”) and educational system work on this;

PR-technologies – a system of presenting information to other society so, that regardless of power’s activity nature and its results, dependent society has a positive opinion about that power[14].

The first is a basis for the second, since the second indeed appears to be a concealment of truth, distribution of fragrant lie, inflating of significance of some events to distraction and turning values of really significant events down to a level of negligible. All its achieves its purposes only in the case, when in society it is spread widely enough such personal culture of mental activity, that generates inadequate worldview and world-understanding, on the basis of which: lie is undistinguishable from truth; socially useful thing appears harmful or basically non-practicable; insignificant seems to be great, great – insignificant, etc.

I.e. in big society, if it is crowd-“elitist”, authority of the individual is not necessary caused by his personal qualities, potential, deeds and adequacy of world-understanding of those for whom he became the authority. This circumstance is a consequence of apostasy from principle “practice is a criterion of true” during the process of reproducing the professional ruling body.


Presently, development of technique, means of communication, the main of which became TV and the Internet, creates an illusion of “a global village”, in which it is possible if not “to touch” everything, but to see at least. However, in this global virtual village it doesn’t met the main condition that provided the efficiency of principle “practice is a criterion of truth” in primitive community at reproduction of professional ruling body: in such global village there is no joint activity with direct dialogue of almost all members of global “community”.

Such virtual globalization is the basis for mass-media to mould “images of authorities” to order. And moreover, development of computer graphics will allow in the nearest future to put fictional characters of “cartoons” in a rank of authorities for crowd: notorious “Masyanya” (flash-cartoon hero, very popular in Russian Internet several years ago – ) according to low level of anthropomorphism, certainly doesn't pull on this status, but technical progress, development of interactive TV and the Internet, together with presence of “social order”, are able to generate not so comic virtual dolls, which will be capable to represent the so-called “real politics” for crowd. In other words, “Masyanya Glebovna Pavlovskaya” – may become a virtual reality, because a crowd is capable to accept even this authority as real leader and inspirer (Gleb Pavlovskiy is one of the most famous PR-specialist in Russia. He is the author of TV-program “Real Politics”).


If to correspond with types of psychical structure, then question about the so-called “real elite”, “pseudo-elite”, “counter-elite” appears absolutely in other light, instead of how it is represented nowadays by S. Valtsev (chess grandmaster, known at COB forums in the Internet under the nickname “Kotovskiy” (named after hero of Civil War in Russia 1918-1922)).

All cultures, in which irreversible stable human type of psychical structure is not regarded as the only norm for any adult individual and in which it is not achieved by the overwhelming majority of people up to beginning of their youth, are immature and perverted.

Disputes about who is “real elite” and who is not; whose authority is real and whose one is “artificial” and so on take place only in them, since:

on the basis of human type of psychical structure collectivity develops:

and within the collectivity:

everyone possesses equal human dignity, thus keeping and developing personal originality;

and all deeds of various people in collectivity are mutually necessary and mutually supplement each other in course of God’s of God's Providence.

In such conditions disputes on who is “real elite”; whose authority is valid and whose is false, are simply impossible, as it would be dropout of collectivity, because of loss of human type of psychical structure.

In conditions of crowd-“elitism”, reproduced by purposefully perverted culture in change of generations, system principles of erection of one or another social groups to the rank of “elite” or to the rank of “authority” are such, that bearers of human type of psychical structure can rest inside the “elite” or to be “authorities” in all layers of society, who are respected, supported and whose qualities people try to reproduce in themselves and in their children, only in contrary to these principles.

Bearers of human type of psyche system in crowd-“elitist” cultures are

anti-system elements.

Thereof crowd-“elitism” in whole as a system of social relations is somehow hostile to a real human and to manifestations of humanity by members of society; though also in it bearers of other types of psychical structure (with all their defects) have some human traits indeed.


In conditions of crowd-“elitism” the principle works: “Everyone works for himself in a measure of his understanding, and in a measure of his misunderstanding – for one who understands more”. By virtue of that God understands more than any, crowd-“elitism” existing within the limits of God's permission at all gets rid of itself since it generates many insolvable within it problems, which are murderous for a society inflexibly devoted to it. As an example, take the history of Byzantium and the Russian Empire.