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But now the Priest commenced his course in earnest. With strong and regular thrusts he buried himself in the tender form beneath him. He pressed hotly forward; Bella threw her white arms round his brawny neck. His balls beat upon her plump bottom, his tool was up her to the hairs, which, black and crisp, plentifully covered his big belly.

"She has it now; look, Verbouc, at your niece. See, how she relishes the administrations of the church. Ah, what pressures! How she nips me in her tight, naked little cunt. "

"Oh, my dear, dear. Oh! good Father, fuck on, I am spending; push, push it in. Kill me with it, if you like, but keep moving. So! Oh! Heavens. Ah! Ah! How big it is; how you enter me!"

The lounge fairly worked again, and cracked beneath his rapid strokes.

"Oh, God!" cried Bella "he's killing me-it's really to muuh-I die-I am spending, " and with a half shriek, the girl went off and flooded the thick member which was so deliciously forging her-a second time.

The long prick grew hotter and harder. The knob swelled also, and the whole tremendous affair seemed ready to burst with luxury. The young Bella moaned incoherent words, in which the word fuck was alone audible.

Ambrose, also fully prime, and felling his great affair nipped in the young parts of the girl, could hold out no longer, and catching hold of Bella's bottom with both hands, he pressed inwards the whole tremendous length and discharged, shooting the thick jets of his fluid, one after another, deep into his play-fellow.

A roar like that of a wild beast escaped him, as he felt the hot spunk spout from him.

"Oh! it comes; you are flooding me. I feel it. Oh! delicious!"

Meanwhile the Priest's prick bore hard up into Bella's body, and its swollen head continued to inject its pearly seed right into her young womb.

"Oh, what a quantity you have given me, " remarked Bella, as she staggered to her feet and beheld the thick, hot fluid running, in all directions down her legs. "How white and slippery it is. "

This was exactly the condition of affairs which Uncle most coveted, and he, therefore proceeded leisurely to avail himself of it. He regarded her beautiful silk stockings all drabbled; he pushed his fingers between the red lips of her young cunt and rubbed the exuding semen all over her hairless young belly and thighs.

Placing his niece conveniently before him, Mr. Verbouc exposed once more his stiff and hairy champion, and roused by the exceptional circumstances he so much delighted in, he contemplated with eager zeal the tender parts of the young Bella, all covered as they were with the discharge of the Priest, and still exuding thick and copious gouttes of his prolific fluid.

Bella, at his desire, opened her legs to her utmost. Her uncle eagerly pushed his naked person between her plump young thighs.

"Hold still, my dear niece. My prick is not so thick, nor so long as Father Ambrose's, but I know well how to fuck, and you shall try whether your Uncle's spunk is not as thick and pungent as any ecclesiastic's. See, how stiff I am. "

"Ah! how you make me long, " said Bella, "I can see your dear thing waiting for its turn; how red it looks. Push me, Uncle, dear, I am ready again, and good Father Ambrose has plentifully oiled the way for you.

The hard and red-headed member touched the parted lips, all slippery as they were already, the spex readily enters-the big shaft quickly follows, and with a few steady thrusts, behold this exemplary relative buried to the balls in his niece's belly, and lolling luxuriantly in the reeking evidence of her previous unholy enjoyment of Father Ambrose.

"My darling Uncle, " exclaimed the girl, "remember whom you fuck. It is no stranger, it is your brother's child-your own niece. Fuck me then. Uncle, give me all your strong prick-fuck! Ah, fuck, fuck, till your incestuous stuff pours into me. Ah, ah! Oh!!" and overpowered with the salacious ideas she conjured up, Bella gave way to the most unbridled sensuality, to the great delight of her Uncle.

The strong man, content in the gratification of his favourite lechery, deals his rapid and powerful strokes. Swimming as was the condition of his fair opponent's slit, it was so naturally small and tight and he found himself clipped in the most delicious way by the narrow opening, and his pleasure rapidly advanced.

Verbouc rose and fell upon the delicious body of his young niece; he drove fiercely inwards at every bound, and Bella clung to him with the tenacity of yet unsated lust. His prick grew hard and hot.

The titillation soon became almost insupportable. Bella herself enjoyed the incestuous encounter to the utmost, until with a sob Mr. Verbouc fell forward spending upon his niece, while the hot fluid spouted from him, and again inundated her womb. Bella also reached the climax and while she felt and welcomed the powerful injection, gave down as equally ardent proof her enjoyment.

The act being thus completed, Bella was permitted to make the necessary ablutions, and then after a revivifying glass of wine round, the three sat down, and concerted a devilish plot for the defilement and enjoyment of the beautiful Julia Delmont.

Bella avowed that Mr. Delmont was certainly amorous of her, and evidently only wanted an opportunity to push matters on towards his object.

Father Ambrose confessed that his member stood straight out at the bare mention of the fair girl's name. He confessed her, and he now laughingly acknowledged that he could not keep his hands off himself during the ceremony; her breath caused him agonies of sensual longing, it was perfume itself.

Mr. Verbouc declared himself equally anxious to revel in such tender sweets of which the description made him wild with lust, but how to carry the plot into execution was the question.

"If I ravished her without preparation, I should burst her parts, " exclaimed Father Ambrose, displaying once more his rubiconed machine, smoking yet with the unremoved evidence of his last enjoyment. "I couldnothave herfirst.I needtheexcitementofaprevious copulation, "obj

"I should like to see the girl well ravished, " said Bella. "I should watch the operation with delight and when Father Ambrose has rammed his big thing into her, you, Uncle, could be giving me yours to compensate me for the gift we were making in favour of the pretty Julia. " "Yes, that would be doubly delicious. " "What is to be done, " exclaimed Bella. "Holy Mother! how stiff your thing is again, dear Father Ambrose. "

"An idea occurs to me which gives me a violent erection only to think of; put in practice it would be the acme of lust, and consequently of pleasure. " "Let us hear, " exclaimed both at once. "Wait a moment, " said the holy man, suffering Bella lightly to skin down the purple head of his tool and tickle the moist orifice with the tip of her tongue.

"Listen to me, " said Ambrose. "Mr. Delmont is amorous of Bella there. We are amorous of his daughter, and our child here, who is now sucking my weapon, would like the tender Julia to have it thrust up to her vitals, just by way of giving her wicked salacious little self an extra dose of pleasure. So far we are all agreed. Now give me your attention, and for the moment, Bella, let go my tool. This is my plan. I know the little Julia is not insensible to her animal instincts-in fact, the little devil already feels the pricking of the flesh. A little persuasion and little mystification would do the rest. Julia will consent to have relief from those gentle pangs of canal appetite. Bella must bring her on and encourage the idea. Meanwhile Bella can lead the dear Mr. Delmont further on. She may allow him to declare himself, if he will; in fact this is necessary to the success of the plot; I must than be called in; I will suggest that Mr. Verbouc is a man above all vulgar prejudices, and that for a certain sum to be agreed upon he will surrender his beautiful and virgin niece to his impassioned embraces. " "I hardly know about that, " commenced Bella. "I don't see the object, " interposed Mr. Verbouc. "We shall be no nearer the attainment of our aim. "