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When Bella's uncle made the announcement that evening that the bargain had been struck, and the affair duly arranged, there was great rejoicing among the conspirators.

Father Ambrose immediately took possession of the maidenhead, and driving in to the girl the whole length of his member, proceeded, as he explained it, to keep the place warm, while Mr. Verbouc, reserving himself, as usual, until his "confrere" had done, afterwards attacked the same mossy fort, as he facetiously expressed it, just to oil the passage for his friend. Then the whole of the details were finally arranged, and the party broke up, confident in the success of their stratagem.


Ever since the meeting in the green lane with the rustic whose simplicity had so much interested her. Bella had dwelt upon the expressions he had used, and the extraordinary avowal of his parent's complicity in his sensuality. It was clear that his mind was simple almost to idiocy, and from his remark; "Father's not so clever as me, " she assumed that the complaint was congenital, and wondered if the father really possessed the same, or-as declared by the boy-even greater proportions in his organs of generation.

I plainly saw, by her habit of thinking partly aloud, that Bella did not reckon upon her Uncle's opinion, or stand any longer in fear of Father Ambrose. She was doubtless resolved to follow her own course, whatever it might be, and I was not, therefore, at all astonished when I found her wending her way the following day at about the same hour in the direction of the meadows.

In a field hard by the spot where she had beheld the sexual encounter between the horse and his mate, Bella discovered the lad engaged in some simple agricultural operation, and with him was another person, a tall and remarkably dark man, of about forty-five years of age.

Almost as soon as she saw them, the lad observed the young lady, and running toward her, after apparently a word of explanation with his companion, he showed his delight by a broad grin.

"That's Father, " said he, pointing over his shoulder, "come and frig him. "

"For shame, you naughty boy, " said Bella, much more inclined to laugh than to be angry. "How dare you use such language?"

"What did you come for?" asked the boy. "Did you come for fucking?"

By this time they had reached the man, who stuck his spade into the ground, and began to grin at the girl in very much the same fashion as his son.

He was strong and well built, and by his manner Bella could see the boy had told him the particulars of their first meeting.

"Look at Father, ain't he a randy one?" remarked the youth. "Ah! You should see him fuck!"

There was no attempt at disguise; the two evidently understood each other and grinned more than ever. He seemed to accept it as a huge compliment, but he cast his eyes upon the delicate young lady, the like of whom he had probably never met before, and it was impossible to mistake the look of sensuous longing which shone in his large black eyes.

Bella began to wish she had never come.

"I should like to show you Father's big doodle, " said the lad. and suiting the action to word, he commenced to unbutton the trousers of his respectable parent.

Bella covered her eyes, and made a movement in retreat. Instantly the son stepped behind her. Her refuge in the lane was thus cut off.

"I should like to fuck you, " exclaimed the Father, in a hoarse voice. "Tim would like to fuck you as well, so you must not go away yet. Stop and be fucked!"

Bella was really frightened.

"I cannot, " she said; "indeed you must let me go. You must not hold me like that: you must not drag me along; let me go. Where are you taking me?"

There was a small building in the corner of the field, and they were now at the door. Another second and the pair had pushed her inside and shut the door, lowering a large wooden bar across it afterwards as they entered.

Bella looked round and saw that the place was clean and half-filled with hay in trusses. She saw that resistance would be useless. It would be best to be quiet, and perhaps, after all, the strange pair would not hurt her. She noticed however, that the trousers of both stuck out in front, and doubted but that their ideas were in harmony with their excitement.

"I want you to see Father's cock; my gum! you ought to see his cods, too. " Once more the lad began unbuttoning his father's breeches. Down went the flap and out stuck his shirt with something under it, which caused it to bunch up in a curious manner. "Oh, do hold still, Father, " whispered the son; "let the lady see your doodle. "

With that he raised the shirt, and exposed in Bella's face a fiercely erected member with a broad plum-like nut, very red and thick, but not of very unusual length. It had a considerable bend upwards, and the head, which divided down the middle by the tightness of the frenum, bent still further back towards his hairy belly. The shaft was immensely thick, rather flat and hugely swollen.

The girl felt her blood tingle as she looked upon it. The nut was a large as an egg-plump, and quite purple. It emitted a strong smell. The lad made her approach, and pressed her white, lady-like little hand upon it. "Didn't I tell you it was bigger than mine, " continued the boy, "look here; mine is not nearly as thick as Father's. " Bella turned. The boy had his trousers open and his formidable penis in full view. He was right-it could not compare with his father's for size.

The older of the two now caught her round the waist. Tim also essayed to cling to her, and to get his hand under her clothes. Between them she swayed to and fro. A sudden push cast her upon the hay. Then up went her skirts. Bella's dress was light and wide, she wore no drawers. No sooner did the two catch sight of her plump, white legs than they snorted again, and both threw themselves on her together. A struggle now ensued. The Father, much heavier and stronger than the boy, got the advantage. His breeches were about his heels; his big, fat prick was out and wagged within three inches of her navel. Bella opened her legs, she longed for a taste of it. She put down her hand. It was hot as fire, and as hard as a bar of iron. Mistaking her intention, the man rudely withdrew her arm, and roughly helping himself, put the tip of his penis to the pink lips. Bella opened her young parts all in her power, and with several forcible lunges the peasant got about halfway in. Here his excitement overcame him, and a terher. He discharged violently, getting right up rifle stream of very thick fluid spouted into her as he did so until the big nut lay against her womb, and he sent a quantity of his semen into it.

"Eh, you are killing me, " cried the girl, half smothered, "what is all that you are pouring into me?"

"That's the spunk; that's what that is, " remarked Tim, as he bent down and watched the operation delightedly. "Didn't I tell you, he was a good 'un to fuck. "

Bella thought the man would now get off, and allow her to rise, but she was mistaken; the large member which was now crammed into her only seemed to grow more rigidly stiff, and to stretch her worse than ever.

Presently the peasant began to work himself up and down, pushing cruelly into Bella's young parts at each descent. His enjoyment appeared to be extreme. The discharge which had already taken place caused his truncheon to slip in and out without difficulty, and made the soft region foam with the rapid movement.

Bella gradually became dreadfully excited. Her mouth opened, her legs went up and her hands were convulsively clenched on either side. She now favoured every effort and delighted to feel the fierce plunges with which the sensual fellow buried his reeking weapon in her young belly.

For a quarter of an hour the conflict raged on both sides. Bella had discharged frequently, and was on the point of giving down a warm emission, when a furious spouting of semen rushed from the man's member and inundated the young lady's parts. The fellow then rose, and withdrawing his dripping prick, from which the last drops of his plentiful ejection were still exuding, he stood moodily contemplating the panting figure he had released.