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Bella drew down the skin along the long shaft, and encouraged the flood to end.

Clement's spendings were as thick and hot as they were plentiful, and squirt after squirt of spunk flew into the girl's mouth.

Bella swallowed it all.

"There is a new experience I must now instruct you, in my daughter, " said the Superior, as Bella next applied her soft lips to his burning member.

"You will find it productive of more pain than pleasure at first, but the ways of Venus are difficult, and only to be learnt and enjoyed by degrees. "

"I shall submit myself to all, my Father, " replied the girl; I know my duty now better, and that I am one of those favoured ones selected to relieve the desires of the good Fathers. "

"Certainly, my daughter, and you feel the bliss of heaven in advance while obeying our slightest wishes, and indulging all our inclinations, however strange and irregular they may be. "

With that he took the girl in his strong arms, and bore her once more to the couch, where he placed her on her face, thus exposing her naked and beautiful posteriors to the whole three.

Next, placing himself between the thighs of his victim, he pointed the tip of his stiff member at the small orifice between Bella's plump buttocks, and pushing forward his well-lubricated weapon by slow degrees, at the same tune began to penetrate her in this novel and unnatural manner.

"Oh, — my!-" cried Bella, "you are in the wrong place-it hurts.-Pray-oh! Pray-ah! Have mercy. Oh! pray spare me! Holy Mother! I die!"

This last exclamation was caused by a final and vigorous thrust on the part of the Superior, which sent his stallion member up to the hairs that covered the lower portion of his belly-Then Bella felt that he was up her body to his balls.

Passing his strong arm around her hips, he pressed close to her back; his stout belly rubbed against her buttocks, and his stiff member was kept thrust into her rectum as far as it would go. The pulsations of pleasure were evident throughout its swollen length, and Bella, biting her lips, awaited the movements of the man which she well knew he was about to commence in order to finish his enjoyment.

The other two priests looked on with envious lust, slowly frigging their big members the while.

As for the Superior, maddened by the tightness of this new and delicious sheath, he laboured at her round buttocks until, with a final lunge, he filled her bowels with his hot discharge. Then drawing his instrument, still erect and smoking, from her body, he declared that he had opened up a new route to pleasure, and recommended Ambrose to avail himself of it.

Ambrose, whose feelings during this time may be better imagined than described, was now rampant with desire.

The sight of his confreres enjoying themselves gradually produced a state of erotic excitement within him that it became necessary to quench as soon as possible.

"Agreed, " he cried, "I will enter by the Temple of Sodom, and you, meanwhile, shall fill with your sturdy sentinel the Halls of Venus. "

"Say rather of legitimate enjoyment, " rejoined the Superior with a grin. "Be it as you say; I should well like another taste of so tight a belly. "

Bella still lay upon her belly upon the couch: Her rounded posterior fully exposed, more dead than alive from the brutal attack which she had just suffered. Not a drop of the semen which had been injected into her so plentifully escaped from the dark recess, but below her slit still ran with the combined emission of the priests. Ambrose seized her.

Placed across the thighs of the Superior, Bella now found his still vigorous member knocking against the lips of her pink slit; slowly she guided it in, as she lowered herself upon it. Presently it all entered-she had it to the roots.

But now the vigorous Superior, passing his arms around her waist, drew her down upon him, and sinking backwards, brought her large and exquisite buttocks before the angry weapon of Ambrose, who straightway bore directly at the already well moistened aperture between their hillocks. A thousand difficulties presented themselves to be overcome, but at length the lecherous Ambrose felt himself buried in the entrails of his tender victim. Slowly he drew his member up and down the slippery channel. He spun out his pleasure and enjoyed the vigorous bounds with which his Superior was treating the fair Bella in front. Presently, with a deep sigh, the Superior reached his climax, and Bella felt him rapidly filling her slit with spunk. She could not resist the impetus, and her own overflowing mingled with those of her assailant. Ambrose, however, had husbanded his resources, and now held the pretty girl in front of him, firmly impaled upon his huge affair. In this position Clement could not resist the opportunity, but watching his chance while the Superior was wiping his person, he drove himself in front of Bella, and almost immediately succeeded in penetrating her belly, now liberally bedewed with their slippery leavings. Enormous though it was, Bella found means to receive the red-haired monster which now stretched her delicate body with its entire length, and for the next few minutes nothing was heard but the sighs and lustful moans of the combatants. Presently their motions grew harder, Bella expected every moment would be her last. The huge member of Ambrose was up her posterior passage to his balls, while the gigantic truncheonof Clement made all frothagainwithinherbelly. The child was supported between the two, her feet fairly off the ground, and, subject, to the blows, first in front and then behind, with which the priests worked their excited engines in their respective channels. Just as Bella commenced to lose her consciousness, she became aware by the heavy breathing and the tremendous stiffness of the brute in front that his discharge was coming and the next moment she felt the hot injection flow from the gigantic prick in strong and viscid jets. "Ah! I spend" cried Clement, and with that he squirted a copious flood up little Bella, to her infinite delight. "Mine's coming too, " shrieked Ambrose, driving home his vigorous member, and pouring a hot jet of his spunk into Bella's bowels at the same time. Thus the two continued disgorging the prolific contents of their bodies into that of the gentle girl, while she experienced the double flood, and swam in a deluge of delights. Anyone would have supposed that a flea of average intelligence only would have had enough of such disgusting exhibitions as I have thought it my duty to disclose; but a certain feeling of friendship as well as sympathy for the young Bella impelled me still to remain in her company. The event justified my anticipations, and as will hereafter appear, determined my future movements. Three days only elapsed ere the young lady met the three priests by appointment in the same place. On this occasion, Bella had taken extra care in regard to her toilet, and the result was that she now appeared more enchanting than ever, in the prettiest of silk dresses, the tightest of kid-boots, and the tiniest of lovely and well- fitting gloves. The three men were in raptures, and Bella was received in so warm a manner that already her young blood mounted hot to her face with desire. The door was promptly secured, and then down went the nether garments of the reverend fathers, and Bella, amid the mingled caresses and lascivious touches of the trio, beheld their members baldly exposed and already menacing her. The Superior was the first who advanced with the intention of enjoying her. Boldly placing himself in front of her little form, he bore roughly against her, and taking her in his arms, covered her mouth and face with hot kisses. Bella's excitement equalled his. By their desire, Bella denuded herself of her drawers and petticoats, and retaining only her exquisite dress, silk stockings, and pretty kid-boots, offered herself to their admiration and lascivious touches. A moment later and the Father, sinking deliciously upon her reclining figure, had pushed himself to the hairs in her young charms, and remained soaking in the tight conjunction with evident gratification. Pushing, squeezing, and rubbing against her, the Superior commenced delicious movements, which had the effect of raising both his partner's susceptibilities and his own. His prick, in its increased size and hardness, bore evidence of this. "Push, oh! Push me harder, " murmured Bella. Meanwhile Ambrose and Clement whose desires could ill brook the delay, sought to engage some portion of the girl's attention.